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IOC official raps China police for 'stone faces'

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  • IOC official raps China police for 'stone faces'

    Security personnel 'scaring the wits' out of visitors, committee member says

    Chinese police and military are frightening tourists with a "stone face" at the Beijing games and should smile more, a senior International Olympic Committee (IOC) member was quoted as saying Monday.

    Norwegian Gerhard Heiberg, chairman of the IOC's marketing commission, said he had taken the matter up with Chinese officials and urged a happier and more welcoming attitude.

    "We think that in particular the military and police can behave in a different manner," Heiberg told the Norwegian daily Aftenposten. "They look like stone faces."

    "The Chinese are scaring the wits out of foreigners. We can't have it like this," said Heiberg. "When, in addition, they have weapons and look scary, it is even worse."
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Wha'? who gives? if the committee member wants to see a smiling face he could always visit a strip club.
    Peter R

