You do not think high tech and finance is what the half horse and Mr. good school was talking about.
It is quite simple. Which institution is at the heart of Silicon Valley. Is that institution well known for its people in econ/finance/venture capital?
Do some research and stop talking out of your a s s. Take Don1 with you.
143. Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property. (3) Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: 100 or Economics 100A or 101A. This course addresses the economics of research and incentives for innovation including intellectual property rights. Topics include the standard modern economics of invention; modern intellectual property rights; innovation examples from agriculture, energy, pharmaceuticals, software, and electronics; the roles of the public and private sectors; innovation and market structure; the needs of the poor; and global intellectual property negotiations.
The Intellectual Ghetto needs a HEAVY dose of "Silicon Valley Economists"
The road block can be contributed to those with the mentality of the Don1 and his supporter (s)
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
The area is known for having well known people in finance and economics. Its claim to fame and bread and butter is software engineering, that doesn't change the fact that its economists are well respected.
People in Econ with intimate knowledge of that area would not laugh and ridicule. People outside and ignorant about that world would.
"Better to say"? People who understand that side of the world wouldn't need him to say "economists from Stanford or UCLA" Don't even know how you fit UCLA in there.
Nothing interesting about it. They simply mention the institution that is a core part of the Valley. You think is Scholes one was over there. You have some more Googling to do.
To simplify things for you... the is NO such thing as the Silicon Valley school of economic thought... except perhaps in your fevered imaginings.
I hope that is simple enough for even you to understand.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
To simplify things for you... the is NO such thing as the Silicon Valley school of economic thought... except perhaps in your fevered imaginings.
I hope that is simple enough for even you to understand.
somehow i don't think so.
Whether or not there is a Sillicon Valley school of economic thought has no impact on the man's initial statement.
Look like you jump into them conversation late and end up making an idiot of yourself.
You still show that you are completely ignorant about the Valley and its place in economics. Go do some more research cause it look like you never even had a clue about important people like Sharpe.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Do some research and stop talking out of your a s s. Take Don1 with you.
143. Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property. (3) Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: 100 or Economics 100A or 101A. This course addresses the economics of research and incentives for innovation including intellectual property rights. Topics include the standard modern economics of invention; modern intellectual property rights; innovation examples from agriculture, energy, pharmaceuticals, software, and electronics; the roles of the public and private sectors; innovation and market structure; the needs of the poor; and global intellectual property negotiations.
The Intellectual Ghetto needs a HEAVY dose of "Silicon Valley Economists"
The road block can be contributed to those with the mentality of the Don1 and his supporter (s)
LOL !!
Where pray tell, is there a reference to Silicon Valley economists in this definition - clearly a lame attempt at justifying your rubbish??
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
The man is truly run in late. This is getting more hilarious by the moment.
"What is this stuff about Jawge?"
Lateness a kill you. See if Maudib will explain it to you.
post the reference to prove your argument (don't bother try, no reference to Silicon Valley economic thought exists) .. stop the red herring stuff re Jawge.. that can't distract me from your failure to justify your flawed reasoning with third party validation.
fact is.. Silicon Valley is NOT noted for economic thought.. even the garrulous bureaucrat's attempts at justification betray this fact.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Whether or not there is a Sillicon Valley school of economic thought has no impact on the man's initial statement.
Look like you jump into them conversation late and end up making an idiot of yourself.
You still show that you are completely ignorant about the Valley and its place in economics. Go do some more research cause it look like you never even had a clue about important people like Sharpe.
At least you acknowledge that there is no such thing as Silicon Valley economic thought.
That's mighty progress for you... congratulations!!!
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Clearly the nuances of contextual thought eludes you.
However, you show progress.. admitting that Silicon Valley economic thought is a misnomer.
I sincerely appreciate your growth and hope that you will inspire the garrulous bureaucrat to follow in your footsteps.
You bringing up a term, and then giving yourself credit for saying it doesn't exist. Poor lad.
What institution is at the center of the Valley? What is its contribution to the field? Quite simple.
Do your research and the term will not bother you and your Don1 rules of speech. Asset Pricing, Option Valuation, Credit Risk, National Interest Rate decision making, Finance and Economic Development and other applied solutions.
Sounds like it was pretty relevant to Maudib and Jawge discussion that the late party entered.