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Dance of death? - Beacon Hill residents blame 'Dutty Wine' for teen's death
published: Monday | October 30, 2006 <DIV class=KonaBody>
Rasbert Turner, Gleaner Writer
A dancer in The Star's Dutty <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Wine</SPAN> contest performs at The Asylum Night Club, Knutsford Boulevard, New Kingston, in July. - file
<SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">SPANISH</SPAN> TOWN, St. Catherine:
The popular "Dutty Wine" dance is being blamed for yesterday's death of an 18-year-old St. Catherine woman.
Tanisha Henry was attending a 'school uniform' party at Beacon Hill, Thompson Pen, about four o' clock Sunday morning when, while doing the popular dance, she collapsed and was rushed to the nearby Spanish Town Hospital where she was pronounced dead.
When The Gleaner checked with the institution, a representative said persons have for some time been warned of the dangers associated with the dance, but that no one seems to have taken heed.
In March, The Star reported warnings from <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">doctors</SPAN> that the 'Dutty Wine' was a dangerous dance that could cause serious neck injury and lifelong pain.
Residents in shock
The dance, done mainly by women, involves the rapid rotation of the neck and posterior simultaneously.
"If you throw the body in extreme positions, as in the case of the 'Dutty Wine', you could have <A class=kLink oncontextmenu="return false;" id=KonaLink3 onmouseover=adlinkMouseOver(event,this,3); style="POSITION: relative; TEXT-DECORATION: underline! important" onclick=adlinkMouseClick(event,this,3); onmouseout=adlinkMouseOut(event,this,3); href="http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20061030/lead/lead1.html#" target=_new><SPAN class=kLink sty
Dance of death? - Beacon Hill residents blame 'Dutty Wine' for teen's death
published: Monday | October 30, 2006 <DIV class=KonaBody>
Rasbert Turner, Gleaner Writer

A dancer in The Star's Dutty <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Wine</SPAN> contest performs at The Asylum Night Club, Knutsford Boulevard, New Kingston, in July. - file
<SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">SPANISH</SPAN> TOWN, St. Catherine:
The popular "Dutty Wine" dance is being blamed for yesterday's death of an 18-year-old St. Catherine woman.
Tanisha Henry was attending a 'school uniform' party at Beacon Hill, Thompson Pen, about four o' clock Sunday morning when, while doing the popular dance, she collapsed and was rushed to the nearby Spanish Town Hospital where she was pronounced dead.
When The Gleaner checked with the institution, a representative said persons have for some time been warned of the dangers associated with the dance, but that no one seems to have taken heed.
In March, The Star reported warnings from <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">doctors</SPAN> that the 'Dutty Wine' was a dangerous dance that could cause serious neck injury and lifelong pain.
Residents in shock
The dance, done mainly by women, involves the rapid rotation of the neck and posterior simultaneously.
"If you throw the body in extreme positions, as in the case of the 'Dutty Wine', you could have <A class=kLink oncontextmenu="return false;" id=KonaLink3 onmouseover=adlinkMouseOver(event,this,3); style="POSITION: relative; TEXT-DECORATION: underline! important" onclick=adlinkMouseClick(event,this,3); onmouseout=adlinkMouseOut(event,this,3); href="http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20061030/lead/lead1.html#" target=_new><SPAN class=kLink sty