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Protest Planned For Portmore Police Scandal

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  • Protest Planned For Portmore Police Scandal

    I recieved the following e-mail from Kennedy Reid, who runs the www.portmore.info website. I consider Kennedy to be completely reliable.

    A protest is planned Sunday, June 22 from 5 pm to 6:30 pm at the Portmore /South St. Catherine Police Headquarters regarding the Portmore police sex scandal.

    Here is the e-mail, copied, and cleaned up to save space:


    1) We are going to Protest!
    2) Sexual Assault by Cops
    3) Greater Portmore Activities

    Date: June 13, 2008
    Editor: Kennedy Reid
    Subscribers: 345
    Reply to: webmaster@portmore.info
    Web site: http://www.portmore.info

    1) =========================
    Dear Readers,
    have you heard the story of what happened
    at OUR police station!?
    Two cops from the station forced a woman to
    give them oral sex and took bribes.

    The woman turned up at the station
    vomiting on the ground and pointing out the

    The men were able to leave the station after
    being placed under arrest!

    How could police get so low?
    How could alleged criminals get out of the station
    with not even a picture to show the public.

    Now, We do not want this from OUR police
    nor at OUR police station! We do not want the bad eggs
    to bring down the reputation of OUR community!
    And they must know this in no uncertain
    On Sunday June 22 from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
    there will be a public protest in front of the
    100 man station. (aka Portmore Police / South
    St. Catherine Police Head Quarters)

    All well thinking citizens are may come and
    join the four of us who are planning to be there!!
    We can not relax while Jamaica and Portmore
    go to the dogs! not over our dead bodies!!!

    Read ONE version of the story below...

    2) =========================


    Cops on the run for sexual assault
    Wednesday, 11 June 2008
    Two policemen are under investigation for allegedly
    forcing a woman to perform sex acts on them Tuesday
    night in Portmore, St. Catherine.

    A Corporal and a Constable attached to the St. Catherine
    South Police Division were reportedly stripped of their
    badges Tuesday night and placed in custody.
    But now it seems they are on the run.

    The two cops disappeared from police detention overnight.
    Head of the Police Anti-corruption Branch Assistant
    Commissioner of Police (ACP) Justin Felice confirmed
    their disappearance even as investigations into the
    incident go into high gear.

    "We're investigating the offences of blackmail,
    extortion and serious sexual offences," said ACP

    Reports reaching RJR News are that the policemen were
    on patrol along the Hellshire Main Road when they
    spotted a parked vehicle.

    They reportedly found a couple in a compromising
    position inside.

    It is alleged that the policemen reprimanded the
    couple, but after a while tried to extort money from

    The cops then accompanied the man and woman to an
    Automated Teller Machine where the man withdrew
    $1,000 and handed it to them.

    However, they were dissatisfied with that amount and
    demanded more.

    The woman reportedly told them that she had US$1,000
    at her home.

    The cops then said they would accompany her to her
    house to collect the money.

    The policemen reportedly left her male companion there
    and took the woman to a lonely spot along the Dyke
    Road where she was sexually assaulted.

    Hours later, she managed to reach the Greater Portmore
    Police Station where she filed a complaint.

    She was later able to point out the two men to their

    The two were immediately detained in a room at the
    station as investigations got underway, however they
    disappeared overnight.

    ACP Felice said he was unable to release the names
    of the two policemen until investigations were further

    3) =========================

    FW: GPJC activities lloyd bennett <lloydgbennett@hotmail.com>
    Friday, June 6, 2008 11:00:37 AM
    To:kennedy reid <kennedyreid@yahoo.com>

    'The Greater Portmore Joint Council (GPJC) is inviting the
    Executive members of all the Citizens Associations in Greater
    Portmore to attend a workshop-type discussion with
    representatives of the Ministry of Justice.
    This meeting seeks to promote awareness of and support
    for the greenpaper on the proposed WHISTLEBLOWERS
    legislation which aims to reduce incidences of corruption,
    procedural breaches and wrongdoing in general by
    encouraging reporting of these activities. It encorages
    the reporting of criminal offences committed or likely to
    be committed whether in communities or in organizations
    and seeks to offer protection to 'WHISTLEBLOWERS'
    We have invited a team from the Ministry to come to
    Greater Portmore to talk with the citizens of the various
    communities about the greenpaper and to have the citizens
    make their own suggestions as to what the proposed
    legislation should contain. The proposed date for the meeting
    is June 21 st 2008 at the KENSINGTON BASIC school and is
    scheduled to begin at 7:00pm sharp.


    THE END)
    Value of it's readers
    All information must be verified by a second
    Last edited by Bruce; June 13, 2008, 09:19 PM. Reason: cleanup

  • #2
    What's the point? Isn't it being investigated?



    • #3
      I am loving it!
      Yes, it is being investigated by the said police.
      In the interim, can we start suspending everyone?
      Forget they are police officers, the story is a woman was abucted at gunpoint, sexually assaulted..by two gunmen.The suspects were arrested BUT...




      • #4
        I wonder why they even stated she and her lover were caught in a sexually compromising position. That was a ill-advised, careless move by our journalists, approved by editors.



        • #5
          Reckless, stupid and idiotic! Then they reported that they were "reprimanded" by the police officers. HA! I guess they weren't doing "it" right?!? That is how much the state wants to get into our bedrooms (or car backseats). God forbid if that comprising position was a 69! They could have been shot!



          • #6
            This planned protest might not be necessary afterall. In one (or both?) the local newspapers this morning, there's an updated story that the two policemen in question have been either been captured or have turned themselves in. They are CRIMINALS for having done what they did. Let's hope Messrs McMillan, Lewin and Shields do the right thing in having these policemen pay in a court of law.
            "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


            • #7
              The protest should continue! It nuh matter if dem turn themselves in, or were captured, the community has a right to express their displeasure for the abuse of police power.
              Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


              • #8
                The police men are in custody awaiting trial. If in the aftermath it appears that there was no (or insufficent penalty) meted out to the two police officers, then a call to march/protest would be appropriate.

                In the meantime, the energy of the portmore citizens should be directed to other ills within the society. Crime & Violence (shootings, murders, extortion, rape etc.) from the society at large need full attention of protests too.
                "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011

