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Political Union for some Caricom countries?

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  • Political Union for some Caricom countries?

    I didn't know this was going on at all.

    Caricom danger
    Jamaica warns against proposed political union

    Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    Jamaica last night warned that the decision of some Caricom countries to establish a political union would have implications for the structure and future of the regional union and said it would request that the issue be discussed among regional Heads of Government, at which point Kingston will evaluate its position based on those talks.

    Jamaica's concern was outlined in a statement issued by the Office of the Prime Minister in response to a joint declaration signed last Thursday by four Caricom countries - Trinidad and Tobago, St Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia, and Grenada - indicating their intent to establish a political union by 2013.

    A Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) report said that Prime Minister Patrick Manning of Trinidad and Tobago, St Vincent and the Grenadines prime minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister Stephenson King of St Lucia, and Grenadian prime minister Tillman Thomas late Thursday night affixed their signatures to a joint declaration that also outlined their commitment to accelerating the establishment of a Caribbean Community Single Economy (CSE) by 2011.

    The CMC also reported that Manning said he would be meeting with the leaders of Antigua and Barbuda, St Kitts, and Montserrat on August 20 to discuss the initiatives agreed at last Thursday's meeting in Trinidad.

    Yesterday, Jamaica House said that it had taken note of those intended discussions and made it clear that Jamaica respected the right of its regional neighbours to participate in the proposed political union.

    Prime Minister Bruce Golding, Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Kenneth Baugh and his junior minister Dr Ronald Robinson could not be contacted for comment last night as they were said to be attending the weekly meeting of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party's Standing Committee where the matter was expected to be discussed.

    However, one prominent member of the Cabinet, who asked not to be named, reiterated the party's historical position that, while it is willing to participate fully in economic integration, including the proposed Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME), it would not support a regional political union.

    Dr Baugh has consistently reaffirmed that Jamaica remains deeply committed to the regional integration process. However, there seems to be some concern within the Cabinet as to how far the creation of a single economy will push the region towards political integration.

    Last night's Jamaica House statement said that the Government has demonstrated its commitment to the process of regional integration as prescribed in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas. It also pointed out that this commitment was reaffirmed by Prime Minister Golding at the 29th Heads of Government Conference in July.

    "Indeed, Jamaica is among the most advanced countries in implementing the provisions of the revised treaty, especially with regard to the establishment of the Caricom Single Market," said the statement.
    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass

  • #2
    Cho! Why must we nuff up into di people dem bizniz?!?


