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Its Pork and Dumplings not yam - Bolt girl talks

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  • Its Pork and Dumplings not yam - Bolt girl talks


    Mizicann Evans catches the fastest man alive
    BY DANIA BOGLE Observer staff reporter bogled@jamaicaobserver.com
    Sunday, September 07, 2008

    TALE as old as time, song as old as rhyme. First they were friends, then somebody bends. Now, they're friends in love. So goes the love story of Olympic 100m and 200m champion Usain Bolt and his girlfriend Mizicann Evans.

    Mizicann Evans, girlfriend of sprinting sensation Usain Bolt (Photo: Lionel Rookwood)
    The pair met as young teenagers over five years ago but sparks didn't fly immediately. Then they met again after then 17-year-old Bolt moved to Kingston in 2003 from Sherwood Content, Trelawny, where he grew up.
    'Mitzy', as she is known to her friends said the pair met again at a food court in Mall Plaza in Kingston, where coincidentally, she met the Sunday Observer one rainy afternoon to talk about her relationship with the star athlete.
    "Of course phones weren't so popular back then... then we happened to meet again when he came to live in Kingston."
    After bonding as friends, they became a couple in 2004.
    "We were close but mainly friends because I was in school my focus was on school and not a relationship, but as time progressed, I got older, more mature and I was ready for a relationship, things kicked off," the Merl Grove alumna revealed.
    The affable young woman, who turns 20 on December 5, completed GCE 'A' Levels in Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics at Quality Academics but made a quantum leap and is now a second-year Accounting and Finance major at the University College of the Caribbean (UCC).
    School and training means the young couple value the time spent together. Evans sometimes accompanies him to training after school hours or they often hang out on weekends and play lots of dominoes together while his Wednesday nights he often spends at the Quad nightclub with his male friends.
    "We mostly talk and chat and have fun but we spend a lot of good times together."
    Evans, who travelled to Beijing for the Olympics, was inside the Bird's Nest Stadium when the lanky 22-year- old Bolt smashed the 100m world record to win the Olympic title and again five days later when he clocked 19.30 seconds to break Michael Johnson's 12-year-old world record in winning the 200m.
    "I was like 'Miss Cleo'," she made reference to the popular television psychic. "I knew he would have broken the (100m) record."
    She hadn't predicted, however, the 200m record: "After eight rounds I thought he would have been tired but before the race he told me he was going to give it his all and put out his best and put out everything he had in him."
    The moment left her speechless: "Words cannot express...everyone can tell you I was in the stadium with my mouth open for ten minutes."
    As to the criticisms levelled against the athlete for his celebration of his medals: "It was expected...when he was down there were criticisms, now he's up there are going to be criticisms, I guess once you're on top of the world you're going to have people coming at you criticising you."
    She put paid to any tales of Bolt's prowess on the field being because of his affinity towards yams having hailed from the yam capital of Jamaica.
    "Him is a dumpling and pork man," she said, shaking her head. "Anything with dumpling for breakfast and anything with pork for dinner."
    Evans said Bolt may now be higher up on the radar where the international attention he receives is concerned, but between them not much has changed with the passage of time, his increased popularity, and acquiring of three Olympic titles.
    In fact, it was harder in the beginning: "I think where our relationship has reached it is actually easier for me now than it was back then... he's actually a very nice person, there's little or no pressure relationship-wise... I must admit ... in terms of girls there's little or no stress," she shared.
    She added that fame hasn't changed the lanky sprinter. "In our relationship in terms of the transformation of him being the record holder and all of that there is no change ... you don't know he's famous until he's down there running, he is still the same person. The same Usain Bolt."
    She is also close to his mother Jennifer. The two were much photographed standing together at the Games.
    "I wouldn't say she is my best friend but I'm actually like her daughter... we talk about anything, laugh about anything, she's a really nice woman, " she said
    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.

  • #2
    Ah which "pork" she a talk bout?

