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They say Obama won but to me McCain won this one

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  • They say Obama won but to me McCain won this one

    He was smooth last night.Ole Liad!Narrow victory in a debate means defeat.

    Obama picks up second debate win, poll says
    • =CNN Deputy Political Director

    NASHVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) -- A national poll of debate watchers suggests that Sen. Barack Obama won the second presidential debate.
    Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain sparred about domestic policy during their second presidential debate.

    Fifty-four percent of those questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey conducted after the debate ended said that Obama did the best job in the debate, with 30 percent saying Sen. John McCain performed better.
    According to the poll, 64 percent had a favorable opinion of Obama after the debate, up four points from before the event. Fifty-one percent of those polled had a favorable opinion of McCain after the debate unchanged from before its start.
    A majority said Obama seemed to be the stronger leader during the debate, 54 percent to 43 percent, and by a more than two to one margin -- 65 percent to 28 percent -- viewers thought Obama was more likable during the debate.
    CNN polling director Keating Holland said Obama made some gains on the leadership issue even before the debate.
    "McCain's advantage on leadership shrunk from 19 points in September to just five points this weekend," Holland said. "If Obama can use this debate to convince Americans that he is a stronger leader than McCain, he may be difficult to defeat." Watch entire debate: 1 » | 2 » | 3 »
    A majority of debate watchers polled thought Obama was more intelligent, by a 57 percent to 25 percent margin over McCain. Debate watchers also thought Obama more clearly expressed his views by a two to one margin, 60 percent to 30 percent.
    Don't MissDebate watchers questioned thought McCain, rather than Obama, spent more time attacking his opponent, with 63 percent saying McCain went more on the attack, as opposed to just 17 percent saying Obama.
    Half of those polled said Obama answered questions more directly, 13 points ahead of McCain, and by a 14-point margin, debate watchers thought Obama seemed to care more about the problems of audience members who asked questions. Read entire transcript of debate
    McCain did come out on top in one category that neither candidate wants to win. By a 16-point margin, debate watchers thought the Arizona senator seemed more like a typical politician during the debate.
    "For McCain, the key finding may be that his favorable rating did not change at all," Holland said. "It's unclear whether Obama will gain any momentum from Tuesday night's debate, but it looks like McCain will not do so. For a candidate who has consistently been a few points behind in national polls, that's not a good sign."
    The poll suggests that independent voters thought Obama won the debate. Fifty-four percent of those identifying themselves as independents said the Illinois senator performed best, with 28 percent saying that McCain did the better job. iReport.com: Who do you think won the debate
    Among Democrats, 85 percent said Obama won with just 5 percent saying McCain did better. Among Republicans, 64 percent said McCain won, with 16 percent saying Obama did better.
    Most debate watchers thought Obama won the first presidential debate on September 26. According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll taken after that debate, 51 percent of those polled thought Obama did the better job, while 38 percent said John McCain did better.

    The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll was conducted by telephone with 675 adult Americans who watched the debate. All interviews were taken after the end of the debate. Full coverage of the debates

    The audience for Tuesday's debate was 38 percent Democratic and 31 percent Republican, which is very close to the partisan breakdown among all Americans nationwide. The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 4 percentage points. E-mail to a friend

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    All About Barack Obama

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

  • #2
    i keep telling, these debates are not about substance, it's about feeling comfortable with Obama.
    Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
    Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:


    • #3
      Originally posted by Yuttie View Post
      i keep telling, these debates are not about substance, it's about feeling comfortable with Obama.

      That point is so true, and Obamah came across as the consumate statesman and a calm leader.
      Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


      • #4
        again, Mccain have two choices make it close or lose by a landslide, by making it close is political future would be damaged, and Napatelino would rout in the senate race in 2010.
        Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
        Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:


        • #5
          and THAT was the point for obama...mi tell unnuh already seh mccain is getting close to calling obama a ********************h....last night he came closest....

          him tell the black dude, oliver clarke, that he (clarke) had probably never heard of fannie mae and freddy mac before this ... what an absolutely condescending statement!!!

          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


          • #6
            whe yo talkbout bout yo hear di man call Obama "that one" aka that ni77a last night?
            Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
            Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:

