Jamaica has 675,000 squatters
Published: Friday | February 13, 2009
A preliminary survey by the Ministry of Housing has found that a quarter of Jamaica's population live in squatter settlements, according to Dr Horace Chang, minister of housing.
That 25 per cent translates to 675,000 of Jamaica's 2.7 million population.
Chang, speaking at a National Housing Trust function at the top of the month, said the government was committed to ensuring that low-income persons are brought into the formal housing market. The Housing Agency of Jamaica (HAJ) Limited, formerly National Housing Development [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Corporation[/COLOR][/COLOR], is executing agency for the squatter regularisation programme. The HAJ has some 100 schemes on its books.
Published: Friday | February 13, 2009
A preliminary survey by the Ministry of Housing has found that a quarter of Jamaica's population live in squatter settlements, according to Dr Horace Chang, minister of housing.
That 25 per cent translates to 675,000 of Jamaica's 2.7 million population.
Chang, speaking at a National Housing Trust function at the top of the month, said the government was committed to ensuring that low-income persons are brought into the formal housing market. The Housing Agency of Jamaica (HAJ) Limited, formerly National Housing Development [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Corporation[/COLOR][/COLOR], is executing agency for the squatter regularisation programme. The HAJ has some 100 schemes on its books.