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OJ Simpson found guilty on all charges

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  • #16
    Mosiah, the man was declared innocent...


    • #17
      Exile, since when is a declaration from the jury the truth?!?! Truth and verdict are not necessarily the same. Don't tell me you don't understand that.



      • #18
        All in God's timing (not our timing) which for those out there that belief this, this time is now perfect. Paul Banta


        • #19
          Ok...and you know the truth. I hope you don't chnage your story when the Jamaican police start shooting criminals and you cry out for justice.


          • #20
            Yuh never have tv dem time deh?



            • #21
              Ha, ha, I was living in the US at the time...I had no choice and I was confronted with the racial divide that the whole trial brought out...I remember well....just goes to show..they never forget..but you all want to stomp out memories of slavery...ah boy....


              • #22
                he was acquitted...there was no declaration of innocence by the jury let's get that straight off the bat.....

                i think the jury made the right decision based on the case presented by the prosecution.....however, i believe he is guilty.

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #23
                  this guy is declared innocent too?

                  Jones Town man freed of murder

                  Monday, October 06, 2008

                  Thirty-three-year-old labourer Clayon Grant walked from the Home Circuit Court a happy man last Wednesday after a 12-member jury acquitted him of a 2003 murder conviction.
                  Grant had been sentenced to life but had appealed and won a retrial on a technicality.

                  The labourer was accused of murdering Henry Riley in the sometimes volatile inner-city community of Jones Town on June 26, 1999. Grant, the court was told, shot Riley in the chest in broad daylight along Benbow Street in the community. He was found guilty and sentenced.
                  However, Grant appealed the decision on the ground that the trial judge never directed jurors on the matter of the identification evidence given at the trial.
                  The Appellate Court agreed and ordered a new trial, which ended last Wednesday.
                  Grant was represented by attorney Ernest Davis in the second trial.

                  Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                  • #24
                    Thank you very much!

                    I'm surprised, and somewhat disappointed, that anyone, much less a scholar as Exile, could simply want to form an opinion based on a court verdict! Egads!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #25
                      I wish Johnny Cochrane could come back from the dead

                      & give OJ 2 damn good slaps. That man got a 2nd chance to life and he blew it. I really think OJ is on DRUGS, hence his behavior. He should have realized that America definitely wanted to lynch him, thus the need for him to keep his ARSE quiet.
                      Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                      - Langston Hughes


                      • #26
                        not any more than normal...his problem is that white people didn't like him any more....and after years of being an "honorary white" he just couldn't deal with being just another black man whose ancestry is from the banks of the river niger...

                        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

