10 things married women envy single women for
Cecelia Campbell- Livingston
Monday, October 27, 2008
JUST because someone's married doesn't mean they are having all the fun! So stop sitting in the corner and feeling sorry for yourself because you haven't met that special someone who can rock your world and take you to the altar. They may not say it, but singles are enjoying some perks that married people are now wishing they had!
You can rest your tired body,
You come in from work, dead beat and are dying to hit the sack. But the script could just as easily be flipped if you were married - instead of getting that well-needed rest you could have a very horny husband waiting up for you.
Fast food is an option.
Cooking is the last thing you want to do. In fact, it's just as easy to pick up something at one of those fast food restaurants and call it a night. With a man in your life to think of you'd better rework that plan, baby.
No monster-in-laws to deal with.
Kudos to those in-laws who make married life beautiful, but let's face it there are some out there who make Attila the Hun look tame! Fortunately, single women don't have that to deal with.
You get to save more.
Do you ever wonder why there are so many single women homeowners? Well it's because they get to save a whole lot more. They can afford to be stingy if they want, no pooling of resources, and best of all they don't have hubby borrowing and forgetting to repay.
No fighting for the remote.
When you are living on a shoestring budget and you have to be dealing with needs instead of wants, then having another television set is a luxury you can't afford just yet.that simply means you would have to share the remote with hubby who is hooked on sports and you want to watch Lifetime. Oh the bliss of not having any competition for that remote.
You don't have to answer to anyone.
If you want to come in late, sleep over by your girlfriend or just kick back with some friends until you are ready to call it a day, you have nothing to worry about. Just go ahead and do your thing, no check-up phone calls and no 21 questions on your activities.
No one but yourself to clean up after.
Men can be such slobs when they are ready, Shirts hanging over the backs of the chairs, pants flung down in the couch, shoes in the middle of the room. All that order which you methodically restored to the house, destroyed by a few thoughtless moves. Singles don't have that to deal with.
More rest.
Speaking of work, there are some things a wife can't escape.well that is if her hubby is loaded then she could always hire someone to do it.but in these hard times, cooking, washing, laundry - it's enough to make a gal want to remain single.
Cecelia Campbell- Livingston
Monday, October 27, 2008
JUST because someone's married doesn't mean they are having all the fun! So stop sitting in the corner and feeling sorry for yourself because you haven't met that special someone who can rock your world and take you to the altar. They may not say it, but singles are enjoying some perks that married people are now wishing they had!
You can rest your tired body,
You come in from work, dead beat and are dying to hit the sack. But the script could just as easily be flipped if you were married - instead of getting that well-needed rest you could have a very horny husband waiting up for you.
Fast food is an option.
Cooking is the last thing you want to do. In fact, it's just as easy to pick up something at one of those fast food restaurants and call it a night. With a man in your life to think of you'd better rework that plan, baby.
No monster-in-laws to deal with.
Kudos to those in-laws who make married life beautiful, but let's face it there are some out there who make Attila the Hun look tame! Fortunately, single women don't have that to deal with.
You get to save more.
Do you ever wonder why there are so many single women homeowners? Well it's because they get to save a whole lot more. They can afford to be stingy if they want, no pooling of resources, and best of all they don't have hubby borrowing and forgetting to repay.
No fighting for the remote.
When you are living on a shoestring budget and you have to be dealing with needs instead of wants, then having another television set is a luxury you can't afford just yet.that simply means you would have to share the remote with hubby who is hooked on sports and you want to watch Lifetime. Oh the bliss of not having any competition for that remote.

You don't have to answer to anyone.
If you want to come in late, sleep over by your girlfriend or just kick back with some friends until you are ready to call it a day, you have nothing to worry about. Just go ahead and do your thing, no check-up phone calls and no 21 questions on your activities.
No one but yourself to clean up after.
Men can be such slobs when they are ready, Shirts hanging over the backs of the chairs, pants flung down in the couch, shoes in the middle of the room. All that order which you methodically restored to the house, destroyed by a few thoughtless moves. Singles don't have that to deal with.
More rest.
Speaking of work, there are some things a wife can't escape.well that is if her hubby is loaded then she could always hire someone to do it.but in these hard times, cooking, washing, laundry - it's enough to make a gal want to remain single.