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OCG joins probe into allegations of kickbacks

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  • OCG joins probe into allegations of kickbacks

    Wednesday, 07 January 2009

    Startling revelations in a report prepared by the Major Investigation Taskforce, MIT have suggested that a government minister might have received kick-backs from British firm, Mabey and Johnson over a ten year period.

    The Office of the Contractor General which Tuesday received the report from MIT, announced Wednesday that a formal investigation is now underway into all government contracts awarded to Mabey and Johnson, a Bridge building company.

    State Minister Joseph Hibbert has been named in that investigation which is being pursued by the Serious Fraud Office of the United Kingdom.

    Contractor General Greg Christie said he was enforcing his powers to conduct an in depth investigation after reviewing critical pieces of documents submitted to him by Assistant Commissioner of Police Les Green who is in charge of serious and organised crime.

    In a statement Mr. Christie said given the serious nature and gravity of the documentation presented, the matter warrants a formal investigation into the award of government contracts to Mabey and Johnson.

    The Contractor General said the investigation will determine the role of State Minister Joseph Hibbert, and Derek A. Gibson in the award of contracts to the British firm.

    Mr. Hibbert was the Chief Technical Officer in the Ministry of Transport and Works at the time of the awarding of some of the contracts to Mabey and Johnson.

    Derek Gibson is the CEO of the firm which acted as local agents for Mabey Johnson.

    The Contractor General also said he will try to determine the validity of allegations that money paid to certain persons in relation to the contracts awarded to Mabey and Johnson.

    Mr. Christie said the documentation presented to him would suggest that several of the alleged payments were made to the account of Joseph Hibbert between 1993 and 2003.

    The OCG also pointed to information received by representatives of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the Serious Fraud Office and the British High Commission on November 26 last year.

    The Contractor General stated that the Major Investigations Task Force will await the outcome of the OCG probe before taking further action.

    On December 10 private premises belonging to Hibbert and Gibson in the Corporate Area were raided during simultaneous police operations.

    The operations were conducted by operatives of the UK Serious Fraud Office who requested local police assistance under the Mutual Assistance Criminal Matters Act.

    Meanwhile, the expected interview of Joseph Hibbert by UK Serious Fraud Office investigators will not take place this month.

    Attorney representing Mr. Hibbert, Ernest Smith said based on discussions he had with representatives of the Serious Fraud Office, the exercise could take place in March.

    Mr. Smith is also suggesting that Mr. Hibbert's name may have been fraudulently used.

    The attorney said there is full co-operation with local and UK investigators.

    "Mr. Hibbert is as clean as a whistle, in fact, it appears to me that Mr. Hibbert may be of assistance to them in that his name and his name only may have been fraudulently used without his knowledge, permission or consent," Mr. Smith said.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Well, based on this the PM has no choice but to relieve Hibbert of his State Minister role.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      No action will be taken

      Prime Minister Bruce Golding on Tuesday night hinted that no action will be taken against Mr. Hibbert at this time.

      Mr. Golding said he would await a report on the findings of the probe before determining Mr. Hibbert's future as a Minister.

      "Well he hasn't been charged yet and he said to me that he did nothing wrong. I welcome the investigation, the Contractor-General is someone in whom I have a great deal of faith, so I think it is important for those investigations to proceed,"

      "At the same time I am waiting on a report as to what is the out turn of the investigations that were being led by the British Investigative Authority,"

      "I think everybody in Jamaica understands that if there is anything that in anyway compromises my government that my response to that is going to be automatic," said Mr. Golding.

      But the Parliamentary Opposition is insisting that Mr. Hibbert step aside while the investigation is in progress.

      "While a determination of Mr. Hibbert's guilt or innocence is the responsibility of the court, we say he should be relieved of his ministerial duties to remove any appearance or perception of interference," said Mr. Pickersgill.

      There were signs on Wednesday that more trouble is on the horizon for Mr. Hibbert who has been named in a report on an investigation being pursued by the Serious Fraud Office of the United Kingdom.

      It involves British bridge building company, Mabey and Johnson.

      The firm received Government contracts while Mr. Hibbert was the Chief Technical Officer in the Transport and Works Ministry.

      OCG to begin own probe

      The Office of the Contractor General announced on Wednesday that a formal investigation is now underway into all government contracts awarded to Mabey and Johnson.

      Mr. Christie said the serious nature and gravity of the matter warrant a formal investigation into the award of government contracts to Mabey and Johnson. Meanwhile, one political commentator is agreeing with the call for Mr. Hibbert to step aside as a Junior Minister.

      Helene Davis-White said if Mr. Hibbert is allowed to remain in office it will give the impression that the investigation is being compromised.

      "If Mr. Hibbert was an employee in the public sector he could have been interdicted pending the outcome of the investigations and that is done to ensure that the investigations can be carried out without any kind of interference and also to ensure that the particular person against whom the allegations are made is removed from office to ensure that the integrity of the position is maintained," said Mrs. Davis-White.

      OCG needs work

      And a senior officer of the Jamaica Labour Party is taking the Office of the Contractor-General to task for deciding to carry out its own investigation into the kickback allegations.

      General Secretary of the Party, Karl Samuda, believes the Contractor-General's probe is unwarranted.

      "Well based on the report that I heard coming out of the office of the Contractor General it appears to me that they are in need of work because the matter is being investigated elsewhere so for the OCG to pursue it in this way indicates that what we need to do is give the Contractor General more work to do," said Mr. Samuda.
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        Cannot agree with you Mr. PM. Mr. Hibbert needs to be stripped of his state minister duties. An international investigation is on going and the man is still a state minister? No sah.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          On what basis? he is been investigated, no charged or there is not one piece of evidence in the public domain so far.

          Why must he resign because police search his place? Until the CG or the British police show even the simpliest form of evident then Bruce really has no basis.
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Assasin View Post
            On what basis? he is been investigated, no charged or there is not one piece of evidence in the public domain so far.

            Why must he resign because police search his place? Until the CG or the British police show even the simpliest form of evident then Bruce really has no basis.
            A letter from the OCG was released yesterday, "suggests that several of the alleged referenced payments were made to, for the benefit of, and/or on the account of Hibbert between 1993 and 2003."

            He needs to resign.
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #7
              Sometimes the truth of the matter just pops out -

              Well he hasn't been charged yet

              Golding, Jan 2009
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #8
                Your embarrassment in the light of Trafigura has made you go over the edge with this one.


                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                  Your embarrassment in the light of Trafigura has made you go over the edge with this one.


                  Trafiwhat?? A wha dat???

                  Lef di man nuh!!!!

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

