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The education distraction

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  • The education distraction

    The education distraction
    HEART TO HEART With Betty Ann Blaine
    Tuesday, August 05, 2008

    Dear Reader,
    It's a downright shame that at a time when we are approaching the start of a new school year the serious matter of education has been reduced to a boxing match between the two major contenders - the government at one end of the ring, and those responsible for educating our children at the other.

    But our prime minister has only himself to blame for the current showdown. To take an issue as critical as escalating school fees and precipitate a war of words, defies logic and good sense. I still can't understand why Mr Golding chose to stir up contention about a matter that requires sombre and sober leadership, and unfettered cooperation from the education community. By describing the hike in auxiliary fees by some schools as "extorting", the prime minister has found himself on the "back foot", and worst of all, has created a major distraction from the main event - the affordability and accessibility of education. Politicians never seem to learn!

    Complete Story ...
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  • #2
    The PM should have worded his statement with a little more caution. Futhermore, the fact that the gov't does not know the true cost of education shows that they've put the cart before the horse.

    One would think they would already know this before putting forward the proposal of paying tuitition for the children.
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