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Who are those idiots at Anbell

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  • Who are those idiots at Anbell

    Saturday morning I woke up and my DSL is down, I was on my way to a trcak meet in Santa Cruz so I did not have time to call but when I got back after 9:00pm and saw it was done and did all my doagnostic checks and nothing came up, I realised Anbell had once again cut off my connection even though I paid the damn bill on time.

    They do it every other month or so...and most times they dont even apologise.

    For the life of me I cant figure out why a company that works in IT cant even get their billing system on line- every time i go to pay my bill they have to call the head office to find my name.

    But this time it was worst..Sunday afternoon I call and some grade school drop out took the call...brainiac informed me that my connection (paid on January 23rd) was cut off because I did not pay all the bill. Seems I stiffed them all of J$60.

    I tried patiently (coming form church) to explain to the retard that when I went to pay the bill, they guy with a million tattoos, called up the account and too it off my card and so I cant be punished for their ertror which I will try my best to starve myself a few days to pay off the massive amount of $60.

    Home boy was however insisting that since I had not paid the full amount the system had cut off the connection, that was when I lost it and sold him a few yards of cloth...he hung up on me!

    I called him back and not only made him apologise but also to put on back my connection and warned him I was going to report him as high up the chain as I could as well.
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.

  • #2
    You do that, Sickko! Sick a di incompetence.

    Isn't there some "law" about cutting these services over the weekend when people woud not be able to fix the problem most times?



    • #3
      Brainiac said it was the computer that did it..the same flipping computer that could not see that I had in fact paid my bill on time for the past three years
      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
      Che Guevara.


      • #4
        I love this very Jamaican story!

        ...coming from church......

        ..then dealing with Customer Disservice leads to...

        ...a few yards of "cloth"

        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass

