Former Finance Minister Dr. Omar Davies threw his support behind People's National Party President Portia Simpson Miller on Sunday night for the upcoming presidential election.
Mrs. Simpson Miller is being challenged by Vice President Dr. Peter Phillips in the poll set for September.
Speaking at the PNP's South West Clarendon Constituency Conference in Four Paths Dr. Davies poured scorn on criticisms from some quarters that Mrs. Simpson Miller was unschooled in some aspects of governance.
"Nobody can handle everything in a government...Bruce Golding's downfall is going to come about because if you ask him about water, if you ask him about road he is the expert, if you ask him about sugar, he is the expert. There is no one who can handle everything," said Dr. Davies.
Dr. Davies also insisted that Mrs. Simpson Miller was in touch with the issues that affect most people.
"My problem is, and this is the reason she not only beat me but all other contenders, is that she is sensitive about the real issues affecting people. My problem is that I have to see the numbers first and in November when I saw the numbers I called her and said ‘Sister P, you're right the price increases are affecting people," he continued.
Meanwhile in addressing the crowd Mrs. Simpson Miller appealed to her supporters not to engage in mud slinging.
She begged her supporters not to do anything that will damage the 70 year old party.
Meanwhile Former President of the PNP-YO and Opposition Senator, Basil Waite, has also thrown his support behind Mrs. Simpson Miller.
Mr. Waite says he will be taking a leave of absence from his duties at the Secretariat of the PNP to avoid any perceptions of a conflict of interest.
Speaking at Sunday night's South West Clarendon Constituency Conference in Four Paths, the former PNPYO president also bemoaned the party's inability to obtain adequate financing during last year's General Election Campaign.
He questioned the renewed vigour in financing since the start of the presidential campaign.
"A few weeks ago there was a news story about the PNP and a bounced cheque, so how can they find all of these millions to be running a campaign where were those millions when the PNP needed it? When I check the facts I can say in my mind there is no doubt that there is some other reason why they would want to remove the Comrade Leader," said Mr. Waite.
Mrs. Simpson Miller is being challenged by Vice President Dr. Peter Phillips in the poll set for September.
Speaking at the PNP's South West Clarendon Constituency Conference in Four Paths Dr. Davies poured scorn on criticisms from some quarters that Mrs. Simpson Miller was unschooled in some aspects of governance.
"Nobody can handle everything in a government...Bruce Golding's downfall is going to come about because if you ask him about water, if you ask him about road he is the expert, if you ask him about sugar, he is the expert. There is no one who can handle everything," said Dr. Davies.
Dr. Davies also insisted that Mrs. Simpson Miller was in touch with the issues that affect most people.
"My problem is, and this is the reason she not only beat me but all other contenders, is that she is sensitive about the real issues affecting people. My problem is that I have to see the numbers first and in November when I saw the numbers I called her and said ‘Sister P, you're right the price increases are affecting people," he continued.
Meanwhile in addressing the crowd Mrs. Simpson Miller appealed to her supporters not to engage in mud slinging.
She begged her supporters not to do anything that will damage the 70 year old party.
Meanwhile Former President of the PNP-YO and Opposition Senator, Basil Waite, has also thrown his support behind Mrs. Simpson Miller.
Mr. Waite says he will be taking a leave of absence from his duties at the Secretariat of the PNP to avoid any perceptions of a conflict of interest.
Speaking at Sunday night's South West Clarendon Constituency Conference in Four Paths, the former PNPYO president also bemoaned the party's inability to obtain adequate financing during last year's General Election Campaign.
He questioned the renewed vigour in financing since the start of the presidential campaign.
"A few weeks ago there was a news story about the PNP and a bounced cheque, so how can they find all of these millions to be running a campaign where were those millions when the PNP needed it? When I check the facts I can say in my mind there is no doubt that there is some other reason why they would want to remove the Comrade Leader," said Mr. Waite.