I beg your fogiveness because I am about to launch into serious politics, but I just cannot help myself. I need your help and prayers. This is one of those things that tests one's faith and makes one wonder how it can happen even though we know God does not sleep.
In the 1960's, a youngman, with a bright future ahead of him, Bachelors and Masters Degrees in hand, heeded his country's call to service and went to serve in an unjust war in Vietnam. Like the rest of the country, he was duped into believing that winning that war was vital to America's future. Even if he had objected, he would have been forced to serve in the war or in jail because the famous Mohammed Ali legal ruling had not yet been made to allow for conscientious objectors. The long and the short of it is that the young man lost both his legs and an arm to a grenade explosion. He never gave up on life and came home to serve this great country, the USA, in many ways, including being head of the Veterans Administration and US senator for the State of Georgia.
Again in the 1960's, yet another youngman, well schooled and privileged, sought and received five student deferments so he could avoid the war in Vietnam. When those were not enough, he sought and received a sixth deferment, on medical grounds, because of an alleged football injury. He went on to obtain a Law Degree in the same year in which the first youngman ost three limbs while serving as a Captain in Vietnam.
Circa 2002, the first youngman, who had become a much older man, and who had also become a US Senator for the State of Georgia, questioned a lot of the reasoning that the Bush Administration had about the war in Iraq. While he supported the troops, because he was duped into believeing the false intelligence reports, he had many questions over things such as carte blance funding bills.
At the same time, the second youngman, also now an older man, was gerrymandered such that his US House District was now going to be much tougher to win. So he decided to move up and run against the first youngman for US Senate. With the aid of the national Republican Party, he ran a series of ads which claimed that the first youngman, who did not question the government when he was asked to serve and lost his limbs in Vietnam, but whose wisdom now had made him wisely skeptical of the Bush Administration, was somehow Un-American, supportive of terrorists, and un-supportive of American troops.
Guess what folks, the people in Georgia bought the scam. Rural folk, suburban folk, Evangelicals and many christian churches in Georgia bought it. The second youngman, Saxby Chambliss, was elected to the US Senate, and the first youngman, who like Obama, questioned much of the Bush Administration's policies from the beginning, when it was unpopular to do so, was voted out and made to look pityful in his wheelchair.
Since then, the lies have become clear to see. But guess what else, the second youngman, Saxby Chambliss, has now completed his six-year senate term and is now up for re-election.
I call upon all decent people in the State of Georgia to reject the bid of Saxby Chambliss for a second senate term. All good people, who know of the Cleland story and of the Chambliss lies, need to go to the polls and make things right. Make Cleland and America proud!
As for me, one of the most difficult things with the christian faith is to wonder how God can let evil seem to prosper. With patience we know that there is justice. However, human impatience makes it difficult to even stand one minute of injustice. Another thing I have to ask God about is how can the Southern Bible Belt, a so-called christian movement, which supported or turned a blind eye to so much injustice before and during the civil rights movement, continue to support or turn a blind eye to injustice, in the name of conservatism, even today?
In the 1960's, a youngman, with a bright future ahead of him, Bachelors and Masters Degrees in hand, heeded his country's call to service and went to serve in an unjust war in Vietnam. Like the rest of the country, he was duped into believing that winning that war was vital to America's future. Even if he had objected, he would have been forced to serve in the war or in jail because the famous Mohammed Ali legal ruling had not yet been made to allow for conscientious objectors. The long and the short of it is that the young man lost both his legs and an arm to a grenade explosion. He never gave up on life and came home to serve this great country, the USA, in many ways, including being head of the Veterans Administration and US senator for the State of Georgia.
Again in the 1960's, yet another youngman, well schooled and privileged, sought and received five student deferments so he could avoid the war in Vietnam. When those were not enough, he sought and received a sixth deferment, on medical grounds, because of an alleged football injury. He went on to obtain a Law Degree in the same year in which the first youngman ost three limbs while serving as a Captain in Vietnam.
Circa 2002, the first youngman, who had become a much older man, and who had also become a US Senator for the State of Georgia, questioned a lot of the reasoning that the Bush Administration had about the war in Iraq. While he supported the troops, because he was duped into believeing the false intelligence reports, he had many questions over things such as carte blance funding bills.
At the same time, the second youngman, also now an older man, was gerrymandered such that his US House District was now going to be much tougher to win. So he decided to move up and run against the first youngman for US Senate. With the aid of the national Republican Party, he ran a series of ads which claimed that the first youngman, who did not question the government when he was asked to serve and lost his limbs in Vietnam, but whose wisdom now had made him wisely skeptical of the Bush Administration, was somehow Un-American, supportive of terrorists, and un-supportive of American troops.
Guess what folks, the people in Georgia bought the scam. Rural folk, suburban folk, Evangelicals and many christian churches in Georgia bought it. The second youngman, Saxby Chambliss, was elected to the US Senate, and the first youngman, who like Obama, questioned much of the Bush Administration's policies from the beginning, when it was unpopular to do so, was voted out and made to look pityful in his wheelchair.
Since then, the lies have become clear to see. But guess what else, the second youngman, Saxby Chambliss, has now completed his six-year senate term and is now up for re-election.
I call upon all decent people in the State of Georgia to reject the bid of Saxby Chambliss for a second senate term. All good people, who know of the Cleland story and of the Chambliss lies, need to go to the polls and make things right. Make Cleland and America proud!
As for me, one of the most difficult things with the christian faith is to wonder how God can let evil seem to prosper. With patience we know that there is justice. However, human impatience makes it difficult to even stand one minute of injustice. Another thing I have to ask God about is how can the Southern Bible Belt, a so-called christian movement, which supported or turned a blind eye to so much injustice before and during the civil rights movement, continue to support or turn a blind eye to injustice, in the name of conservatism, even today?