'Deedo' Nembhard, four other J'cans handed over to US to face drug trafficking charges BY KARYL WALKER Observer staff reporter walkerk@jamaicaobserver.com
Saturday, July 12, 2008
NORRIS 'Deedo' Nembhard, the alleged Jamaican drug kingpin, and four other Jamaicans were yesterday handed over to the United States authorities to stand trial on drug trafficking charges, despite last-minute attempts by their lawyers to prevent their extradition.

'Deedo' Nembhard, four other J'cans handed over to US to face drug trafficking charges BY KARYL WALKER Observer staff reporter walkerk@jamaicaobserver.com
Saturday, July 12, 2008
NORRIS 'Deedo' Nembhard, the alleged Jamaican drug kingpin, and four other Jamaicans were yesterday handed over to the United States authorities to stand trial on drug trafficking charges, despite last-minute attempts by their lawyers to prevent their extradition.
