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mugabe.....must have seen the face of god because

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  • mugabe.....must have seen the face of god because

    he has gone stark raving mad!!!!

    Dutch Foreign Ministry: Tsvangirai seeks refuge
    By ANGUS SHAW, Associated Press Writer 14 minutes ago

    HARARE, Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe's opposition leader has sought refuge at the Dutch Embassy, the Dutch Foreign Ministry said Monday, while police raided his party's headquarters and took about 60 people away.
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    Morgan Tsvangirai went to the embassy Sunday shortly after announcing he was withdrawing from Friday's presidential runoff against longtime leader Robert Mugabe, citing violence against opposition supporters.
    "He asked to come and stay because he was concerned about his safety," ministry spokesman Rob Dekker said. There has been no request for political asylum, Dekker said.
    Opposition spokesman Nqobizitha Mlilo refused to comment on the report and referred callers to The Hague.
    News of Tsvangirai's presence at the Dutch Embassy came shortly after Zimbabwean police raided the headquarters of his party Monday and took away about 60 people.
    Tsvangirai won the first round of the presidential election on March 29, but did not gain an outright majority against 84-year-old Mugabe. That campaign was generally peaceful, but the runoff has been overshadowed by violence and intimidation, especially in rural areas. Independent human rights groups say 85 people have died and tens of thousands have been displaced from their homes, most of them opposition supporters.
    Tsvangirai had returned to Zimbabwe a month ago to campaign despite information his party had said it received that he was the target of a state-sponsored assassination plot.
    Since then, his top deputy has been arrested on treason charges — which carry the death penalty — and Tsvangirai has been repeatedly detained by police.
    He has survived at least three assassination attempts and last year he was hospitalized after a brutal assault by police at a prayer rally. Images seen around the world of his bruised and swollen face have come to symbolize the plight of dissenters in Zimbabwe.
    He had applied for a new passport earlier this month and Zimbabwean officials refused, saying he lacked proper police clearance. His current passport has not expired but its pages are full.
    On Sunday, Tsvangirai pulled out of the violence-wracked presidential runoff, declaring that the election was no longer credible and the loss of life among his supporters was simply too high.
    Mugabe's government says Friday's vote will go ahead. The prospect of a sham election drew strong criticism from the international community.
    "The Mugabe regime cannot be considered legitimate in the absence of a runoff," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a statement. "In forsaking the most basic tenet of governance, the protection of its people, the government of Zimbabwe must be held accountable by the international community."
    But Zimbabwe's longtime, increasingly autocratic ruler has shown little concern for the world's opinion — his police entered opposition headquarters Monday even as foreign election observers watched.
    Movement for Democratic Change spokesman Nelson Chamisa said most of the people taken away from party headquarters were women and children seeking refuge after fleeing state-sponsored political violence. He said police also seized computers and furniture.
    Police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena said police took 39 people from the opposition headquarters as part of an investigation into political violence. He said they had been taken to what he called a "rehabilitation center" for interviews.
    After a similar raid in April, police detained scores of people they accused of being responsible for postelection violence. A court later released them.

    Roy Bennett, treasurer of Tsvangirai's party, told The Associated Press in Johannesburg, South Africa that the party was not turning its back on elections.
    He called on the Southern African Development Community and the African Union to launch negotiations aimed at bringing members of the opposition and moderate members of Mugabe's ZANU-PF party together in a transitional authority that would create conditions for free and fair presidential voting.
    "We honestly believe that we will move forward to a new round" of elections, Bennett said.
    He said Mugabe would not be welcome on the transitional authority or in a future government.
    The issue of Mugabe's role is believed to have derailed previous attempts to resolve Mugabe's crisis by creating a coalition government. But Bennett said ZANU-PF would have to yield now in the face of growing international pressure. ZANU-PF, he said, risked being "totally isolated and totally rejected by the African countries as well as the world at large."
    South African President Thabo Mbeki has been mediating between Mugabe and Tsvangirai for more than a year under Southern African Development Community auspices. Bennett, though, appeared to be calling for a new initiative. The Movement for Democratic Change has said Mbeki should step down, accusing him of bias in Mugabe's favor.
    Mbeki's spokesman Mukoni Rat****************anga said a South African negotiating team was in Zimbabwe Monday. But Bennett said negotiations could not open until state-sponsored violence ended and Tendai Biti, the party's secretary-general, who has been jailed on treason charges since June 12, was released.
    Mbeki has steadfastly refused to criticize Mugabe, saying confronting him could close the door to talks. But other African leaders have shown increasing unease, and South Africa was under pressure to speak out.
    Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa, who currently holds the rotating chair of the Southern African Development Community, said Sunday a "catastrophe" was looming in Zimbabwe. He expressed frustration with Mbeki, saying he had been unable to reach him in recent days and complaining he was not sharing information about his mediation efforts.
    In a statement Monday, African Union chief executive Jean Ping expressed "grave concern" at the violence and Tsvangirai's withdrawal.
    New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark also called on the U.N. Security Council to send a tough message to Zimbabwe's government when it discusses the situation Tuesday. The United States, which holds the council's rotating presidency this month, had pressed for Zimbabwe to be added to the council's agenda.
    Mark Malloch-Brown, Britain's minister for Africa and Asia, declared Monday that Mugabe is no longer the legitimate leader of Zimbabwe. Malloch-Brown said Britain wanted to see a "deepening" of international sanctions against Zimbabwe, including tighter restrictions on international companies doing business with the Mugabe government and a ban on leading regime figures sending their children to be educated abroad.

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

  • #2
    as a supporter of mugabe's revolution... this is way too extreme for me... he has lost his mind... he has morphed into the very oppressors who oppressed zimbabwe... a crying shame...
    'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


    • #3
      "the tyrant is the slave turned inside out"

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        This latest development shouldn't surprise anyone. It has been a gradual, slippery slope down into the abyss for at least 10 years.

        The man is evil, plain and simple. He seems destined for a place in history alongside the worst native African tyrants like Amin and Mobutu.
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          Originally posted by Islandman View Post
          This latest development shouldn't surprise anyone. It has been a gradual, slippery slope down into the abyss for at least 10 years.

          The man is evil, plain and simple. He seems destined for a place in history alongside the worst native African tyrants like Amin and Mobutu.
          I'm wondering if this man is carrying some illness that his nyaming away at his BRAIN, or he's just consumed by EVIL!
          Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
          - Langston Hughes


          • #6
            same way shaka went mad.....must have been the lust for power.

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              A good revolution gone bad...Bob mussi a turn in him grave.


              U.N. council agrees fair Zimbabwe poll impossible

              Module body

              Mon Jun 23, 7:32 PM


              By Louis Charbonneau
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              UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council will declare on Monday that a free and fair run-off presidential election in Zimbabwe would be impossible due to violence and restrictions on the opposition, diplomats said.

              They said the statement, which will be the council's first formal action on Zimbabwe if it is adopted, had the backing of South Africa, China and Russia, which had long opposed any council discussion of the crisis in Zimbabwe.

              "The Security Council considers that the campaign of violence and the restrictions on the political opposition have made it impossible for a free and fair election to take place on June 27," the text, obtained by Reuters, said.

              Diplomats said the text had been agreed by envoys from the council's 15 member states, though Russia and one other country were still awaiting final approval from their capitals. The council was expected to formally approve the declaration later on Monday.

              The non-binding text was watered down from an earlier version, which had the council explicitly blaming President Robert Mugabe's government for the crisis and saying opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai would be the legitimate leader if a credible run-off election cannot be held.

              However, the agreed version says the council "notes that the results of the 29 March 2008 elections must be respected." Tsvangirai won that first-round election, though the government said his narrow victory meant a run-off poll was necessary.

              The council discussed the Zimbabwe crisis on several occasions but had taken no formal action since violence broke out after Mugabe lost on March 29.

              This has been due to objections from South Africa, a council member, which has insisted on "quiet diplomacy" with Mugabe's government, with the support of Russia and China.

              Earlier U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged Zimbabwe's government not to press ahead with a run-off election this week, saying the results would lack legitimacy.

              "I would strongly discourage the authorities from going ahead with the run-off on Friday," he told reporters after a lunch meeting with the council.

              "It will only deepen divisions within the country and produce a result that cannot be credible."


              In Ban's strongest comments on Zimbabwe to date, he also voiced understanding for Tsvangirai's decision to withdraw from the run-off.

              "I would like to take this moment to say how distressed I am by the events leading to the understandable decision of the opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai to withdraw from the run-off election scheduled for this Friday," Ban said.

              "There has been too much violence and too much intimidation," he said. "A vote held in these conditions would lack all legitimacy."

              Ban did not specifically blame Mugabe and his government for the situation, though he did speak of a "campaign of threat and intimidation" against the citizens of Zimbabwe.

              He said the problems in Zimbabwe had an impact beyond its borders, describing the situation as "the single greatest challenge to regional stability in southern Africa today."
              In a speech to the council, U.N. Under-Secretary-General for political affairs Lynn Pascoe made it clear he did not agree that Tsvangirai should be declared the legitimately elected leader of Zimbabwe. Rather, a run-off poll was needed.
              He said the government and opposition in Zimbabwe "should immediately engage in talks to establish a period during which conditions for free and fair elections can be created."
              (Editing by Cynthia Osterman)

              Peter R


              • #8
                What took them so long!? Mugabe must be removed by any means necessary. Thabo Mbeki needs to start acting like him have sense!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  The evil that griped him is called absolute power.
                  THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                  "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                  "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                  • #10
                    [quote=Mosiah;110199]What took them so long!? Mugabe must be removed by any means necessary. Thabo Mbeki needs to start acting like him have sense![/quote

                    Probably we need fi export one of the dons to do a HIT
                    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                    - Langston Hughes

