so you do think mandatory lock up for not pruduciing drive Lic will significantly reduce the amount of murders in Ja.. yes or no will do!
Bredren .. again. There are wanted men in Jamaica that the police have no pictures .. all they have is their names. Now .. if stopping a vehicle that is being driven by a wanted man ... who simply tell yuh him figet him license when chances are him nuh have none ... what should the authorities do then?
OJ ... this is nothing to fuss bout bredren.
"Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)
Trinidad cannot do it. Barbados just got capability within the last year. Not sure bout yaad.
If OJ is reading this; I can tell you I DETEST roadblocks; why? they achieve ABSOLUTELY nothing other than finding people without valid licence, or proper insurance, but otherwise law-abiding at the expense of sometimes hours of frustration, lost productivity. You think a bad man goin siddung in him cyar an wait for a corporal or man wid a machine gun fi aks him fi him licence?
The bad guys are driving stolen vehicles, with fake plates, fake insurance and fake licence. Only active random traffic stops will curtail these guys and their movements and thus their ability to carry out their "duties" and have them thinking twice about doing the next job. Suh me seeit! And this is NOT being done in places like Trinidad.
In Ontario, the cops can trace your vehicle and they can be reasonably certain that you are who you say you are when you are stopped. They can probably search their database by name and pull up your picture.In these parts, without the proper infrastructure in place a detention might be warranted. We could argue the length, lets say 2 hrs or til you produce the licence whichever is greater.
I believe you cannot treat the two environments (North America and JA) equally when it comes to getting every advantage over the criminals.
And last thing, man cannot complain about racial profiling in JA (unless you're a minority maybe), or some other form of profiling...
what are we talking about again.. we need to reduce murders and we have equate not having ID to the propensity of commiting crime. OK if thats the case required mandatory IDs.. Willi you know you are arguing a silly point. We want better and like you I think we need serious step but we will have to agree to disagree on this one.. It is a silly proposal that will punish the relatiely law abiding citizens while the prepatrators ride shotgun.. I still dont get why anyone who understand runnings dont get this.
It is the collection of measures that are designed to make inroads into the problem. No one by itself will be effective.
I dont see the big deal of having your drivers licence everytime you drive.
A well thought out law does not infringe on the right of law abiding citizens. I often dont have my license when I drive in T.O. If I get stopped they will say you have 24 hrs to produce it or a ticket. Now regarding ramdom spot checks... is that the same as racial profiling? because we know that does not reduce crime base on stats iwe have seen in the U.S. We have an easy solution but we are getting sidetracked with solutions that will not make a difference.. If so Roadblocks would be slove the problem.
What rights??
You would have broken the law!
"Once the police pull you over and you don't have it, that's it. you're gone. straight to the lock-up until you can produce it."
As soon as you can get someone carry it come ah di lockup, you free. Probably just have to pay a fine.
DL can fit in a wallet, so I dont see why you would not have it...unless it is lost or stolen.
I agree with OJ, good question as to the stated reason given by Bruce, what is the correlation between driving without ....and gunmen?.
Bruce and anyone whose signature would make it law would be arrogating that right, it may even be unconstitutional.
Bruce if he gets his way will be suspending habeas corpus,which is happens when you detain someone without charge, guardian of our civil liberties he isn't. Besides the diffence between 48 hours and 42 days is striking.What of the existing law that if a suspect isn't brought to court in a timely manner(72 hours I think)he should be released? The difference between detain and arrest? Mere semantics, and if anything it is to undermine the law.
so the man wanted an driving and thats what you are betting on.. OK wake me when it works.. if you keep saying it you will eventally believe this distraction from Bruce..
gamma, did habeas corpus come from the detention issue as I suspect? If my hunch is correct then the issue of detention was probably thoroughly examined(well more than a PM and company likely..)and the decision to define "timely manner" as within a few(48) hours was made, making the striking difference between it and Bruce's 42 days very troubling.
Whey Bruce a deal wid?
Taking a page out of the strict and harsh anti-terrorism laws that the US and Britain respectively enacted after 9/11 and 7/7...maybe? ( in response to JA's 24/7)