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Hitchens - Vote Obama

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  • Hitchens - Vote Obama

    fighting words
    Vote for Obama

    McCain lacks the character and temperament to be president. And Palin is simply a disgrace.

    By Christopher Hitchens
    Posted Monday, Oct. 13, 2008, at 10:44 AM ET

    I used to nod wisely when people said: "Let's discuss issues rather than personalities." It seemed so obvious that in politics an issue was an issue and a personality was a personality, and that the more one could separate the two, the more serious one was. After all, in a debate on serious issues, any mention of the opponent's personality would be ad hominem at best and at worst would stoop as low as ad feminam.

    At my old English boarding school, we had a sporting saying that one should "tackle the ball and not the man." I carried on echoing this sort of unexamined nonsense for quite some time—in fact, until the New Hampshire primary of 1992, when it hit me very forcibly that the "personality" of one of the candidates was itself an "issue." In later years, I had little cause to revise my view that Bill Clinton's abysmal character was such as to be a "game changer" in itself, at least as important as his claim to be a "new Democrat." To summarize what little I learned from all this: A candidate may well change his or her position on, say, universal health care or Bosnia . But he or she cannot change the fact—if it happens to be a fact—that he or she is a pathological liar, or a dimwit, or a proud ignoramus. And even in the short run, this must and will tell.

    On "the issues" in these closing weeks, there really isn't a very sharp or highly noticeable distinction to be made between the two nominees, and their "debates" have been cramped and boring affairs as a result. But the difference in character and temperament has become plainer by the day, and there is no decent way of avoiding the fact. Last week's so-called town-hall event showed Sen. John McCain to be someone suffering from an increasingly obvious and embarrassing deficit, both cognitive and physical. And the only public events that have so far featured his absurd choice of running mate have shown her to be a deceiving and unscrupulous woman utterly unversed in any of the needful political discourses but easily trained to utter preposterous lies and to appeal to the basest element of her audience. McCain occasionally remembers to stress matters like honor and to disown innuendoes and slanders, but this only makes him look both more senile and more cynical, since it cannot (can it?) be other than his wish and design that he has engaged a deputy who does the innuendoes and slanders for him.

    I suppose it could be said, as Michael Gerson has alleged, that the Obama campaign's choice of the word erratic to describe McCain is also an insinuation. But really, it's only a euphemism. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear had to feel sorry for the old lion on his last outing and wish that he could be taken somewhere soothing and restful before the night was out. The train-wreck sentences, the whistlings in the pipes, the alarming and bewildered handhold phrases—"My friends"—to get him through the next 10 seconds. I haven't felt such pity for anyone since the late Adm. James Stockdale humiliated himself as Ross Perot's running mate. And I am sorry to have to say it, but Stockdale had also distinguished himself in America 's most disastrous and shameful war, and it didn't qualify him then and it doesn't qualify McCain now.

    The most insulting thing that a politician can do is to compel you to ask yourself: "What does he take me for?" Precisely this question is provoked by the selection of Gov. Sarah Palin. I wrote not long ago that it was not right to condescend to her just because of her provincial roots or her piety, let alone her slight flirtatiousness, but really her conduct since then has been a national disgrace. It turns out that none of her early claims to political courage was founded in fact, and it further turns out that some of the untested rumors about her—her vindictiveness in local quarrels, her bizarre religious and political affiliations—were very well-founded, indeed. Moreover, given the nasty and lowly task of stirring up the whack-job fringe of the party's right wing and of recycling patent falsehoods about Obama's position on Afghanistan, she has drawn upon the only talent that she apparently possesses.

    It therefore seems to me that the Republican Party has invited not just defeat but discredit this year, and that both its nominees for the highest offices in the land should be decisively repudiated, along with any senators, congressmen, and governors who endorse them.

    I used to call myself a single-issue voter on the essential question of defending civilization against its terrorist enemies and their totalitarian protectors, and on that "issue" I hope I can continue to expose and oppose any ambiguity. Obama is greatly overrated in my opinion, but the Obama-Biden ticket is not a capitulationist one, even if it does accept the support of the surrender faction, and it does show some signs of being able and willing to profit from experience. With McCain, the "experience" is subject to sharply diminishing returns, as is the rest of him, and with Palin the very word itself is a sick joke. One only wishes that the election could be over now and a proper and dignified verdict rendered, so as to spare democracy and civility the degradation to which they look like being subjected in the remaining days of a low, dishonest campaign.

    Christopher Hitchens is a columnist for Vanity Fair.
    Article URL: http://www.slate.com/id/2202163/

    Copyright 2008 Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC
    Last edited by Karl; October 15, 2008, 12:31 PM.

  • #2
    This breddah had to resign from the National Review (which was founded by his father) for saying he was supporting Obama.

    So much for others hating Americans for their freedom.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      No that is Chris Buckley, different person.

      Buckley is the son of WF Buckley who is regarded almost as highly as Reagan in conservative circles so was considered a traitor to endorse Obama. Basically Obama is considered a socialist so for while it is OK to be anti-McCain or anti-Bush , being pro-Obama is not an option in conservative circles.

      Hitchins is more of a free thinker. He is anti-religion and has a lot of controversial views, but is usually hawkish.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        Originally posted by Islandman View Post
        No that is Chris Buckley, different person.

        Buckley is the son of WF Buckley who is regarded almost as highly as Reagan in conservative circles so was considered a traitor to endorse Obama. Basically Obama is considered a socialist so for while it is OK to be anti-McCain or anti-Bush , being pro-Obama is not an option in conservative circles.

        Hitchins is more of a free thinker. He is anti-religion and has a lot of controversial views, but is usually hawkish.

        Oh ...thanks for the correction.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          Hitchens wrote the book....The Trial of Henry Kissinger.

          I think that Kissinger is wanted in 13 countries.


          • #6
            Hitchins is also a BRIT!


            • #7
              Also a US citizen though.
              "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


              • #8
                there's a difference between fiscal conservative and social conservatives.

                politico artcicle:

                I just got an astounding e-mail from a Republican consultant I know well. He's a guy who's always thought Obama had a "glass jaw," and was always among those agitating for hitting Obama harder.
                Recently, he conducted a focus group in an upper-Midwestern state, showing them the kind of ad he thought would work: A no-holds-barred attack, cut for an independent group, which hasn't aired.
                I'm just going to reprint his amazed e-mail about the focus group:
                Reagan Dems and Independents. Call them blue-collar plus. Slightly more Target than Walmart.

                Yes, the spot worked. Yes, they believed the charges against Obama. Yes, they actually think he's too liberal, consorts with bad people and WON'T BE A GOOD PRESIDENT...but they STILL don't give a f***. They said right out, "He won't do anything better than McCain" but they're STILL voting for Obama.

                The two most unreal moments of my professional life of watching focus groups:

                54 year-old white male, voted Kerry '04, Bush '00, Dole '96, hunter, NASCAR fan...hard for Obama said: "I'm gonna hate him the minute I vote for him. He's gonna be a bad president. But I won't ever vote for another god-damn Republican. I want the government to take over all of Wall Street and bankers and the car companies and Wal-Mart run this county like we used to when Reagan was President."

                The next was a woman, late 50s, Democrat but strongly pro-life. Loved B. and H. Clinton, loved Bush in 2000. "Well, I don't know much about this terrorist group Barack used to be in with that Weather guy but I'm sick of paying for health insurance at work and that's why I'm supporting Barack."

                I felt like I was taking crazy pills. I sat on the other side of the glass and realized...this really is the Apocalypse. The Seventh Seal is broken and its time for eight years of pure, delicious crazy....
                Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
                Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:


                • #9
                  When you read opinions like those two along with the ones from the people in Harlem you understand why politicians run so many stupid ads during election season.

                  Obama in a terror group? Govt to take over Wall Street and Wal-Mart like Reagan?

                  Are these people smoking crack?
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    speaking of that i have (not so)shocking video to show you

                    Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
                    Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:


                    • #11
                      So this is the much talked about Joe and Jane Six-Pack? LOL.

                      I fear for him and his family if he wins though.
                      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                      • #12
                        Yesterday Mosiah said it appears the others ites were not upset about the Honduran cartoon. This just backs up what I was thinking. People gonna harbour feelings they want and there is nothing you and I can do about it.

                        To me ..... Its good to know where people stand.
                        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                        • #13
                          Well one ting fi sure, a video like that would never appear in the establishment media (CNN, ABC, CBS, Fox News etc).
                          Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Yuttie View Post
                            speaking of that i have (not so)shocking video to show you

                            How about this one:

                            "We're not getting our butts kicked." Lauryn Williams on the U.S.-Jamaica rivalry.

