Obama and confidence
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Already nine days have passed since Barack Obama won the presidency of the United States of America. I hope that his victory will raise the confidence level of Africans in the diaspora, many of whom are still in mental slavery. It is all summed up in Obama's message "Yes we can". In Jamaica, where the majority of people are descendants of slaves, the lack of confidence holds us back like a car with a good engine but with a blown spark plug.
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Already nine days have passed since Barack Obama won the presidency of the United States of America. I hope that his victory will raise the confidence level of Africans in the diaspora, many of whom are still in mental slavery. It is all summed up in Obama's message "Yes we can". In Jamaica, where the majority of people are descendants of slaves, the lack of confidence holds us back like a car with a good engine but with a blown spark plug.
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