D-DAY - Walker to swing axe at customs cheats
published: Wednesday | August 27, 2008
Walker ... accuses citizens of being just as guilty as offending customs officials in perpetuating corruption. - Ian Allen/Staff Photographer
What should be done to clean up corruption in the customs industry? E-mail recommendations to columns@gleanerjm.com.
September 1 will mark three months since I have been at the Customs Department. We have had two demonstrations so far, or maybe I should say I have had two demonstrations. There's never a dull moment at Customs. Someone once said, be careful what you pray for because you might just get it. Well, I got what I prayed for - a challenging job.
Because of the nature of our economy, our natural resource mix and probably our proximity to the United States, we import a great deal of all we consume and the inputs of the precious little we manufacture. This means that the Customs Department is a very important cog in our national wheel and, therefore, can cause great frustration or great support for the hopes and aspirations of those who depend on imports.
published: Wednesday | August 27, 2008

Walker ... accuses citizens of being just as guilty as offending customs officials in perpetuating corruption. - Ian Allen/Staff Photographer
What should be done to clean up corruption in the customs industry? E-mail recommendations to columns@gleanerjm.com.
September 1 D-Day
September 1 will mark three months since I have been at the Customs Department. We have had two demonstrations so far, or maybe I should say I have had two demonstrations. There's never a dull moment at Customs. Someone once said, be careful what you pray for because you might just get it. Well, I got what I prayed for - a challenging job.
Because of the nature of our economy, our natural resource mix and probably our proximity to the United States, we import a great deal of all we consume and the inputs of the precious little we manufacture. This means that the Customs Department is a very important cog in our national wheel and, therefore, can cause great frustration or great support for the hopes and aspirations of those who depend on imports.