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Fury at $2.5bn bonus for Lehman's New York staff

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  • Fury at $2.5bn bonus for Lehman's New York staff

    Fury at $2.5bn bonus for Lehman's New York staff

    By David Prosser
    Monday, 22 September 2008
    Up to 10,000 staff at the New York office of the bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers will share a bonus pool set aside for them that is worth $2.5bn (£1.4bn), Barclays Bank, which is buying the business, confirmed last night.

    The revelation sparked fury among the workers' former colleagues, Lehman's 5,000 staff based in London, who currently have no idea how long they will go on receiving even their basic salaries, let alone any bonus payments. It also prompted a renewed backlash over the compensation culture in global finance, with critics claiming that many bankers receive pay and rewards that bore no relation to the job they had done.

    A spokesman for Barclays said the $2.5bn bonus pool in New York had been set aside before Lehman Brothers filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States a week ago. Barclays has agreed that the fund should continue to be ring-fenced now it has taken control of Lehman's US business, a deal agreed by American bankruptcy courts over the weekend.

    Barclays is paying $1.75bn for the US operation of Lehman and is keen to retain its best staff. It said it had made no promises to individual staff members about how much they will receive but that the bonus fund would be paid out. In addition to the $2.5bn cash pool, Barclays is also in negotiations with about 30 executives it considers to be Lehman's best assets and plans to offer them contracts worth tens of millions of dollars. British employees of Lehman described the bonus payments as a "scandal" as they waited anxiously yesterday to see whether a deal could be struck with buyers circling the bank's European operations.

    Many of Lehman's UK staff are particularly angry about the US payouts because it has emerged that in the days running up to the bankruptcy, some $8bn in cash was transferred out of the account of the bank's European business into accounts at the New York head office.

    There is no suggestion any of this cash was used to supplement the bonus fund, but partly as a result of the transfers, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), the administrator to the European business, initially found it impossible to guarantee salaries would be paid. The September wages of thousands of European staff were only secured in the middle of last week, when PWC negotiated a £100m loan to fund the payments. PWC wrote to Lehman Brothers' head office in New York last week, requesting the repayment of the $8bn, but a spokesman said yesterday that the administrator had received no formal response.

    The row will increase pressure on the Government to tackle perceptions that City pay is out of control. Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show on BBC1 yesterday, Gordon Brown said Britain would review financial services awards following the credit crisis. "There's been a great deal of irresponsibility," the Prime Minister said. "There's an element of the bonus system that is unacceptable."

    However, Adair Turner, who formally takes over today as chairman of the Financial Services Authority, the UK's chief City regulator, warned it would be very difficult to police individual pay deals.
    "I think it would be really exceptional in any industry to have direct regulation on what different people are paid, I don't think that's appropriate and I don't think that would be workable," he said.

    "What is appropriate for regulators to do, is the need to ask searching questions about the nature of people's remuneration and to ask questions of institutions as to whether they are paying out bonuses before they are really sure whether the profits are really there."A spokesman for the TUC said the US payouts were unfair. "It looks like those that will suffer the most from the Lehman Brothers' collapse are those at the bottom of the corporate chain while many of those at the top will be looked after," he said.

    Critics of the UK's attitude towards City pay also pointed out that the US has much stronger litigation laws. For example, advocates acting for Lehman creditors in the US said over the weekend that they might sue Richard Fuld, the investment bank's chief executive, who was paid $34.4m last year, in an attempt to force him to return some of the money.

    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

  • #2
    Originally posted by Hortical View Post
    Critics of the UK's attitude towards City pay also pointed out that the US has much stronger litigation laws. For example, advocates acting for Lehman creditors in the US said over the weekend that they might sue Richard Fuld, the investment bank's chief executive, who was paid $34.4m last year, in an attempt to force him to return some of the money.
    Gi back mi raS%!?



    • #3
      as hl would say...it's a business .....dem need one or two a di investors like di man whey corner fullerton couple years aback....

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        I thought a bonus is something you get when your performance warrants it, like say maybe....keeping the company from going bankrupt?

        Wall Street is really a den of thieves.
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          I would think that most of that bonus was in stock options & their stock is now worthless -
          Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
          - Langston Hughes


          • #6
            It nuh sound so though MdmeX, unless the article is misleading. Sounds like cold hard cash or its equivalent to me.

            I know a lot of them must have lost a lot in stock options too though.
            "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


            • #7
              Barclays have identified the key employees they want to keep in place. Most of the Lehman folks were compensated mainly with stock instead of salary, so they lost most of their earnings when the firm went bankrupt. There is no way they aren't jumping ship to another company if they are not given bonuses.


              • #8
                and WHEN dem guh fi tief....dem TIEF BIG!!!!!

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  Islandman see

                  Record Christmas bonuses on Wall Street

                  By Naomi Spencer
                  27 December 2007

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                  As millions of US households struggle with unmanageable mortgage payments, falling home values and foreclosure, Wall Street executives are awarding themselves record year-end bonuses.

                  Major US banks are reporting billions of dollars in write-offs from bad investments and double-digit losses in stock value. Nevertheless, among the four largest investment firms—Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns—bonuses amount to nearly $30 billion.
                  Year-end payouts on Wall Street are 14 percent higher this year than last, bringing total compensation at the four firms to nearly $50 billion for 2007. Bonuses have increased at double-digit rates year after year on debt speculation and spiking energy and home costs, which have hurt working class families.

                  To put these compensation packages in perspective, the entire budget for New York City, employing a quarter of a million people, is $59 billion in fiscal year 2008.

                  The Wall Street bonuses alone far surpass the combined funds for the city’s fire and sanitation departments, all of the city’s health, hospital, welfare, homeless, children’s and social services, and the municipal funding of the education department and the university system of New York City.
                  The bonuses are more than the federal government’s discretionary budget for Housing and Urban Development, and more than the combined discretionary budgets of the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA and the National Science Foundation.

                  Investment bank Goldman Sachs—which pulled in profits of $11.6 billion, 22 percent higher than 2006, by positioning itself against other major firms which were entangled in the sub-prime mortgage crisis—is distributing a massive $12.1 billion in bonuses. Including compensation, Goldman Sachs will hand out $20.2 billion for the year, up from $16.5 billion in 2006.
                  Goldman Chairman and CEO Lloyd Blankfein claimed a record bonus totaling nearly $68 million, including $26.8 million in cash and $41.1 million in stock and options. Blankfein raked in the previous record, $54 million, last year. Goldman co-presidents Gary Cohn and Jon Winkelried were each given bonuses worth $40.5 million, up from $26 million apiece in 2006.

                  Investment firm Lehman Brothers reported total compensation of $9.5 billion, a 9.5 percent increase over last year, and bonuses of $5.7 billion. CEO Richard Fuld Jr. received a $35 million stock bonus. According to Forbes, Fuld’s five-year compensation total, excluding this latest bonus, is nearly $312 million.

                  The media has made much of the announcements from Morgan Stanley and Bear Stearns that their chief executives will not be given bonuses due to their dismal earnings reports and falling share values. Reuters commented December 20 that “even top performers at some firms are getting pinched” by the collapse of the sub-prime and credit markets. “It’s a bloodbath on the credit side,” capital markets analyst John Kim told the news agency. “It’s going to be brutal. The bonus pool is shrinking.”
                  Yet Morgan Stanley, the second largest securities firm, reported a decline in earnings of 60 percent over the year and a $9.4 billion write-down in debt securities holdings for the fourth quarter at the same time as it announced an 18 percent rise in compensation packages, to $16.6 billion.
                  Securities firm Bear Stearns posted its first-ever quarterly loss and reduced earnings estimates by nearly $2 billion. The company reported reduced compensation packages of $3.4 billion, down from $4.3 billion in 2006.

                  These figures are certainly not making top Morgan Stanley and Bear Stearns executives uncomfortable in their featherbeds. While Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack forgoes a bonus this year, last year he was given $40 million in compensation. Forbes puts Mack’s annual compensation, excluding bonuses, at $7.46 million, and his stock ownership at more than $220 million.

                  Bear Stearns CEO James Cayne is estimated to hold more than $1.3 billion. Last year Cayne was paid $38 million in cash and held $59 million in stock options. As the company reported that two of its hedge funds had collapsed, the Wall Street Journal reported that Caynes spent his days chartering cross-country flights to attend bridge tournaments and play golf.

                  Even CEOs who resigned or were removed from their positions because of disastrous write-downs continue to reap windfalls. Stanley O’Neal, CEO of Merrill Lynch until being removed in October, is not receiving his bonus this year, but has been awarded more than $161 million in securities and retirement package.

                  Citigroup CEO Charles Prince resigned in November after forecasting $11 billion in sub-prime mortgage investment losses on top of $6.5 billion already written down. He was handed an exit package of $95 million, including $30 million in stocks and options, and will continue to get a bonus based on Citigroup’s share price.

                  Noting the enormous growth in award amounts, executive recruiting firm Boyden World Corp. director Jeanne Branthover told Bloomberg news on December 24, “What you’re seeing is historic. It’s going to set a pattern in the future for how people and firms differentiate themselves in extraordinary times.”

                  Indeed, these are extraordinary times. Such figures epitomize the deepening social divide between the parasitic upper crust and the mass of the US population. Inequality has grown sharply in recent years on tax cuts, speculation and outright fraud, at the expense of general living standards and the productive base of society.

                  The federal Congressional Budget Office reported earlier this month that between 2003 and 2005, the income of the richest one percent of the population rose more than the combined total income of the poorest 20 percent of Americans. The richest 3 million people saw their income increase from $1.3 trillion to $1.8 trillion, equal to the combined total income of the bottom 166 million Americans.

                  This grotesque concentration of wealth has real consequences for the dynamics of economic life. As Wall Street executives claw up tens of millions, on New York City on any given night thousands of people seek emergency assistance from city shelters. The city’s Department of Homeless Services census count for December 21 put the total shelter occupancy at 35,419, including more than 15,000 children.

                  Nationwide, millions of working class households contend with exorbitant housing, heating and debt payments, largely the byproduct of investment firm profits. Home foreclosures continue to surge throughout the country as prices decline and sub-prime mortgage interest rates reset. More than 36.5 million people live below the artificially suppressed official poverty line. The rising cost of housing, energy, basic foods and gasoline have pushed the poorest families into desperate situations, strained emergency food banks and charities, and compounded the trend toward recession.
                  Meanwhile, Elite Traveler magazine reports that households worth at least $10 million are spending 67 percent more on the holidays this year. In addition to the usual jewelry, electronics, cars, yachts, and vacation homes, the super-rich are also splurging on private islands and private charter jet flights.

                  One of the most popular gift items this year, according to the magazine, is a $40,000 gift card redeemable for ten hours of luxury flying. The Lufthansa private jet service, the magazine says, “offers personal assistants, a cigar lounge, luxury bathrooms and integrated passport control and security checkpoints. Cuisine features a daily assortment of sushi as well as some 43 vintage Armagnac brandies.” From the lounge, “A chauffeured Mercedes S-class or Porsche Cayenne whisks travelers directly to their awaiting jet.”
                  Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                  - Langston Hughes


                  • #10
                    And this is what they use taxpayer money to bail out????

                    The people should revolt! No bailout till they pay back the money.


                    • #11
                      When you sign contracts and make deals...make it good!
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        The people (or sheeple as some call them) are too busy watching who gets voted off the island and when the next ipod is released.

                        I suspect they will only take notice when it is too late.
                        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                        • #13
                          I see that but from the original article below, this particular bonus pool is a cash pool. maybe there were a number of bonus plans.

                          "In addition to the $2.5bn cash pool, Barclays is also in negotiations with about 30 executives it considers to be Lehman's best assets and plans to offer them contracts worth tens of millions of dollars. British employees of Lehman described the bonus payments as a "scandal" as they waited anxiously yesterday to see whether a deal could be struck with buyers circling the bank's European operations."
                          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                          • #14
                            Taxpayers money? What are you talking about?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Me View Post
                              Taxpayers money? What are you talking about?
                              Who do you think are on the hook for those TREASURY bills created out of thin air???

                              Wait, yuh nuh know what o'clock a strike? Seriously? If so, as Islandman man!

