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Shaw confident about prospects with multilateral agencies

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  • Shaw confident about prospects with multilateral agencies

    Shaw confident about prospects with multilateral agencies Friday, 03 October 2008 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } Minister of Finance Audley Shaw says the government is poised to broker a major deal with multi-lateral funding agencies to obtain cheaper rates of interest for a portion of Jamaica's Debt.

    Mr. Shaw's latest assertion on the country's debt burden comes amid turmoil in the global financial accompanied by a major credit squeeze in the United States where Jamaica gets the bulk of its capital funding.

    The Finance Minister told RJR news that the Golding Administration is far advanced in negotiations with multi-lateral agencies to finalise a major deal which will see a cut in some of the interest charged on various loan programmes.

    "A year ago I made it a public announcement in the country that I will be re-engaging with the multilaterals so that a part of our debt portfolio can come in at a lower interest rate so what I announced a year ago is now beginning to bear fruit," he said.

    He says the government does not anticipate any problems in accessing loans from the international capital markets for the remainder of the year.
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