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Robbed blind - Gunmen break in on 39 overseas

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  • Robbed blind - Gunmen break in on 39 overseas

    Robbed blind - Gunmen break in on 39 overseas missionaries at Salvation Army school

    The St Andrew facilities of the Salvation Army School for the Blind and Visually Handicapped were turned upside down early yesterday morning when three masked gunmen entered the compound, robbing 39 members of an overseas missionary team of cash, cellphones and other valuables.
    Major Ward Matthews, secretary for business administration at the Salvation Army, told The Gleaner yesterday that, about 2:30 a.m., an officer of the Christian organisation was awakened by noises coming from outside his sleeping quarters.

    He went to investigate and found two men attempting to dig away the concrete below his grille. The officer raised an alarm and the men fled, only to move to another section of the campus where they entered through an unlocked door and held, at gunpoint, the almost 40 students visiting from the United States (US).

    Missionary work
    The students, who are linked to the Christian organisation, Adventures in Missions (AIM), were in Jamaica for a week-long trip of missionary work and evangelism.

    The matter has been reported to the police and the Constant Spring Criminal Investigations Bureau (CIB) has commenced an investigation.
    The incident has, however, raised concern over the safety of not just the close to 100 visually impaired and orphaned students who are resident at the facility, but also visitors who come to the island to assist individuals in need.

    Matthews said he was surprised that such an incident could have taken place at the Salvation Army.
    "We know that the country does have a crime problem, but you would hope that it would not spread to a place in the city that is doing so much for the community," he lamented.

    Matthews said the visiting students were shaken up by the incident, but have decided not to allow it to deter them from making a difference in the lives of the poor.
    "They had a wonderful week in Jamaica, sharing and working with the students and other individuals in the community," he said.
    "We held a devotion after the robbery and prayed for the persons who attacked us."

    Nevertheless, the majority of the students have since returned to the US and the others have moved off the campus. A return trip to the island, originally planned for mid July, was also cancelled.
    "They have opted not to send the students back until we can make safer arrangements for them," Matthews said.
    Conrad Harris, director of programmes at the Jamaica Society for the Blind, said it was disheartening to hear of such an incident.

    The Salvation Army School For The Blind and Visually Handicapped is one of Kingston's latest crime scenes. Three masked robbers entered an unlocked gate to a dorm with 39 young missionaries from the United States, taking their wallets and personal valuables. The damage caused by robbers at the Salvation Army School For The Blind and Visually Handicapped is seen above. Robbers took their time pulling away the concrete underneath the metal gate to some of the offices of the school. - Kyle Macpherson/Photographer

    Significant threat
    Harris said it presented a significant threat to the survival of many institutions catering to disabled students in Jamaica, as the assistance of overseas missionary groups, such as AIM, was essential to their existence.
    "Many of these schools for disabled children will close down if the overseas sponsors fail to assist with funding," he said. "There is no doubt about it."

    The Salvation Army School for the Blind is the only institution of its kind in Jamaica, offering residential schooling for the visually impaired. The Mannings Hill Road compound is also home to several senior citizens. There is also a church building and an infant school on the property.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    All di blind a suffer under di Portia nightmare !


    • #3
      So is Portia sen dem

