When I close my eyes
published: Monday | August 4, 2008
Garth Rattray When I close my eyes I'm transported back to a time when our days were balmy and our nights were cool. The beaches were pristine, the air was clean and the hills were chilly. Lush vegetation adorned most fences and thick, strong mangroves guarded our coastlines. John Crows (turkey buzzards) circled in large clusters overhead and bull frogs (toads) were always hiding in nearby bushes.
Dr Garth A. Rattray is a medical doctor with a family practice, garthrattray@gmail.com; for feedback eamil: columns@gleanerjm.com.
When I close my eyes
published: Monday | August 4, 2008

Garth Rattray When I close my eyes I'm transported back to a time when our days were balmy and our nights were cool. The beaches were pristine, the air was clean and the hills were chilly. Lush vegetation adorned most fences and thick, strong mangroves guarded our coastlines. John Crows (turkey buzzards) circled in large clusters overhead and bull frogs (toads) were always hiding in nearby bushes.
Dr Garth A. Rattray is a medical doctor with a family practice, garthrattray@gmail.com; for feedback eamil: columns@gleanerjm.com.
When I close my eyes