"Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)
Just look at the unsuspecting licensed gunholder...comfortably awaiting death!
I guess the murderer is sweating so much because of the enormity of that weighing on his mind? Can you think of the viciousness of comtemplating and then the taking a life?
...but back to the photo: It certainly brings out the silliness of thinking gun criminals give warming to their victims and thus those victims all have notice of "draw" before finding themselves enjoying "milk and honey"...or as the rogue cops introducted to JA the saying used before committing their murders - "mi a guh mek yuh duppy".
Lazie: The soon to be "duppies" have not a clue that that transition is arriving in the person of a gunman! Simple - the murda-ra nuh seh "draw"! The come on the unsuspecting! Matters not if the unsuspecting person has a gun or no!
More guns = more willful murders + more accidental shootings!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Avg criminal is a coward by nature, I guarantee the average criminal gwine tink twice before him bruk a yard if him know seh some shot can reach him from any angle.. all di baby fi have gun.
What is the difference between the average law abiding citizen in Jamaica and the one in America ??