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Tourist board launches VisitJamaica website

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  • Tourist board launches VisitJamaica website

    Tourist board launches VisitJamaica website
    published: Thursday | September 4, 2008

    Janet Silvera, Senior Gleaner Writer
    A year after introducing the Tourism Information Publishing Site (TIPS), the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) yesterday unveiled its latest venture in cyberspace: the new VisitJamaica.com website.
    "We are putting the JTB on a more solid footing in regards to the use of the Internet and marketing and communications," Director of Tourism Basil Smith told The Gleaner during the official launch at the Creative Production and Training Centre in Kingston.
    Smith, whose brainchild the site was, said the unveiling represented the next step in a technology-savvy era for the country's marketing arm.
    With Travelocity as the booking engine, the tourism director said he expects to capitalise on their impressive global reach.
    "They are very advanced and are capable of doing business in various currencies, which harmonises with our ambition to open up to new markets," he noted.
    Smith said Google is the search engine that the organisation has partnered with to optimise Jamaica's presence on the Web, "ensuring that whenever there is a search for a number of vacation spots related to Jamaica, the word Jamaica pops up".
    At an estimated cost of US$280,000 (J$20.2 million) for design, construction and maintenance, VisitJamaica.com gives visitors the opportunity to explore what Jamaica offers through an engaging and immersive experience featuring the country's people, culture, art, music, cuisine, history, attractions and diverse range of accommodations. janet.silvera@gleanerjm.com

    Site: http://visitjamaica.com/default.aspx
    Source: http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/glean...business2.html
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Good Move, But....

    This is actually a very good move by the Jamaica Tourist Board, and I'm not surprised that someone as outstanding as Basil Smith was the one to come up with the idea!

    Not a great deal has been made on this forum about Smith's decision not to continue as Tourism Director, but time will show, I believe, that his moving on will be an immense loss to Jamaica! Certainly, I'm anxious to know why Smith, who left a very high (and high-paying) position in the tourism ministry of one of the region's leading tourist destination to take up the helm of Jamaica's, should decide not to renew his contract!

    On the matter of this new JTB Internet website, we will only reap the fruits after government moves more aggressively to sort out our internal problems. I'm referring specifically here to our crime problem! It doesn't make sense spending millions of US dollars every year in marketing ourselves as a destination of choice if the negative picture of us continues to exist!

    And furthermore, while we still boast of almost three million visitors, regional competitors like the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas are having far greater numbers of annual visitors! And then there is Cuba, which in the near future might become the most dominant player in this very important tourism market (outside of Cancun, of course)!


    • #3
      A Question

      Anyone knows why Basil Smith, who so enthusiastically took up the post of Tourism Board head just two years ago, will not be returning to that post?

      His immense experience is surely something that we cannot afford to lose!! I genuinely do not believe that there are many decision makers in Jamaica with the expertise and the innovative ideas to move Jamaica forward in the fastest growing industry in the world, tourism. Sadly (although, thankfully, this is changing) many decision makers in Jamaica still fail to realize that "service" does not equate to "servitude"!


      • #4
        This is a great website. I remember us been critical of paying too much money for it but this website is better than many other travel related website in terms of looks and beauty. Hopefully there will be much more content added and stuff like the google map will be able to zoom in.

        Good work but JTB. I know Mr. Smith has opted to leave but to tell the truth we have a good talent pool in that area so hopefully they will get a good successor and not one with political affiliation that blinds everything.
        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Assasin View Post
          This is a great website. Good work but JTB.
          I fully agree! It is outstanding work by the Jamaica Tourist Board, and just what we need to do at this period in our development.

          I know Mr. Smith has opted to leave but to tell the truth we have a good talent pool in that area so hopefully they will get a good successor and not one with political affiliation that blinds everything.
          I hope you're correct!


          • #6
            His, I have worked in this industry in Ja. Met a few people especially at the tourist board. I can say we have afew talented people in this area but the tourist board itself is what needs to change. Some people are just too relax and have had the same post for years even without the results needed. We have people like Carol Guntley-Brady and other who have real experience and expertise, we can call on the services of people like Simonich and others who have retired from day to day running of hotels to contribute.

            While Smith seems a very good and competent person I think if we really want we can do big things. I have been disappointed that after 2 million tourists in the late 80s we are now talking about 3 million, even with more rooms added.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

