Rollins, government to provide housing for tourism workers
published: Monday | August 11, 2008
Leaon Nash, Gleaner Writer
MICHELE ROLLINS' Rose Hall Developments Limited says it has entered into a joint arrangement with the ministry to provide more than 130 acres of land to facilitate the construction of houses for tourism sector workers within the Rose Hall area of St James, with increased alternatives for acquiring housing.
Valued at US$1 million (approximately $72 million), the lands, which have been owned by the Rollins family for the past 40 years, will provide much needed housing for some 700 families in Rhyne Park South, adjacent to Gore Developments' project, Rose Hall Developments said in a release on the weekend.
"My hope is to provide sustainable development, while building a strong community, where the industry workers can achieve the stability of a place to own and live close to where they work," Rollins declared. She said special interest has been taken in ensuring that plans for the development cover the community's infrastructural requirements as well as residential solutions.
First gesture
"This is the first gesture of this kind by any developer on the north coast for workers in the tourist industry," commented Water and Housing Minister Dr Horace Chang. "We laud Mrs Rollins for recognising that developing infrastructure and making housing available to tourism workers in the industry are critical at this time."
According to the minister who has, over the years, brought attention to the challenges of informal appearing on the north coast, this gesture would serve to resolve the widespread problem, in addition to providing quality housing for the people who play a pivotal role in preserving the island's number one industry, tourism.
Dave Allen, chairman of COMAND, an umbrella group working with marginalised communities in St James, said the gesture by Rose Hall Developments Limited was a timely one.
"Given the fact that there are serious developments that are taking place in that corridor, the demand for lowsolutions is very much desired now," Allen told The Gleaner/Power 106 News. He added that, "The effort on the part of Rose Hall Limited and the ministry of housing is quite timely to meet the needs of the working poor." Rollins has in the past been involved in other notable projects such as the SOS Children's Village, Hill and Barrett Town. She says it is her greatest desire to see the recent undertaking become a successful model of private and public sector joint venturing that will be emulated across the island.
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published: Monday | August 11, 2008
Leaon Nash, Gleaner Writer
MICHELE ROLLINS' Rose Hall Developments Limited says it has entered into a joint arrangement with the ministry to provide more than 130 acres of land to facilitate the construction of houses for tourism sector workers within the Rose Hall area of St James, with increased alternatives for acquiring housing.
Valued at US$1 million (approximately $72 million), the lands, which have been owned by the Rollins family for the past 40 years, will provide much needed housing for some 700 families in Rhyne Park South, adjacent to Gore Developments' project, Rose Hall Developments said in a release on the weekend.
"My hope is to provide sustainable development, while building a strong community, where the industry workers can achieve the stability of a place to own and live close to where they work," Rollins declared. She said special interest has been taken in ensuring that plans for the development cover the community's infrastructural requirements as well as residential solutions.
First gesture
"This is the first gesture of this kind by any developer on the north coast for workers in the tourist industry," commented Water and Housing Minister Dr Horace Chang. "We laud Mrs Rollins for recognising that developing infrastructure and making housing available to tourism workers in the industry are critical at this time."
According to the minister who has, over the years, brought attention to the challenges of informal appearing on the north coast, this gesture would serve to resolve the widespread problem, in addition to providing quality housing for the people who play a pivotal role in preserving the island's number one industry, tourism.
Dave Allen, chairman of COMAND, an umbrella group working with marginalised communities in St James, said the gesture by Rose Hall Developments Limited was a timely one.
"Given the fact that there are serious developments that are taking place in that corridor, the demand for lowsolutions is very much desired now," Allen told The Gleaner/Power 106 News. He added that, "The effort on the part of Rose Hall Limited and the ministry of housing is quite timely to meet the needs of the working poor." Rollins has in the past been involved in other notable projects such as the SOS Children's Village, Hill and Barrett Town. She says it is her greatest desire to see the recent undertaking become a successful model of private and public sector joint venturing that will be emulated across the island.
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