Ja falls short of berthing facilities Cruise ships forced to dock - elsewhere
published: Sunday | November 5, 2006 <DIV class=KonaBody>
Janet Silvera, Senior Tourism Writer

A view of the <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">cruise </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">ship</SPAN>, 'Freedom of the Seas' which docked in <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Montego </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Bay</SPAN> earlier this year. - File
Western Bureau:
Jamaica's inadequate and substandard berthing facilities were high on the agenda of cruise officials at the just completed Florida <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Caribbean </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Cruise</SPAN> Association Conference in Grand Cayman.
The island has had to refuse approximately 200 calls from <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">cruise </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">liners</SPAN>, losing millions of dollars in revenue annually, as a result of insuff
published: Sunday | November 5, 2006 <DIV class=KonaBody>
Janet Silvera, Senior Tourism Writer

A view of the <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">cruise </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">ship</SPAN>, 'Freedom of the Seas' which docked in <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Montego </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Bay</SPAN> earlier this year. - File
Western Bureau:
Jamaica's inadequate and substandard berthing facilities were high on the agenda of cruise officials at the just completed Florida <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Caribbean </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Cruise</SPAN> Association Conference in Grand Cayman.
The island has had to refuse approximately 200 calls from <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">cruise </SPAN><SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">liners</SPAN>, losing millions of dollars in revenue annually, as a result of insuff