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Respect to Our Government!

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  • Respect to Our Government!

    I'm a bit disappointed that no one one saw it fit to comment on an act that is extremely unusual from our leaders. In fact, not only was I left genuinely impressed when I first learnt of this move by our government (or people who had influential links with the government), but I was also very, very touched!!

    Not only is this is the Jamaica that I dream of, but it is also something that, in my humble opinion, should be recorded in history as a starting point of how Jamaicans should be regarded and treated! (This includes, if I may venture back a few months, ensuring that foreign dancers who ply their trade in Jamaican night clubs have in their possession the necessary work permit documents that gives them the right to compete against Jamaican dancers!)

    J'cans rescued
    Air J mounts airlift from Turks ahead of Hurricane IkePATRICK FOSTER, Observer writer fosterp@jamaicaobserver.com
    Saturday, September 06, 2008

    An elated Camille Williams is greeted by a friend as she arrives at the Norman Manley International Airport from the Turks and Caicos Islands yesterday. Williams was one of more than 100 Jamaicans airlifted from the islands by Air Jamaica ahead of the arrival today of Hurricane Ike. (Photo: Garfield Robinson)

    More than 100 Jamaicans were yesterday airlifted from the Turks and Caicos by national airline Air Jamaica as powerful Hurricane Ike threatened the small islands mere days after they were drenched by Hurricane Hanna.

    "I am just happy to be home," said Kaydeen Miles as she exited the arrival terminal at the Norman Manley International Airport about 4:30 yesterday evening. "Many places were flooded after Hanna."

    More than 350 Jamaicans are scheduled to return home on several specially arranged Air Jamaica flights out of the islands before today when Ike is forecast to hit.

    Miles, an education officer for two-and-a-half years in the Turks and Caicos, lauded the Jamaican Government and Air Jamaica for the timely rescue.

    Kaydeen Miles and fellow educator Fabian Reid yesterday on arrival at the Norman Manley International Airport from the Turks and Caicos Islands. They were among more than 100 Jamaicans airlifted from the islands by national airline Air Jamaica ahead of an expected strike by Hurricane Ike today. (Photo: Garfield Robinson)
    "We have to be thankful to the honourable council Allan Hutchinson and Shirley Williams of Air Jamaica for co-ordinating it," she said. "They were really instrumental in getting us out."

    Jamaicans in the Turks and Caicos, which comprises several small islets just north of Hispaniola, were contacted by the council and the rescue mission co-ordinated, Miles said.

    Sandra Elliot, another Jamaican returning on one of the special flights yesterday, also heaped congratulations on the Government for the evacuation from the threatened isles.

    "We are extremely grateful to the Government," she said.

    Elliot, who said she has been working at Beaches Resort in the Turks and Caicos for five years, told the Observer that this was the first time she had seen a large scale evacuation of Jamaican residents from another country.
    "When I saw American Airlines evacuating American citizens, I asked what about Jamaicans," Elliot said.

    "I was so happy when I heard that Air Jamaica would be coming for us," she beamed, even as she revealed that she had to travel more than 200 kilometres home to Hanover.

    Miles, in the meantime, said that not all Jamaicans residing in the Turks would be able to return home before the hurricane.

    "Some people who work in the essential services there can't return," she shared.

    Joseph Jackson, a construction worker who returned to Jamaica from the Turks earlier this year, waited patiently at the airport last evening for the arrival of his wife Marilyn.

    "I came home, but my wife stayed there to work," he said.

    "We are not sure what will happen, but life is more precious than gold," he said.

    Ike is the second cyclone to affect the Turks and Caicos in a matter of days as category 1 strength Hurricane Hanna dumped several inches of rain on the islands earlier this week, leaving many sections flooded.

    Hurricane Ike is on track to hit the Turks and Caicos Islands this afternoon as a category four storm.

  • #2
    Let me comment. I think it's a bad precedent. If Jamaicans choose to 'ply their trade' in a foreign country and are not working for Government, then they are on their own. If it were students on schol., people representing the country etc., then it's a different matter. Think of the millions of Jamaicans who work all over the globe. Can the Jamaican Gov. afford an Air Ja airlift for every natural disasaster, war etc..???? Are they also going to airlift them back after the hurricane? What was the cost to taxpayers? Have you seen the post-Gustav pics of Jamaica?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Exile View Post
      Let me comment. I think it's a bad precedent. If Jamaicans choose to 'ply their trade' in a foreign country and are not working for Government, then they are on their own. If it were students on schol., people representing the country etc., then it's a different matter. Think of the millions of Jamaicans who work all over the globe. Can the Jamaican Gov. afford an Air Ja airlift for every natural disasaster, war etc..???? Are they also going to airlift them back after the hurricane? What was the cost to taxpayers? Have you seen the post-Gustav pics of Jamaica?
      You have made an interesting and certainly valid point, Exile. I will try and respond a bit more later today. But thanks for your obviously thoughtful input, boss.


      • #4
        News you missed,


        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #5
          Looking out for the welfare of one’s citizens abroad is not anything new! The Americans, for example, have done so in the past! Closer home, I recall a few years ago the government of the Bahamas sending one of its planes to Kingston to pick up the Bahamian students in Jamaica as Hurricane Ivan (I believe it was Ivan) approached Jamaica.

          For us in Jamaica, accustomed to political tribalism as we have been since independence, this action by the Jamaican government in rescuing Jamaicans from the Turks & Caicos Islands is something startling. However, it should not have been startling for any of us!

          Certainly we cannot expect our government to be picking up Jamaicans from all over the world in times of disaster! Not even the great USA can do afford to do this for American citizens.

          But, and this is the point that I think you missed, Exile: for the first time a Jamaican government is showing that it cares so much about the welfare of Jamaicans on a non-partisan basis that it will take steps to protect their lives!

          This action by the present Jamaica government is not something to be dismissed or taken lightly!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Historian View Post
            Looking out for the welfare of one’s citizens abroad is not anything new! The Americans, for example, have done so in the past! Closer home, I recall a few years ago the government of the Bahamas sending one of its planes to Kingston to pick up the Bahamian students in Jamaica as Hurricane Ivan (I believe it was Ivan) approached Jamaica.

            For us in Jamaica, accustomed to political tribalism as we have been since independence, this action by the Jamaican government in rescuing Jamaicans from the Turks & Caicos Islands is something startling. However, it should not have been startling for any of us!

            Certainly we cannot expect our government to be picking up Jamaicans from all over the world in times of disaster! Not even the great USA can do afford to do this for American citizens.

            But, and this is the point that I think you missed, Exile: for the first time a Jamaican government is showing that it cares so much about the welfare of Jamaicans on a non-partisan basis that it will take steps to protect their lives!

            This action by the present Jamaica government is not something to be dismissed or taken lightly!

            It certainly is a good move and to be recognized... but to claim that quote:

            for the first time a Jamaican government is showing that it cares so much about the welfare of Jamaicans on a non-partisan basis that it will take steps to protect their lives!

            .. that certainly is a gross exaggeration.

            Just my opinion.

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              Originally posted by Don1 View Post
              It certainly is a good move and to be recognized... but to claim that quote:

              for the first time a Jamaican government is showing that it cares so much about the welfare of Jamaicans on a non-partisan basis that it will take steps to protect their lives!

              .. that certainly is a gross exaggeration.

              Just my opinion.
              I already ate, showered, and was just about to head for my bed for an early night (I'll check the Reggae Boyz soccer score tomorrow morning, when I'm in a better frame of mind) when I decided to take a quick final check here on the forum. I'm glad I did, as I'm able to clarify my statement and also apologize for what was a rather hasty, innacurate statement I made.

              You are certainly correct, Don1, when you say that my statement is a "gross exaggeration." One does not have to think back very far to realize that I was rather hasty in my statement (which you highlighted) above.

              While rescuing our fellow Jamaicans from the Turks & Caicos Islands is certainly an admirable move by the present Jamaican government, it in fact cannot be regarded in any way as a Jamaican government "for the first time" showing that it cares!

              I have no hesitation in offering my sincere apology for this rather hasty and innacurate statement on my part.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Historian View Post
                I already ate, showered, and was just about to head for my bed for an early night (I'll check the Reggae Boyz soccer score tomorrow morning, when I'm in a better frame of mind) when I decided to take a quick final check here on the forum. I'm glad I did, as I'm able to clarify my statement and also apologize for what was a rather hasty, innacurate statement I made.

                You are certainly correct, Don1, when you say that my statement is a "gross exaggeration." One does not have to think back very far to realize that I was rather hasty in my statement (which you highlighted) above.

                While rescuing our fellow Jamaicans from the Turks & Caicos Islands is certainly an admirable move by the present Jamaican government, it in fact cannot be regarded in any way as a Jamaican government "for the first time" showing that it cares!

                I have no hesitation in offering my sincere apology for this rather hasty and innacurate statement on my part.
                no apology necessary boss.


                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #9
                  what is this site turning into ?

                  next thing wi gwine to be holding hands and singing kum-bi-ya

