Yes sustained economic growth (and development) is key.. but this will NOT happen without social capital being built and expanded... this is the typical myopic oversight manifested by Jamaica's business and political elite.
Economic growth crucial, says Chen - Should dominate social-partnership talks
Published: Sunday | February 8, 2009

ChenPRESIDENT OF the Jamaica Employers' Federation, Wayne Chen, says "rapid economic growth" must be the central theme of the current social-contract discussions involving the Government and stakeholder groups.
Going forward "will require a deeper level of mutual understanding and the making and keeping of commitments that lead to greater levels of trust and cooperation," Chen argues in a Sunday Gleaner article. He adds that the sacrifice required for sustained national development must be "equitably shared".
In this regard, Chen expects the Government to be efficient, responsive and accountable; and the business sector to aim at being "world-class", while remaining committed to nation building. "More business leaders need to recognise that efficient management is enlightened management and that happy workers are more efficient and productive," Chen advises.
Chen's comments coincide with the recent research conducted by the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CaPRI), which found support for the resumption of social-partnership dialogue between the relevant stakeholder groups.
Based at OPM
CaPRI argues that the worsening economic crisis facing the country compels the establishment of a social partnership, which ideally should overlap with the writing of the country's next ]budget, to facilitate the emergence of a "fully integrated growth strategy". CaPRI suggests that for the social-partnership agreement to be effectively implemented, it should be based in the Office of the Prime Minister.
Economic growth crucial, says Chen - Should dominate social-partnership talks
Published: Sunday | February 8, 2009

ChenPRESIDENT OF the Jamaica Employers' Federation, Wayne Chen, says "rapid economic growth" must be the central theme of the current social-contract discussions involving the Government and stakeholder groups.
Going forward "will require a deeper level of mutual understanding and the making and keeping of commitments that lead to greater levels of trust and cooperation," Chen argues in a Sunday Gleaner article. He adds that the sacrifice required for sustained national development must be "equitably shared".
In this regard, Chen expects the Government to be efficient, responsive and accountable; and the business sector to aim at being "world-class", while remaining committed to nation building. "More business leaders need to recognise that efficient management is enlightened management and that happy workers are more efficient and productive," Chen advises.
Chen's comments coincide with the recent research conducted by the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CaPRI), which found support for the resumption of social-partnership dialogue between the relevant stakeholder groups.
Based at OPM
CaPRI argues that the worsening economic crisis facing the country compels the establishment of a social partnership, which ideally should overlap with the writing of the country's next ]budget, to facilitate the emergence of a "fully integrated growth strategy". CaPRI suggests that for the social-partnership agreement to be effectively implemented, it should be based in the Office of the Prime Minister.