Barack 'Osama' on Rensselaer County ballots
Election officials on both sides of aisle insist error on absentee ballots was a typo
By BOB GARDINIER, Staff writer
Last updated: 4:05 p.m., Friday, October 10, 2008
TROY — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's last name is spelled "Osama" on hundreds of absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County.
The misspelling, which elections officials on both sides of the aisle insist was simply a typo, is causing embarrassment for the county.
''No question this is an honest mistake innocently done,'' said Edward McDonough, the Democratic commissioner. ''We catch almost everything.''
''This was a typo,'' said Republican Commissioner Larry Bugbee. ''We have three different staff members who proof these things and somehow the typo got by us.''
Officials say the flawed ballots were sent to approximately 300 voters. On row 1A Barack Obama's name is spelled Barack Osama.
Is it a Freudian slip, intentional act or a mistake? Voters are sure to have opinions, and one pol pointed out that the letters 's' and 'b' are not exactly keyboard neighbors.
But even the county Democratic election commissioner is apologizing for what he calls a terrible mistake.
McDonough said the absentee ballots went out to voters in Brunswick, Nassau, Sand Lake, Schaghticoke and Schodack with the error.
So far three people have called to point it out, he said. Those people will get new ballots sent to them.
One Sand Lake resident who caught the misspelling, and who asked to remain anonymous, was skeptical.
''It's a little suspicious and at least grossly incompetent,'' the voter said. "If I crossed out the name and wrote in the right spelling my ballot would be invalid."