Dem Trinis nuh easy. Their new Caribbean Airlines has a hummingbird on the tail, copying another regional airline. What next - another diagonal band in their flag to distinguish it from scuba diving and to mek it look like sinting decent?
I was wondering why they never put their own national bird on the plane, (Scarlet Ibis).Definitely shows some lack of imagination or ignorance (or both) on the part of their marketing dept.
And the scarlet ibis is actually quite a handsome bird, and long-lived in terms of bird lives. Maybe they don't expect the airline to be around for very long?!?
Using the humming bird, do you think it could be considered a trademark violation? Air J would not contest it though.
"Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran
Peter R (10/17/2006)I was wondering why they never put their own national bird on the plane, (Scarlet Ibis).Definitely shows some lack of imagination or ignorance (or both) on the part of their marketing dept.
Or deliberate marketing ploy. A product not well known is often 'linked' to a well known product. The idea is that sales will increase as a certain %age of consumers will pick the product with little market share initially believing - confused-it is the 'well known' product.
The hope is...the thought is once those consumers try/taste the 'little known' product it shall be "mmmmm? This is good! I'll try it again and spread the word on it"....and, evenif that 'liking the taste' and or 'spreading the word' does not happen some sales that would not otherwise have taken place would have occurred.
Crappy...underhand way to go? Maybe?
Perhaps, the Trinis think their product and or its marketing is crap and are hitching a ride on AirJ's coat-tails...buying time to bring the marketing and or the product up to snuff?
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