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The Times That Ty Men's Soul

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  • The Times That Ty Men's Soul

    If you get the chance, take a look at today's (12/31/08) editorial in the Jamaica Observer. It is IMHO a well-written piece, with a prognostication of a difficult coming months on the global financial landscape. It wasn't a doom and gloom sermon but, rather, a reality check of rough sailing which locally will require "the genious" of the Jamaican people.

    The author however, was remiss when he failed to attribute a quote he used to give impact to his message. He wrote: "these truly are the times that try men's soul."

    The above was actually crafted by the 18th century war revolutionary, publisher and writer, Tom Paine. In fact George Washington it is said, read that same line to colonists in order to stir emotions against the British Monacrchy of the times. Tom Paine's pamphlet started with the famous line: "These are the times that try men's soul."

    Oh yes, we all plagiarize every now and then - sometimes oblivious to the fact. However, when this is done by a publishing house and by literary men who should know better, it makes one wonder. The Observer probably should take care to avoid such blatant plagiarism. It's simple: just give attribution to the quote and that will avoid the raised eyebrows.

    That said, this editorial piece "Times That Try Men's Soul," is much more than it's copied line, and is well worth the read.
    "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011

  • #2
    Originally posted by Farmah View Post
    Oh yes, we all plagiarize every now and then - sometimes oblivious to the fact. However, when this is done by a publishing house and by literary men who should know better, it makes one wonder. The Observer probably should take care to avoid such blatant plagiarism. It's simple: just give attribution to the quote and that will avoid the raised eyebrows.
    Good and very relevant comments here, Farmah!

    At the tertiary institution level, students are heavily penalized for plagiarism. At the level of the mass media, where journalism ethics (as opposed to the law) is the guiding factor, then stuff like what you said the Jamaica Observer's editorial writer did should not have happened!

    Certain ethical principles should always be at the forefront of the minds of practicing journalists: credibility, accuracy, objectivity, good taste, and an absence of plagiarism (meaning all information should be properly attributed). Unfortunately, this does not alwys happen!

    At least, I don't see The Jamaica Observer or The Gleaner fabricating stuff. (Whenever I think of fabrication, certain disgraced American journalists immediately come to mind, including The New Republic's Stephen Glass and The New York Times' Jayson Blair.)


    • #3
      Good point Farmah. Sometimes I think we Jamaicans don't have enough respect for the concept of intellectual property.

      Just one small note on Thomas Paine, my understanding is that it was his earlier piece titled "Common Sense" which really was got the American colonists thinking that King George was nothing special, just a guy who was lucky to be born into royalty, which at the time was a very radical view to have. It was a best-seller for its time and as you said really stirred emotions against the British.

      The piece that used the line "times that try mens souls" was from a later pamphlet that he wrote when the revolutionary war had started but was not going very well for the American patriots.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        Good call Historian! The American media have been caught fabricating a few times. However, I tend to hold Jamaican journalism at a higher standard than I do its American counterpart. As such, I expect - as Islandman pointed out - "enough respect for the concept of intellectual property." Hence, I was suprised to see the lack of attribution to the famous line by Tom Paine.

        Islandman, thanks for the clarification on the publication from which the line was taken. King George was another issue....
        "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011

