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Political motive behind FID scandal

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  • Political motive behind FID scandal

    Another scandal has rocked the Financial Investigation Division (FID) which made headlines months ago following the disappearance of $15 million from a safe.
    Prime Minister Bruce Golding is now pointing to a political motive in the disappearance of sensitive files from the Division which falls under the Ministry of Finance.
    Mr. Golding made the revelation in Gordon House on Tuesday as he took serious issue with the management of the FID which investigates white collar crime.

    The Prime Minister painted a picture of a Division that was little more than an operational nightmare.
    Bruce Golding cited criminal proceedings now being pursued against a former senior official at the FID as a prime example.
    He said the former official ordered several files delivered to him on the day he left the department...files that can no longer be found.
    "We know the persons to whom the file relate and we know that the persons to to whom the file relate have certain political notoriety, I put it no further than that," said Mr. Golding.

    It is hardly the first time the little known Financial Investigation Division is making the news in recent months.
    It made headlines after $15 million went missing from a vault inside the Division.

    Prime Minister Golding said months later detectives still have no idea who took the money.
    "Twenty different people had access now you tell me which kind of organization can have a vault with millions of dollars and 20 people can walk in as they like,"
    "The Financial Secretary issued a directive the money must be transferred to the Bank of Jamaica to be kept under their custody,"
    "The directive was issued from rthe 24th of October no action was taken until the 14th of April when a new Director was appointed," he said.
    The Prime Minister said two people, the New FID Director among them, now have access to the safe.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)