Cops raid Quad, Asylum
Francine Black, Staff Reporter
Patrons at the Asylum and Quad nightclubs in New Kingston, St Andrew, had their partying cut short yesterday morning when the clubs were closed down and the premises and patrons searched by police.
According to a patron, who was at The Quad, about 3 a.m. the music that was being played in the club stopped and it was announced that the police were downstairs and everyone was being asked to go downstairs. The patron said when everyone went downstairs they were all searched by the police.
Received a summons
Brian Chung, owner and operator of both clubs said that he received a summons from the Police High Command that they would be searching patrons and the clubs for illegal firearms.
He said although some patrons were displeased about the incon-venience they co-operated none-theless. The vehicles leaving the area were also searched.
Chung said while he had no problem with the police doing searches, he said it was an inconvenience and the timing of the search, which was when many patrons were just arriving, affected his profit margin. In the meantime, he said the police were very professional and apologised to the patrons afterwards.
Police found nothing
However he noted no one was unhappy about being searched. He said the police found nothing on any of the patrons or inside the club. This was confirmed by Assistant Commissioner of Police, Owen Ellington, head the Joint Task Force. He told THE STAR that nothing incriminating was found. However he said he could not say wheather other clubs were searched that night or if searches would be done at other nightclubs in the future. Last Monday, four people were shot dead and five others injured during a shooting incident inside the Double Diamond nightclub on Washington Boulevard, St Andrew. The police are still investigating that matter.
Francine Black, Staff Reporter
Patrons at the Asylum and Quad nightclubs in New Kingston, St Andrew, had their partying cut short yesterday morning when the clubs were closed down and the premises and patrons searched by police.
According to a patron, who was at The Quad, about 3 a.m. the music that was being played in the club stopped and it was announced that the police were downstairs and everyone was being asked to go downstairs. The patron said when everyone went downstairs they were all searched by the police.
Received a summons
Brian Chung, owner and operator of both clubs said that he received a summons from the Police High Command that they would be searching patrons and the clubs for illegal firearms.
He said although some patrons were displeased about the incon-venience they co-operated none-theless. The vehicles leaving the area were also searched.
Chung said while he had no problem with the police doing searches, he said it was an inconvenience and the timing of the search, which was when many patrons were just arriving, affected his profit margin. In the meantime, he said the police were very professional and apologised to the patrons afterwards.
Police found nothing
However he noted no one was unhappy about being searched. He said the police found nothing on any of the patrons or inside the club. This was confirmed by Assistant Commissioner of Police, Owen Ellington, head the Joint Task Force. He told THE STAR that nothing incriminating was found. However he said he could not say wheather other clubs were searched that night or if searches would be done at other nightclubs in the future. Last Monday, four people were shot dead and five others injured during a shooting incident inside the Double Diamond nightclub on Washington Boulevard, St Andrew. The police are still investigating that matter.