Next time, you make sure that the girl yuh messing wid bareback is not the daughter of a conservative freak. I wonder when exactly he moved from baby faada to fiance? Heh heh!
Levi Johnston: World, meet the most famous high school hockey player of all time
By Mark Bieganskion September 2, 2008 12:52 PM |
Sun-Times colleague Kevin Allen's sports approach to Levi Johnson, the father of Bristol Palin's child.
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By Alienigeni on September 3, 2008 11:13 AM
Er. Doesn't his MySpace page say that he doesn't Want kids and he is "a f****** redneck". Direct quote. I'm sure you do believe that God provides but I think to superimpose your situation on these guys is a little naive?
By Sue on September 3, 2008 9:28 AM
This young man has stated, using the f word repeatedly, that he does not want children. (And I heard today that he may have fathered another child.)So now, since his mother-in-law is a big shot at the republican convention, he wants to marry her? Nice timing. And where do you suppose the happy family will reside? In the VP mansion with the servants? At taxpayer expense? Nice setup.
I pray for them, too, that they really do grow up and become responsible parents. However, since neither has even a high school diploma (Bristol missed 5 months of school LAST year), the child's future does not look too rosy to me. And for evangelicals to applaud these irresponsible children appalls me. You should be ashamed. I am.
By Realist on September 3, 2008 9:28 AM
Let's be real. Your families failed you. They taught you abstinence only, didn't educate you on the consequences of sex (including possible STDs and, obviously, pregnancy.)
I wish you both luck. Obviously, her family will be able to financially support you. Again, teaching you nothing.
I hope all is well for you and the baby. Enjoy the most famous pregnancy in the USA
By Ray on September 3, 2008 9:23 AM
Levi, as someone who spent his youth in Ketchikan, I hope you do us proud. You are doing the right thing sticking around and making an honest woman of her. I remember many others who wouldn't marry afterwards. Above all, hold you head high and give that liberal media HELL!
By Anonymous on September 3, 2008 8:15 AM
Levi, your my space content is crude and insulting to women and men alike. The threats and foul language stand against Republican (and Democratic) principles. I respect these kind folks who provide well wishes, but they also should pray that you change to a more loving person and kind man.
By Been there done that on September 3, 2008 7:33 AM
I have to wonder how a woman running for VP would not know how to teach their children about safe sex? I was also a young mother having my first baby at 19 and married at 18. I have 3 boys and have ALWAYS talked to them about the safe sex subject. They are going to have sex so why not help protect them by giving them options?
I also know from experience that this marriage will not last. Maybe 1 year, maybe 10 (in my case 15 yrs)but those young days these kids are going to miss out on will eventually take its toll.You cant tell me this was planned. If Sarah Palin was not in the spotlight, I bet the outcome of this pregnancy would be different. Having/Forcing Levi to marry this girl and give it a shot does not make it ok. When you vote for a VP you also vote for their familys and morals.
I can only offer my prayers to this family in hopes that this lesson is a well learned one. Mine sure was....
By Been there done that on September 3, 2008 7:32 AM
I have to wonder how a woman running for VP would not know how to teach their children about safe sex? I was also a young mother having my first baby at 19 and married at 18. I have 3 boys and have ALWAYS talked to them about the safe sex subject. They are going to have sex so why not help protect them by giving them options?
I also know from experience that this marriage will not last. Maybe 1 year, maybe 10 (in my case 15 yrs)but those young days these kids are going to miss out on will eventually take its toll.You cant tell me this was planned. If Sarah Palin was not in the spotlight, I bet the outcome of this pregnancy would be different. Having/Forcing Levi to marry this girl and give it a shot does not make it ok. When you vote for a VP you also vote for their familys and morals.
I can only offer my prayers to this family in hopes that this lesson is a well learned one. Mine sure was....
By George James on September 3, 2008 6:44 AM
Sorry to tell you, dear, but Levi dropped out of high school.
By Bob on September 3, 2008 2:45 AM
Rush Limbaugh on Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy:
CALLER: Would you tend to think that a family in this position,
though, wouldn't you think that there would be a more watchful eye as
a parent to be watching over these kids so this doesn't happen to
RUSH: I would certainly hope so, but it's long past time for this to
happen. The parents here are the culprits!
Laura Schlessinger (on same topic) :
I feel sorry for children who are robbed of their childhoods of
innocence by parents who are negligent or voyeuristic. I feel sorry
for the unborn baby, whose precious life is bound to be a toy in the
hands of these young people.
By B. Philly on September 3, 2008 2:23 AM
A professed " blankity...REDNECK and a boozing underage teen make a baby out of wedlock, and MOM could potentally become VP of the U.S.. I guess this is also a story that could "only be possible in america". Canada, here I come...
By Seth Walker on September 3, 2008 2:08 AM
OMG! I can not believe this. The teenage couple has sex, doesn't practice Abstinence like her Governor Mother preaches and we applaud them for having a baby? Only thing this says to me is these two high school students practiced poor judgement. You don't have to be in Sex Ed to realize one thing... USE A CONDOM!
I am not saying for them to have an abortion or give the child up for adoption but come on people. If we are going to preach abstinence and thump the bible every minute of the day we can't be making exceptions to the rules. The bible is clear, no sex without marriage.
And just by saying "She is going to have the baby and they will be getting married...." doesn't change that fact these two kids had sex outside of being legally married.
But I guess this is OK for Bristol but Jamie Lynn Spears is a different subject.
Yes, this is a family issue but lets not give them kudos for a stupid decision.
My only prayers are for us who have to listen to this issue day after day. Isn't there a war going on?
By alaskan mom of 5 on September 3, 2008 1:25 AM
Right on Rick Saunders ! Haters, leave these two kids alone. to Bristol and Levi ; God bless you guys, this too can work out for the glory of God. My prayers have been for strength through this very public time. Children are a blessing from God, pull yourself up and fly straight for your own and baby's sake. Love from a mom who has been there, and later soared like an eagle !
By George Adams on September 3, 2008 1:08 AM
Oh for pete's sake!....the Republican party has gone from Eastern Establishment, Yale/Harvard/Princeton, Council on Foreign Relations statesmen to barefoot and pregnant and redneck. I'm fed up with this! - as well as with Republican lies, low-life nasty campaigning instead of honorable statement of lofty principles, debt instead of frugality, etc. etc.! The GOP has not only destroyed itself, it has virtually destroyed the country.
Eastern Establishment, Connecticut Yankee, Ivy educated, soon-to-be-former Republican
By Meli Havard on September 3, 2008 12:33 AM
Why is no one encouraging Bristol and Levi to give the child up for adoption? Wouldn't that be a more loving, pro life thing to do in this case?
By Anonymous on September 2, 2008 11:58 PM
Are you kidding me Rick Saunders??? You'd speak like this had it been Osama's 17 year old daughter in this mess???? You republican hypocrites are just too much.
By Jim in Arizona on September 2, 2008 11:36 PM
So Sarah Palin is Pastey McBush's VP choice. �Wow! �What a testament to women and the "no experience" argument. �I know I'll certainly feel calm if he's elected because now we know if the old geezer croaks in office, the most powerful leader in the free world will be pretty AND ready to serve. �After all, the Big Mac lists her accomplishments as: �current PTA member, NRA lifelong member, former mayor, governor of our 48th most populous state, and working hockey-mom. �Whew! �That mayor's job of less than two years is a comfort. �If we get in pothole discussions with Iran or North Korea, she's our gal. �If there is a dispute over the size of business signs in Pakistan, she'll know how to resolve it. �And with her experience in redrawing boundaries and annexing neighborhoods for better revenue, all our Middle East conflicts will evaporate.�
Since her state legislature only meets 90 days a year, she�s had time to exercise AND work on that resume. So what if she can�t list all those things on Joe Biden�s vita like: Harvard Law Review,�longtime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee,�constitutional law professor, author of the Violence Against Women Act (which federalized domestic violence as a crime) state senator, and is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee? Heck, she looks smart, and she�s young, too. We can cross our fingers that she can do OJT.
And thank goodness she has five kids, one of whom is five months old with Down's syndrome. �Can�t beat that. As a 44-year-old who doesn't believe in birth control, maybe she'll even have a few more. Take her �abstinenance only� stand. That sure is the way to go; just ask her 17-year-old-daughter! �Mrs Palin (she�d never go by Ms) will have a big heart about making sure all our children in the USA have health care, and that all our single moms will have the benefit of a husband who can stay at home while they're working out of town. Come to think of it, she'll probably throw in a nanny tax credit for the poor. �Now that's progress!
I'm also so happy that finally we have a politician that hasn't frequented prostitutes or had affairs. �Between salon appointments, she's been too busy seeing that schools teach creationism, and that is just ducky. �Now that we know the Earth has only been around for 6,000 years (it says so in Genesis), no child will be left behind, and their test scores will go way up because they won't have so much history to learn. �Yippee! �
Best of all, she's a former beauty pageant runner-up which ensures that the Miss America and Miss Universe competitions will once again get the major network Saturday nights' exposures they used to have before those damn feminists messed things up. �I'm so glad Johnny Mac realized that any broad is a broad, and what their position on any issue is is irrelevant. �Just think, one can vote against the major women�s issues of the last two decades and still make it to runner-up Prez! As long as dames have designer glasses, good legs and a regular period, they're interchangeable. �And I'll betcha a Starbuck's gift card that Palin can whip up a double light espresso with a touch of cream and cinnamon faster than you can say, "June Cleaver."
Choosing Anita Bryant, er, Sarah Palin was a stroke of genius. That'll show them damn Hillary fans that can't make up their mind. Attention everyone.... good ole maverick John McCain IS progressive and anti-Washington, and when that call comes at 3AM, he has now shown that he�s not afraid to make a quick decision and take a risk.
Lord help us.
By Jerry on September 2, 2008 11:16 PM
Kids: Do your best. You have had tough childhoods with often negligent parents who put themselves and their ambitions first. Try your best--STRIVE--to be better parents than your parents were. Shed the tawdriness and squalor of your all-too-brief youth and, with this pathetic moral lapse behind you, live upright and irreproachable lives, and give your children something wholesome to aspire to.
By DC FURY on September 2, 2008 10:13 PM
Don't worry dude if she looses the election you might be able to get out of the marriage since she won't be in the public eye anymore
By Eric Baird on September 2, 2008 9:21 PM
I bet that Valley Urology, not even in their wildest dreams thought their ad was going to garner such a wide audience!
By C. Everett Koop on September 2, 2008 8:47 PM
Children aren't gifts from God. They're the result of a sperm and an egg uniting. Maybe if you studied real science instead of "intelligent design" you'd know this. Puppies, kittens, ducks and even snakes, it all works the same. And from the number of unwanted pregnancies every year, and the act which these kids should have been taught not to do unless they were married, God had nothing to do with it.
By Micheal on September 2, 2008 8:36 PM
I wish them both the best of luck but...
I could never vote for a McCain/Palin now. She wants to lead in the second most powerful position in America but can't even control her own children? Shame on her!
By Bill Ramsey on September 2, 2008 8:34 PM
Levi, you better hope Obama gets elected so that you can get some healthcare for that baby.
By John McCain on September 2, 2008 8:32 PM
Do you get paid per mention of "god"?
By L. on September 2, 2008 8:22 PM
It's hard to believe that people are celebrating the fact that a 17 year old girl is pregnant! No matter who's daughter she is, what's the message to the rest of the nation?
By Sarah on September 2, 2008 8:12 PM
When is the Wedding?
By Common sense on September 2, 2008 8:09 PM
A small amount of information on Johnston could be found at his MySpace page, which has since been removed. The Wasilla, Alaska, hockey player's page listed him as being in a relationship, but under his "children" status, Johnston opted for "I don't want kids."
enough said?
By REalist on September 2, 2008 8:02 PM
Congats to Levi and Bristol? I believe that kids are a gift from God. However, having a shotgun wedding to preserve image is something totally I am against. Levi states that he did not want to have kids. What good comes out of this by forcing him to marry Bristol. This country is full of lots of successful moms. I think these kids should wait until they are older to decide whether they really want to get Married. Palin can afford to take care of her grand kid and have her daughter finish her education. Why ruin three lives? This is how bad marriages begin. God bless you all but I think we send kids the wrong message when we try to satisfy a public image.
By Patti Burke on September 2, 2008 8:00 PM
Oh, please. You have no idea whether what they are doing is "the right thing." You don't know these people. What if one of them is incredibly immature and not at all ready to deal with the challenges of marriage and parenthood? What if neither of them is? Does following one foolish choice with another constitute "demonstrating love and courage?" I'm really glad it worked out for you, but in most instances, statistically, children having children is a really bad idea and the chances are that baby is going to end up bearing the brunt of it.
By John McCain on September 2, 2008 7:50 PM
Rick Saunders, plase stick to kind words of encouragement and support. Your overboard pronouncements (about which you know nothing) only serve to cheapen your prayers.
By Bob on September 2, 2008 7:22 PM
Levi and Bristol,
Congratulations on your second child! I know we share prayers with you for Trig, and hope this new child will be born healthy and blessed! We didn't even know you're pregnant! God gives such grand gifts!
By Ellen Westfall on September 2, 2008 7:16 PM
I am surprised that the news of Bristol Palin's pregnany and her keeping the baby has gotten such favorable acceptance because when Jamie Spears became pregnant and did not abort the press was all over her and her Mom very unfavorably.
Why was that?
Grandmother in Connecticut
By Lawrence Dushenski on September 2, 2008 6:57 PM
Its a high school couple who got pregnant. And now they are being used as a political tool for the conservative evangelicals. Kid is going to have a rough life.
By JohnRyan on September 2, 2008 6:03 PM
Will they be adopting his firat child ? the one with the girl from middle school?
By Janice Barnes on September 2, 2008 5:44 PM
To bad my mom wasn't running for office when I was 17, if she had, Bristol would have the privacy she deserves. As if this were the worse thing that a child could do. And for all of you thinking it is because there wasn't sex education in school...give us all a break. How many times did you have premarital, pre-legal sex? Was it because you didn't get sex ed in school or because you just wanted to have sex? I am excited for Sarah to run for VP and I wish the best for Levi and Bristol because after all they are bringing a baby into this world.
By Rick Saunders on September 2, 2008 4:51 PM
My wife, Josephine Washington Saunders and I are praying for you Levi and Bristol, your parents, siblings and loved ones. We thank God for you all. We were brought into this wonderful world the same way. Our parents were married as a result of our respective mothers pregnancy. We are enjoying great lives because we had Mother's and Father's like you two. Children are gifts from God. You both know this. We are confident your baby will be greatly loved too. God will bless you for standing tall for your new born babe and for each other and your new family. We pray you both stay in school, graduate from college and pursue your careers. God will enable you to do this and so much more just ask Him and watch what He does for you. Thank you for being an example of love and courage to us all in a world now that so infrequently demonstrates either. You are both so young and yet so mature. Stay forever young and in love. This is why the press can't understand you two or your expression of love and happiness. We get it. You got it. Go for it all. Don't look back, life is great. No one is perfect. You are doing the right thing and your baby will prove that to you and is going to thrill you both. Congratulations Levi and Bristol.
Levi Johnston: World, meet the most famous high school hockey player of all time
By Mark Bieganskion September 2, 2008 12:52 PM |
Sun-Times colleague Kevin Allen's sports approach to Levi Johnson, the father of Bristol Palin's child.
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By Alienigeni on September 3, 2008 11:13 AM
Er. Doesn't his MySpace page say that he doesn't Want kids and he is "a f****** redneck". Direct quote. I'm sure you do believe that God provides but I think to superimpose your situation on these guys is a little naive?
By Sue on September 3, 2008 9:28 AM
This young man has stated, using the f word repeatedly, that he does not want children. (And I heard today that he may have fathered another child.)So now, since his mother-in-law is a big shot at the republican convention, he wants to marry her? Nice timing. And where do you suppose the happy family will reside? In the VP mansion with the servants? At taxpayer expense? Nice setup.
I pray for them, too, that they really do grow up and become responsible parents. However, since neither has even a high school diploma (Bristol missed 5 months of school LAST year), the child's future does not look too rosy to me. And for evangelicals to applaud these irresponsible children appalls me. You should be ashamed. I am.
By Realist on September 3, 2008 9:28 AM
Let's be real. Your families failed you. They taught you abstinence only, didn't educate you on the consequences of sex (including possible STDs and, obviously, pregnancy.)
I wish you both luck. Obviously, her family will be able to financially support you. Again, teaching you nothing.
I hope all is well for you and the baby. Enjoy the most famous pregnancy in the USA
By Ray on September 3, 2008 9:23 AM
Levi, as someone who spent his youth in Ketchikan, I hope you do us proud. You are doing the right thing sticking around and making an honest woman of her. I remember many others who wouldn't marry afterwards. Above all, hold you head high and give that liberal media HELL!
By Anonymous on September 3, 2008 8:15 AM
Levi, your my space content is crude and insulting to women and men alike. The threats and foul language stand against Republican (and Democratic) principles. I respect these kind folks who provide well wishes, but they also should pray that you change to a more loving person and kind man.
By Been there done that on September 3, 2008 7:33 AM
I have to wonder how a woman running for VP would not know how to teach their children about safe sex? I was also a young mother having my first baby at 19 and married at 18. I have 3 boys and have ALWAYS talked to them about the safe sex subject. They are going to have sex so why not help protect them by giving them options?
I also know from experience that this marriage will not last. Maybe 1 year, maybe 10 (in my case 15 yrs)but those young days these kids are going to miss out on will eventually take its toll.You cant tell me this was planned. If Sarah Palin was not in the spotlight, I bet the outcome of this pregnancy would be different. Having/Forcing Levi to marry this girl and give it a shot does not make it ok. When you vote for a VP you also vote for their familys and morals.
I can only offer my prayers to this family in hopes that this lesson is a well learned one. Mine sure was....
By Been there done that on September 3, 2008 7:32 AM
I have to wonder how a woman running for VP would not know how to teach their children about safe sex? I was also a young mother having my first baby at 19 and married at 18. I have 3 boys and have ALWAYS talked to them about the safe sex subject. They are going to have sex so why not help protect them by giving them options?
I also know from experience that this marriage will not last. Maybe 1 year, maybe 10 (in my case 15 yrs)but those young days these kids are going to miss out on will eventually take its toll.You cant tell me this was planned. If Sarah Palin was not in the spotlight, I bet the outcome of this pregnancy would be different. Having/Forcing Levi to marry this girl and give it a shot does not make it ok. When you vote for a VP you also vote for their familys and morals.
I can only offer my prayers to this family in hopes that this lesson is a well learned one. Mine sure was....
By George James on September 3, 2008 6:44 AM
Sorry to tell you, dear, but Levi dropped out of high school.
By Bob on September 3, 2008 2:45 AM
Rush Limbaugh on Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy:
CALLER: Would you tend to think that a family in this position,
though, wouldn't you think that there would be a more watchful eye as
a parent to be watching over these kids so this doesn't happen to
RUSH: I would certainly hope so, but it's long past time for this to
happen. The parents here are the culprits!
Laura Schlessinger (on same topic) :
I feel sorry for children who are robbed of their childhoods of
innocence by parents who are negligent or voyeuristic. I feel sorry
for the unborn baby, whose precious life is bound to be a toy in the
hands of these young people.
By B. Philly on September 3, 2008 2:23 AM
A professed " blankity...REDNECK and a boozing underage teen make a baby out of wedlock, and MOM could potentally become VP of the U.S.. I guess this is also a story that could "only be possible in america". Canada, here I come...
By Seth Walker on September 3, 2008 2:08 AM
OMG! I can not believe this. The teenage couple has sex, doesn't practice Abstinence like her Governor Mother preaches and we applaud them for having a baby? Only thing this says to me is these two high school students practiced poor judgement. You don't have to be in Sex Ed to realize one thing... USE A CONDOM!
I am not saying for them to have an abortion or give the child up for adoption but come on people. If we are going to preach abstinence and thump the bible every minute of the day we can't be making exceptions to the rules. The bible is clear, no sex without marriage.
And just by saying "She is going to have the baby and they will be getting married...." doesn't change that fact these two kids had sex outside of being legally married.
But I guess this is OK for Bristol but Jamie Lynn Spears is a different subject.
Yes, this is a family issue but lets not give them kudos for a stupid decision.
My only prayers are for us who have to listen to this issue day after day. Isn't there a war going on?
By alaskan mom of 5 on September 3, 2008 1:25 AM
Right on Rick Saunders ! Haters, leave these two kids alone. to Bristol and Levi ; God bless you guys, this too can work out for the glory of God. My prayers have been for strength through this very public time. Children are a blessing from God, pull yourself up and fly straight for your own and baby's sake. Love from a mom who has been there, and later soared like an eagle !
By George Adams on September 3, 2008 1:08 AM
Oh for pete's sake!....the Republican party has gone from Eastern Establishment, Yale/Harvard/Princeton, Council on Foreign Relations statesmen to barefoot and pregnant and redneck. I'm fed up with this! - as well as with Republican lies, low-life nasty campaigning instead of honorable statement of lofty principles, debt instead of frugality, etc. etc.! The GOP has not only destroyed itself, it has virtually destroyed the country.
Eastern Establishment, Connecticut Yankee, Ivy educated, soon-to-be-former Republican
By Meli Havard on September 3, 2008 12:33 AM
Why is no one encouraging Bristol and Levi to give the child up for adoption? Wouldn't that be a more loving, pro life thing to do in this case?
By Anonymous on September 2, 2008 11:58 PM
Are you kidding me Rick Saunders??? You'd speak like this had it been Osama's 17 year old daughter in this mess???? You republican hypocrites are just too much.
By Jim in Arizona on September 2, 2008 11:36 PM
So Sarah Palin is Pastey McBush's VP choice. �Wow! �What a testament to women and the "no experience" argument. �I know I'll certainly feel calm if he's elected because now we know if the old geezer croaks in office, the most powerful leader in the free world will be pretty AND ready to serve. �After all, the Big Mac lists her accomplishments as: �current PTA member, NRA lifelong member, former mayor, governor of our 48th most populous state, and working hockey-mom. �Whew! �That mayor's job of less than two years is a comfort. �If we get in pothole discussions with Iran or North Korea, she's our gal. �If there is a dispute over the size of business signs in Pakistan, she'll know how to resolve it. �And with her experience in redrawing boundaries and annexing neighborhoods for better revenue, all our Middle East conflicts will evaporate.�
Since her state legislature only meets 90 days a year, she�s had time to exercise AND work on that resume. So what if she can�t list all those things on Joe Biden�s vita like: Harvard Law Review,�longtime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee,�constitutional law professor, author of the Violence Against Women Act (which federalized domestic violence as a crime) state senator, and is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee? Heck, she looks smart, and she�s young, too. We can cross our fingers that she can do OJT.
And thank goodness she has five kids, one of whom is five months old with Down's syndrome. �Can�t beat that. As a 44-year-old who doesn't believe in birth control, maybe she'll even have a few more. Take her �abstinenance only� stand. That sure is the way to go; just ask her 17-year-old-daughter! �Mrs Palin (she�d never go by Ms) will have a big heart about making sure all our children in the USA have health care, and that all our single moms will have the benefit of a husband who can stay at home while they're working out of town. Come to think of it, she'll probably throw in a nanny tax credit for the poor. �Now that's progress!
I'm also so happy that finally we have a politician that hasn't frequented prostitutes or had affairs. �Between salon appointments, she's been too busy seeing that schools teach creationism, and that is just ducky. �Now that we know the Earth has only been around for 6,000 years (it says so in Genesis), no child will be left behind, and their test scores will go way up because they won't have so much history to learn. �Yippee! �
Best of all, she's a former beauty pageant runner-up which ensures that the Miss America and Miss Universe competitions will once again get the major network Saturday nights' exposures they used to have before those damn feminists messed things up. �I'm so glad Johnny Mac realized that any broad is a broad, and what their position on any issue is is irrelevant. �Just think, one can vote against the major women�s issues of the last two decades and still make it to runner-up Prez! As long as dames have designer glasses, good legs and a regular period, they're interchangeable. �And I'll betcha a Starbuck's gift card that Palin can whip up a double light espresso with a touch of cream and cinnamon faster than you can say, "June Cleaver."
Choosing Anita Bryant, er, Sarah Palin was a stroke of genius. That'll show them damn Hillary fans that can't make up their mind. Attention everyone.... good ole maverick John McCain IS progressive and anti-Washington, and when that call comes at 3AM, he has now shown that he�s not afraid to make a quick decision and take a risk.
Lord help us.
By Jerry on September 2, 2008 11:16 PM
Kids: Do your best. You have had tough childhoods with often negligent parents who put themselves and their ambitions first. Try your best--STRIVE--to be better parents than your parents were. Shed the tawdriness and squalor of your all-too-brief youth and, with this pathetic moral lapse behind you, live upright and irreproachable lives, and give your children something wholesome to aspire to.
By DC FURY on September 2, 2008 10:13 PM
Don't worry dude if she looses the election you might be able to get out of the marriage since she won't be in the public eye anymore
By Eric Baird on September 2, 2008 9:21 PM
I bet that Valley Urology, not even in their wildest dreams thought their ad was going to garner such a wide audience!
By C. Everett Koop on September 2, 2008 8:47 PM
Children aren't gifts from God. They're the result of a sperm and an egg uniting. Maybe if you studied real science instead of "intelligent design" you'd know this. Puppies, kittens, ducks and even snakes, it all works the same. And from the number of unwanted pregnancies every year, and the act which these kids should have been taught not to do unless they were married, God had nothing to do with it.
By Micheal on September 2, 2008 8:36 PM
I wish them both the best of luck but...
I could never vote for a McCain/Palin now. She wants to lead in the second most powerful position in America but can't even control her own children? Shame on her!
By Bill Ramsey on September 2, 2008 8:34 PM
Levi, you better hope Obama gets elected so that you can get some healthcare for that baby.
By John McCain on September 2, 2008 8:32 PM
Do you get paid per mention of "god"?
By L. on September 2, 2008 8:22 PM
It's hard to believe that people are celebrating the fact that a 17 year old girl is pregnant! No matter who's daughter she is, what's the message to the rest of the nation?
By Sarah on September 2, 2008 8:12 PM
When is the Wedding?
By Common sense on September 2, 2008 8:09 PM
A small amount of information on Johnston could be found at his MySpace page, which has since been removed. The Wasilla, Alaska, hockey player's page listed him as being in a relationship, but under his "children" status, Johnston opted for "I don't want kids."
enough said?
By REalist on September 2, 2008 8:02 PM
Congats to Levi and Bristol? I believe that kids are a gift from God. However, having a shotgun wedding to preserve image is something totally I am against. Levi states that he did not want to have kids. What good comes out of this by forcing him to marry Bristol. This country is full of lots of successful moms. I think these kids should wait until they are older to decide whether they really want to get Married. Palin can afford to take care of her grand kid and have her daughter finish her education. Why ruin three lives? This is how bad marriages begin. God bless you all but I think we send kids the wrong message when we try to satisfy a public image.
By Patti Burke on September 2, 2008 8:00 PM
Oh, please. You have no idea whether what they are doing is "the right thing." You don't know these people. What if one of them is incredibly immature and not at all ready to deal with the challenges of marriage and parenthood? What if neither of them is? Does following one foolish choice with another constitute "demonstrating love and courage?" I'm really glad it worked out for you, but in most instances, statistically, children having children is a really bad idea and the chances are that baby is going to end up bearing the brunt of it.
By John McCain on September 2, 2008 7:50 PM
Rick Saunders, plase stick to kind words of encouragement and support. Your overboard pronouncements (about which you know nothing) only serve to cheapen your prayers.
By Bob on September 2, 2008 7:22 PM
Levi and Bristol,
Congratulations on your second child! I know we share prayers with you for Trig, and hope this new child will be born healthy and blessed! We didn't even know you're pregnant! God gives such grand gifts!
By Ellen Westfall on September 2, 2008 7:16 PM
I am surprised that the news of Bristol Palin's pregnany and her keeping the baby has gotten such favorable acceptance because when Jamie Spears became pregnant and did not abort the press was all over her and her Mom very unfavorably.
Why was that?
Grandmother in Connecticut
By Lawrence Dushenski on September 2, 2008 6:57 PM
Its a high school couple who got pregnant. And now they are being used as a political tool for the conservative evangelicals. Kid is going to have a rough life.
By JohnRyan on September 2, 2008 6:03 PM
Will they be adopting his firat child ? the one with the girl from middle school?
By Janice Barnes on September 2, 2008 5:44 PM
To bad my mom wasn't running for office when I was 17, if she had, Bristol would have the privacy she deserves. As if this were the worse thing that a child could do. And for all of you thinking it is because there wasn't sex education in school...give us all a break. How many times did you have premarital, pre-legal sex? Was it because you didn't get sex ed in school or because you just wanted to have sex? I am excited for Sarah to run for VP and I wish the best for Levi and Bristol because after all they are bringing a baby into this world.
By Rick Saunders on September 2, 2008 4:51 PM
My wife, Josephine Washington Saunders and I are praying for you Levi and Bristol, your parents, siblings and loved ones. We thank God for you all. We were brought into this wonderful world the same way. Our parents were married as a result of our respective mothers pregnancy. We are enjoying great lives because we had Mother's and Father's like you two. Children are gifts from God. You both know this. We are confident your baby will be greatly loved too. God will bless you for standing tall for your new born babe and for each other and your new family. We pray you both stay in school, graduate from college and pursue your careers. God will enable you to do this and so much more just ask Him and watch what He does for you. Thank you for being an example of love and courage to us all in a world now that so infrequently demonstrates either. You are both so young and yet so mature. Stay forever young and in love. This is why the press can't understand you two or your expression of love and happiness. We get it. You got it. Go for it all. Don't look back, life is great. No one is perfect. You are doing the right thing and your baby will prove that to you and is going to thrill you both. Congratulations Levi and Bristol.