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Just saw the Commissioner of Police...

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  • Just saw the Commissioner of Police...

    ..on TV news...sounds impressive...says he his responsible for all of Jamaica...he was responding to questions on why he was on an 'operation' in Spanish Town. Says he wanted to see the conditions on the ground...wemt on to talk about the cocktail of poor living conditions, lack of amenties, roads tec.. mixed in with politics...explosive.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Exile View Post
    ..on TV news...sounds impressive...says he his responsible for all of Jamaica...he was responding to questions on why he was on an 'operation' in Spanish Town. Says he wanted to see the conditions on the ground...wemt on to talk about the cocktail of poor living conditions, lack of amenties, roads tec.. mixed in with politics...explosive.
    What's really impressive is crime.... not the commissioner.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #3
      Crime not impressive at all...it's a disgrace!


      • #4
        It had to get to this level. The crime thing just a start. In fact the reason why you find more people now talking about engaging the dons is that they are now realising more than ever that they were wrong about the root of this crime monster to begin with

        Instead of admitting their wrong they are now trying to pretend as if the past never happened and rush forward for a solution without dealing with the harsh reality.

        A lot of elders and diaspora groups are now finding out that the government and certain leaders in Jamaica want the status quo to remain and only when it troubles tourism do we see the will to make a move

        Now prophecy a reveal and the chicken is coming home to roost. Crime isn't just fought trying to exterminate all our young without sitting down and asking ourselves how can we prevent the next generation of kids from going down that road.

        Crime isn't fought pretending that ignorance and the garissons aren't part of the problem. So now it has to get worse before it gets better so sit back relax and watch the show.

        Pretty soon those idiots who call themselves leaders will come crawling to the prophet to help them(the same one who told them the music or the bullet) you know how long mi a beg dem fi change dem ways and like the bible say these stubborn and rebellious people wouldn't listen so mi sit down a wait pon the day a blond hair, blue eyes female get tun over and the international press descend on JA like hawks before we get it together

        Imagine all this crime problem and not once we say okay lets get everyone together to get this right as our kids can't live this way.

        Its those descendants of the slave masters who are standing in the way. The same ones who would rather teach b@ttym@anism in school than teach bout GArvey and Walter Rodney and wonder why our children lack a sense of self. and no know nothing bout self reliance.

        They are about to reap what they sow so no sorry fi dem. Memba say a dem same one wanted to mine for bauxite in our water table(cockpit country) so tell me now does that offense qualify for the gallows?

        does putting the water supply of millions at risk for personal greed qualify for capital punishment? for too long we have overlooked the real criminals but now the people eyes are opening up.

        Lets see if the USA is in the business of harboring these terrorists when they try to run away when the civil war breaks out.

        These things are already written and the book must be fullfilled

        so the thing set


        • #5
          Do you have a plan yet to deport the Leaders dem yet, mi can't wait, and tek dem garrisons too, this way the civil war won't be needed.


          • #6
            The plan isn't to deport them the plan is to use the music to uplift the people spiritually and at the same time tek it to the world to serve as a marketing tool for our goods and services.

            Sometimes the answers are right under our nose if we just stop looking to the white man to save us(that blond hair blue eye Jesus have us all messed up) and start saving ourselves

            remember the prophet did tell us self-reliance

            right now dem no ready yet. It has to get worse for us to look into ourselves. So the thing set as you have to hit the bottom fi rise back up

            A dat reach mi wah day and a so mi see it clear say a dat have fi reach Jamaica. Mi did forget bout mi spirituality until trouble reach mi and mi have fi run back fi mi bible and God.

            A deh so mi finally understand what the Egyptians meant by "man know thyself" because mi see it clear say once mi understand what set me on this path mi can see clearly where JA is headed.

            So mi just deh yah a prepare the way fi dem while dem slowly go dung. By the time dem turn round ready fi come begging. The only way out will be self reliance as everyone will be busy saving themselves

            So the thing set. It was already written so who is mere mortals to change what god has already wrote?


            • #7
              Fatalism is not the solution either, if a 'so de ting set' then there's no hope. Music alone cannot feed hungry bellies or educate the illiterate masses. A comprehensive uplifting is needed on all fronts...thing is there is no moral authority anymore..it's fontier time again and lawlessness rules. Gangsterism, Don-ism, rip-and rob business strategies and political expediency is the order of the day. Who is going to bell the cat???
              While our singers chant "I want a million by tomorrow morning"...


              • #8
                Re: A Comprehensive Uplifting Needed

                Originally posted by Exile View Post
                Fatalism is not the solution either, if a 'so de ting set' then there's no hope. Music alone cannot feed hungry bellies or educate the illiterate masses. A comprehensive uplifting is needed on all fronts...thing is there is no moral authority anymore..it's fontier time again and lawlessness rules. Gangsterism, Don-ism, rip-and rob business strategies and political expediency is the order of the day. Who is going to bell the cat???
                While our singers chant "I want a million by tomorrow morning"...
                Excellent point! We need a comprehensive uplifting indeed!!

                Much as we love music, it will most likely play no important role whatsoever in moving us out of the mess we created for ourselves! The music so far has played a somewhat dubious role in elevating the spirits of many from poor communities, but it will not be our salvation! But like Exile says, "who is going to bell the (damn) cat"?

                Originally posted by Exile
                ..on TV news...sounds impressive...says he his responsible for all of Jamaica...he was responding to questions on why he was on an 'operation' in Spanish Town. Says he wanted to see the conditions on the ground...wemt on to talk about the cocktail of poor living conditions, lack of amenties, roads tec.. mixed in with politics...explosive.
                They always sound impressive in front of the camera! However, this man lost me on that day last year when he submitted his resignation! To adopt and expand on an idea of Mosiah's with reference to the Minister of National Security, both he and the Commissioner should start spending time on the golf course. Surely out of a population of some 2.7 million, we should be able to find two adults capable of doing a much better job of providing national security for the citizens of the country?

                If not, then we definitely need an immediate Constitutional amendment so as to allow Jamaicans with foreign passports the legal opportunity to fix the nation's problems!!


                • #9
                  When I say so the thing set I meant that you have to fall to rise again. There is hope and there is more than one set of singers and musicians. While a man a do fi him thing we just do our thing.

                  This whole thing didn't start overnight and it won't be solved overnight. If we look at the big picture we will never get started. The solution is to do like Noah and continue building the ark(doing what we can) and keep focusing on the little that we can do and just keep building.

                  Its easier to change yourself than it is to change a next man so the best thing to do is continue working on yourself and lead by example.

                  before we get to educating the masses we have to start with a pilot program, get it successful and then others will jump on board.

                  Build it and they will come instead of trying to start large just start.
                  Do our best and the father will do the rest.

                  It makes no sense to worry about what we can't control


                  • #10
                    Allows us to know how many reggae festivals there are worldwide and the potential to use this form of direct contact with consumers to market our products be it goods or services

                    We must now we be aware that products can be hosted by a logisitics firm and the sale done on the internet.

                    This is an era where "research" takes the place of what we think or feel or our opinions. Now its gone back to the days of acient egypt where its all about scientific research. We have to respect our researchers who live this instead of talking this.

                    The six mistakes of man.

                    Also while dancehall is currently popular in Jamaica if we should objectively look at the concerts outside of Jamaica and what music is being bought we will realise that we are the ones who don't really appreciate the diversity of our music.

                    We should be careful of allowing our disgust for what passes as reggae these days to cloud our judgement of the spiritual music that we posses.

                    Whats holding us back is our minds and we have to elevate it so here is a book recommendation as we have to get back to sharing with each other daily the books to elevate us.

                    WE are stuck on what cannot be done but we have to start from the bottom with what we can do instead of waiting for someone else to do it.


