Mystery Dad Returns To Mass. To Face Charges
Rockefeller Linked To Calif. Slaying?
POSTED: 5:40 am EDT August 5, 2008
UPDATED: 12:40 pm EDT August 5, 2008

BOSTON -- The mystery dad accused of kidnapping his 7-year-old daughter in Boston, who may be linked to an unsolved killing in California, was returned to Massachusetts Tuesday to face charges.
Unedited Video: Rockefeller Returns |
A scruffy-looking Clark Rockefeller arrived at Logan International Airport about 10 a.m. aboard an AirTran jet.{"iframe": false,"addlSz": "","element": "ad_N730062.57E2","interstitials": false,"beginDate": "","endDate": "","getSect": "yes","name": "square","qString": ";wx=default","width": "300","height": "250","section": "","useId": "17096049","interactive": false,"useSameCategory": false,"topic": "","swSectionRoot": "","useZone": "","type": "DOM"});dcmaxversion = 8dcminversion = 5DoOn Error Resume Nextplugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFl ash." & dcmaxversion & "")))If plugin = true Then Exit Dodcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversionlmb_lre_PassStHulaGryHdCHPBd15s_UpdFed Hold2_AV133_529_0608_300x250

Wearing handcuffs, khaki pants and a blue golf shirt, Rockefeller was watched closely by armed police as he exited the aircraft. He is expected to be arraigned in Suffolk District Court later Tuesday.
One of the focuses of the investigation now will be on Rockefeller's fingerprints.
Rockefeller, 48, was arrested at his Baltimore carriage house Saturday on charges he abducted his daughter, Reigh Storrow Mills Boss, during a supervised custody visit in Boston on July 27, sparking an international manhunt.
He and Reigh were found at the carriage house near a Baltimore marina after a real estate agent alerted police to his location.
He had identified himself there as Charles "Chip" Smith and said he was returning from Chile to live with his daughter when he purchased the property for more than $430,000 cash in mid-July.
Reigh was unharmed and was reunited with her mother, Sandra Lynn Boss, a partner in a global management consulting firm based in London.
"As she was walking through the office she could hear Reigh's voice in another room and as soon as she heard her voice she ran down the hallway to be reunited with her daughter and, just hugs and kisses. Reigh had been playing with a couple agents and she went to get some candy for her mom and said, 'Hey, mom, want some candy?'" FBI Special Agent Noreen Gleason said.
Rockefeller, who is facing charges of custodial kidnapping and assault and battery, was fingerprinted after his arrest. The prints provided an unconfirmed link to a slaying in California, according to a Boston Globe report.
The prints were linked to an out-of-state license application under a different name. That name is on a list of people wanted on a decade-old homicide case out of California, sources told the Globe.
They said authorities have not made any conclusions based on the prints and did not release any details about the old case.
Rockefeller, who has used several aliases over the years, does not appear to have a a previous work history, Social Security number or driver's license.
During hours of interrogation, he refused to give police any information about his identity, answering most questions by saying he doesn't remember, a police official said.
Still, FBI agents remain optimistic they will eventually uncover his true identity.
"I think he's good, but I think we're better," Gleason said.
His refusal to reveal who he is cost Rockefeller custody of the daughter he allegedly abducted from Boston, where he and Boss lived during their 13-year marriage.
During divorce proceedings in 2007, Boss accused him of lying about being a part of the wealthy American Rockefeller family. A spokesman for the Rockefeller family said he has no connection to the clan.
Rockefeller appeared in a Baltimore courtroom Monday and agreed to waive extradition to return to Boston to face charges of kidnapping his daughter.
Rockefeller Linked To Calif. Slaying?
POSTED: 5:40 am EDT August 5, 2008
UPDATED: 12:40 pm EDT August 5, 2008

BOSTON -- The mystery dad accused of kidnapping his 7-year-old daughter in Boston, who may be linked to an unsolved killing in California, was returned to Massachusetts Tuesday to face charges.

A scruffy-looking Clark Rockefeller arrived at Logan International Airport about 10 a.m. aboard an AirTran jet.{"iframe": false,"addlSz": "","element": "ad_N730062.57E2","interstitials": false,"beginDate": "","endDate": "","getSect": "yes","name": "square","qString": ";wx=default","width": "300","height": "250","section": "","useId": "17096049","interactive": false,"useSameCategory": false,"topic": "","swSectionRoot": "","useZone": "","type": "DOM"});dcmaxversion = 8dcminversion = 5DoOn Error Resume Nextplugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFl ash." & dcmaxversion & "")))If plugin = true Then Exit Dodcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversionlmb_lre_PassStHulaGryHdCHPBd15s_UpdFed Hold2_AV133_529_0608_300x250

Wearing handcuffs, khaki pants and a blue golf shirt, Rockefeller was watched closely by armed police as he exited the aircraft. He is expected to be arraigned in Suffolk District Court later Tuesday.
One of the focuses of the investigation now will be on Rockefeller's fingerprints.
Rockefeller, 48, was arrested at his Baltimore carriage house Saturday on charges he abducted his daughter, Reigh Storrow Mills Boss, during a supervised custody visit in Boston on July 27, sparking an international manhunt.
He and Reigh were found at the carriage house near a Baltimore marina after a real estate agent alerted police to his location.
He had identified himself there as Charles "Chip" Smith and said he was returning from Chile to live with his daughter when he purchased the property for more than $430,000 cash in mid-July.
Reigh was unharmed and was reunited with her mother, Sandra Lynn Boss, a partner in a global management consulting firm based in London.
"As she was walking through the office she could hear Reigh's voice in another room and as soon as she heard her voice she ran down the hallway to be reunited with her daughter and, just hugs and kisses. Reigh had been playing with a couple agents and she went to get some candy for her mom and said, 'Hey, mom, want some candy?'" FBI Special Agent Noreen Gleason said.
Rockefeller, who is facing charges of custodial kidnapping and assault and battery, was fingerprinted after his arrest. The prints provided an unconfirmed link to a slaying in California, according to a Boston Globe report.
The prints were linked to an out-of-state license application under a different name. That name is on a list of people wanted on a decade-old homicide case out of California, sources told the Globe.
They said authorities have not made any conclusions based on the prints and did not release any details about the old case.
Rockefeller, who has used several aliases over the years, does not appear to have a a previous work history, Social Security number or driver's license.
During hours of interrogation, he refused to give police any information about his identity, answering most questions by saying he doesn't remember, a police official said.
Still, FBI agents remain optimistic they will eventually uncover his true identity.
"I think he's good, but I think we're better," Gleason said.
His refusal to reveal who he is cost Rockefeller custody of the daughter he allegedly abducted from Boston, where he and Boss lived during their 13-year marriage.
During divorce proceedings in 2007, Boss accused him of lying about being a part of the wealthy American Rockefeller family. A spokesman for the Rockefeller family said he has no connection to the clan.
Rockefeller appeared in a Baltimore courtroom Monday and agreed to waive extradition to return to Boston to face charges of kidnapping his daughter.