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PM Golding Says the Debate on Teaching Patois Signifies ....

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  • #91
    why would it be different from teaching any other language? spanish french, latin.....and why should they be any more confused

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #92
      Originally posted by Gamma View Post
      why would it be different from teaching any other language? spanish french, latin.....and why should they be any more confused
      But GAMMA the reason they want to tech in patois is because the kids cannot grasp the nuances of the English language. They will be just as confused as they were while trying to learn English.


      • #93
        it will have to be standardised willi.....i have said that from jump.....

        again .... i have trememdous respect for your opinion but i do not agree with your reasoning.

        btw i don't remember, you speak french not german right....(this is an aside and not really relevant to the debate)

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #94
          that is not why i propose that patois be taught....i propose that it be standardised and taught because a fi language and it should be recognised as a language.

          a side effect of that may be as they are claiming.....that would be a bonus.

          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


          • #95
            Some knida french and Spanish.

            German is not my thing at all.


            • #96
              Differnce is that you dont have to start from scrtch with those.

              Those evolved over time.

              You propose a forced evolution via standardization and that is a MASSIVE undertaking we CANNOT afford at this time.

              You have to build up an entire language infrastructure and then build up a teaching infrastructure and then a textbook/exam infrastructure and then roll it out over time. A 10 year job at the minimum. 20 more likely.


              • #97
                No I am not.. if we had choosen a different path in 1972 this would be a different country today. Nothing to do with the measurement of our 'ability to master anything'...

                It takes cash to care.. you maximize your existing ability for economic gain then improve up the value chain..

                What was the Bible first translated to ? How and why was it translated to English ???

                What was the langauge of the educated and noble class before English ??

