...is good. No place like home...
Quick points.
Quick points.
- Airport - big improvement...Immigration...smooth, fast...wasn't a lot of people...seems visits down...economic fallout?
- Baggage handling....sloooowwwwwwww...esp. after flyin thru immigration...needs much improvement...
- Customs - easy, friendly, fast.
- Hustlers - not a lot....except for telephone man
- Coconut man - blocked off with railings on Palisados road...just after roundabout....so didn't make usual stop..
- Road repairs on airport strip...when will it end..lots of boulders...really can't do much...seem they are rplacing the sand dunes...
- Road down by Rockfort - in a mess...raod repairs but at least give us a little smthing to drive on nuh...
- Traffic... Kingston...terrible..good thing I know the back roads..
- Prices...clothes - reasonable...food ok...gifts - ridiculous..toys...bruk pocket.
- People seem calm...before the storm? Store people very friendly and helpful esp. the women....
- Highway - Kin to Map Pen - still the best thing...switch a car for a suv for a day...toll from $230 to $310 plus gas..tek back mi car.
- Bag a gungo $500 (quart), live tree $5,000, decorations $6,000....being in Ja family and friends for Christmas PRICELESS!!!
- Still haven't made sm of the necessary culture rounds...creative stuff nuh...waiting on Mosiah et al.