who were jamaica's most wanted in the 80's and one (if not both) if whom lived in cuba for many years and who could not be tried for multiple murders because of lack of evidence whe they returned to jamaica several years ago?
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><SPAN class=TopStory>Violence in the east</SPAN>
<SPAN class=Subheadline>Rockfort, August Town erupt again</SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD>KARYL WALKER, Observer staff reporter
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=380 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD><SPAN class=Description>Residents of a section of upper Rockfort protest the arrest of prominent community members, George Flash, Anthony 'Tigo' Brown and a man known only as 'Mendez' yesterday. The community of Rockfort has been under siege since September 26. Eight persons have been killed and eight others shot and injured in the month-long violence. (Photo Michael Gordon)</SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P class=StoryText align=justify>Violence erupted in the normally volatile neighbourhoods of Rockfort and August Town in the eastern end of the Corporate Area yesterday, causing the early closure of the August Town Primary School and a fiery protest in Rockfort.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Last night, Superintendent Assan Thompson, the commanding officer for the Kingston Eastern police division, told the Observer that the police had intensified their presence in the Rockfort area and were going after the main perpetrators of the violence.<P class=StoryText align=justify>"We have identified 15 players from both sides," said Thompson. "We're not targeting the community. We're going after the main troublemakers."<P class=StoryText align=justify>Thompson's comment came after placard-bearing residents yesterday blocked sections of Norman Road, Lucas Road and Norman Crescent - parts of upper Rockfort - claiming police bias in the arrest Sunday of People's National Party activists George Flash, Anthony 'Tigo' Brown and a man known only as 'Mendez', among other persons.<P class=StoryText align=justify>The protesters demanded that the police arrest other prominent activists from the other side of the community known as lower Rockfort.<P class=StoryText align=justify>"Only man from this side them a arrest. Dem bias," one female protester bellowed. "What happen to the big man dem who over dat side a instigate people life?"
But the police say they have been carrying out their duties without prejudice.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=350 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD><SPAN class=Description>A little girl and a man hurry through the August Town Primary School after it was forced to close by gunfire between warring gangs yesterday. (Photo: Michael Gordon)</SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P class=StoryText align=justify>"We have been carrying out our duties impartially, the section of the community does not matter to us," said Inspector Alphanso Morris, head of the Rockfort Police Station.
Morris said the police had made arrests and recovered arms, ammunition, bulletproof vests and ski masks in both sides of the community.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Last night, Superintendent Thompson told the Observer that his men had recovered three high-powered rifles, one handgun and more than 300 rounds of ammunition since late September.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Earlier yesterday, Deputy Commissioner of Police Mark Shields had told the Observer that Flash, Brown, 'Mendez' and the other men were arrested based on information gathered by police investigators.<P class=StoryText align=justify>"They were
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><SPAN class=TopStory>Violence in the east</SPAN>
<SPAN class=Subheadline>Rockfort, August Town erupt again</SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD>KARYL WALKER, Observer staff reporter
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=380 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>

But the police say they have been carrying out their duties without prejudice.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=350 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>

Morris said the police had made arrests and recovered arms, ammunition, bulletproof vests and ski masks in both sides of the community.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Last night, Superintendent Thompson told the Observer that his men had recovered three high-powered rifles, one handgun and more than 300 rounds of ammunition since late September.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Earlier yesterday, Deputy Commissioner of Police Mark Shields had told the Observer that Flash, Brown, 'Mendez' and the other men were arrested based on information gathered by police investigators.<P class=StoryText align=justify>"They were