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Government under fire for exemption procedures

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  • Government under fire for exemption procedures

    Contractor General Greg Christie is warning that his office will increase its scrutiny of some state agencies in the face of the government exempting them from following established procurement guidelines.

    st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }In a release Thursday Contractor General Greg Christie strongly objected to the exemptions to four public bodies.

    The changes were approved by Cabinet in August and published on September 22 by the Finance Ministry.

    According to the Contractor General the approval means Air Jamaica, Petrojam, the Jamaica Tourist Board and Jamaica Vacations Limited are exempt from certain government procurement guidelines.

    The OCG says two of these Public Bodies have been authorized to execute certain procurements and award certain Government contracts using their own unique but un-specified internal systems.

    The other two have been authorized to procure goods and services according to standard industry practice.

    The Contractor General says the exemptions were among several previously approved by Cabinet in December 2007, without prior notice to the OCG.

    Mr. Christie said the measures were withdrawn after he wrote to the Prime Minister to protest his office being bypassed in the consultation process.

    But now it seems that despite his vigorous objections, the Government seems determined to press ahead with the exemptions.

    The Contractor General noted that the Auditor General and the Contractor General have consistently proven that there are problems with self-regulation of Public sector entities.

    He adds that all OCG Special Investigations over the past two years have disclosed wide-scale breaches.

    The OCG says it is concerned that if the Government proceeds with the exemptions, they will reverse the gains made in the Public Sector procurement system.

    In turn, he says this will tarnish the credibility of government's claims that it wants transparency, accountability and discipline in public contracting.

    The Contractor General queries what will become of these exempted Public Bodies if and when the present administration criminalizes breaches of government guidelines as it has promised to do.

    He gave notice, that the OCG, in keeping with it's duties under the law, will be obliged to utilize all means available to subject the exempted entities, their officers and their contracting practices, to an intensified and sustained level of scrutiny, the likes of which will be unprecedented in the 23 year history of the OCG.

    As a parting shot in his release, The Contractor General said is it his job, as an Independent Commission of Parliament, to stand firmly between the government and the taxpayer, as an inviolable check and balance.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    this nuh sound good


    • #3
      Lazie, Assasin, what unnu tink?



      • #4
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        Lazie, Assasin, what unnu tink?
        NNN interviewed Shaw on This Morning this morning. Not certain if what he was saying was spin, so I'll wait until the gov't put out an official statement.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          Mo I don't support anything that is not under the OCG office. That is wrong and should be corrected and if anybody fi go a jail them go.

          Christie in my book is fighting corruption more than any politician in Ja so I have to side with him on these things. Sorry if you expected a political answer.
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 1of1 View Post
            this nuh sound good
            Gov’t responds to OCG’s statements

            The Ministry of Finance has broken its silence over concerns expressed by Contractor General, Greg Christie regarding the exemption of some entities from its procurement procedures.

            st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }In a release Friday, Finance Minister Audley Shaw defended the exemptions granted to Air Jamaica, Petrojam limited, the Port Authority and the Jamaica Tourist Board.

            The Finance Minister dismissed the Contractor General's suggestion that the amendments were done without adequate consultation and explained that they were first considered in March 2007 after petitions from several public bodies.

            Mr. Shaw said at the time, the public bodies expressed concern that compliance with the procurement procedures was putting severe constraints on their ability to conduct business efficiently.

            The Finance Minister said the affected entities then made submissions to the Ministry of Finance and Planning, the National Contracts Commission (NCC) and the Cabinet Secretary, outlining the difficulties they faced and suggesting alternative procurement processes that were less restrictive.

            According to Mr. Shaw, the proposals reflected strong internal controls, transparency and value for money.

            He said the exempted entities explained that some of their operational processes did not fit into regular procurement guidelines.

            The Minister cited Petrojam Limited which complained that the rules did not allow it to respond quickly to competitive offers for oil.

            Mr. Shaw also claimed that Mr. Christie was fully advised of the specific complaints of the entities.

            He indicated that the views expressed by the Contractor General or representatives of his office were taken into account in a series of meetings with the Prime Minister, the NCC, Attorney General and the Cabinet Office.

            According to the Minister, several modifications were made to the proposed measures following input from the Contractor General, including the withdrawal of a proposal for special thresholds for certain entities such as the National Water Commission, the National Housing Trust, and the Airports Authority.

            Mr. Shaw stressed that the approvals are limited to certain unique types of procurement and do not represent a wholesale exemption for any of the named entities.

            The Finance Minister said the particulars of the variations were set out in a circular issued by the Ministry on September 22.

            The release also states that Cabinet's approval of the measures was given based on the understanding that there would be strict monitoring by Mr. Christie, Mr. Shaw and the internal audit unit of each of the entities.

            Mr. Shaw concluded that the Contractor General's stated intention to maintain "an intensified and sustained level of scrutiny" is welcomed as it is consistent with his statutory functions in the award of government contracts.

            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

