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McCain sets sights on Clinton’s supporters

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  • McCain sets sights on Clinton’s supporters

    LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. - Republican Sen. John McCain envisions a November victory built in part around attracting a large number of the millions of voters who turned away from Sen. Barack Obama's promise of change during the historic Democratic primary campaign.
    Buoyed by polls showing a quarter or more of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's supporters planning to back McCain, his advisers have already started wooing the white working-class voters and women who made up the bedrock of her coalition. They plan to echo and expand the former first lady's critiques of Obama: that he is out of touch with Middle America and too unseasoned to be president.
    "There's a lot of Senator Clinton supporters who would support me because of their belief that Senator Obama does not have the experience or the knowledge or the judgment to address this nation's national security challenges," McCain told reporters Wednesday.

    Nonetheless, to succeed, McCain will have to upend firm partisan voting patterns that have held for the past four presidential elections.
    In those contests, only about 1 in 10 Democrats cast a ballot for the GOP candidate, according to network exit polls. In the 2006 midterm election, 93 percent of Democrats voted Democratic in their House districts. That party loyalty -- matched by Republicans' fidelity to their party's candidates -- came despite voters' occasional protestations that a nomination defeat would send them scampering.
    About those policy differences ...
    On the issues, it is unclear how McCain would appeal to Clinton's female or working-class voters. McCain's record is not much like Clinton's, as the Republican repeatedly pointed out during his primary battles. He opposes government-run health care, supports continuing the war in Iraq, wants to extend President Bush's tax cuts and is a committed foe of abortion rights.
    His position on the war, in particular, puts him at odds with Clinton on what is a top issue for many Democrats. For months, McCain mocked Clinton's desire to withdraw troops from Iraq.
    Obama advisers think the expressions of support for McCain among Clinton voters is a general byproduct of a passionate and sometimes heated primary process that will quickly fade. "We're confident that when voters from all walks of life have a choice between a candidate who last year voted with George Bush 95 percent . . . they will choose change and elect Barack Obama president," said Obama spokesman Hari Sevugan.

    McCain strategists predict their candidate will do a better job of siphoning away Democratic votes because of two factors: what they say is Obama's inability to connect to some key parts of the Democratic coalition, and McCain's reputation as a maverick.
    Republicans plan to describe Obama as an elitist from the Hyde Park section of Chicago, where liberal professors mingle in an academic world that is alien to most working-class voters. They plan to make sure Clinton's voters do not forget about Obama's comments that working-class people are bitter and cling to their guns and religion as a way of dealing with the economic uncertainty they face.
    "The cling-to part about religion and guns is where the McCain campaign is going to hammer home on," said Kevin Madden, a GOP analyst who was the spokesman for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney's presidential bid.
    Testing the message
    In recent days, the Republican campaign has held focus groups in the Rust Belt and Appalachian states where Obama's messages of hope and change failed to translate into votes, including one session in Pittsburgh -- Obama lost in Pennsylvania to Clinton, and it will almost surely be a critical swing state in the fall. McCain advisers said they found a palpable unease with Obama among those groups.
    The point, key Republican advisers said, is that Clinton's voters see more of themselves in McCain than they do in Obama. In recent weeks, McCain advisers have shared data with Republican activists backing up that contention, said one Republican strategist.

    McCain's speech Tuesday night contained a direct appeal to Clinton's voters, calling her a "friend" and saying that her presidential campaign inspired his own daughters and "millions of women to believe there is no opportunity in this great country beyond their reach."
    In addition, they say they will stress the areas where McCain's positions are different from Bush's. In his speech Tuesday, McCain went out of his way to highlight his belief in global warming, his opposition to Bush's energy bill and his criticisms of the conduct of the war.
    "The American people didn't get to know me yesterday," he said. Speaking as much about Clinton's supporters as his own, he added: "They know I have a long record of bipartisan problem-solving. They've seen me put our country before any president -- before any party -- before any special interest -- before my own interest."
    McCain advisers believe the polls back up their predictions.
    Polls reveal appetite for defection
    Over the past three months, Washington Post-ABC News polls showed an average of 25 percent of those backing Clinton in the primaries "defecting" to McCain in a hypothetical match-up with Obama. A new poll from the Pew Research Center conducted just before the final Democratic primaries put the number at 28 percent.
    Other data in the new Pew poll may add to the concern among some Democrats. In that survey, the percentage of Clinton supporters holding a positive view of Obama continues to slide: Forty-five percent of them view Obama favorably, down from 58 percent in December, before the voting started.
    The Clinton voters most open to switching sides this time in Post-ABC national data are white women, white voters without college degrees, older voters, moderates and those prioritizing experience over change. This is the most fertile territory for McCain to repeat the feat of one of McCain's heroes, Ronald Reagan.
    Twenty-six percent of Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Reagan in 1980 after a bruising fight for the Democratic nomination between President Jimmy Carter and Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) -- a battle that lasted all the way to the convention.
    But even that number was significantly lower than the threatened crossover from early that year. In a late March 1980 Gallup poll, 47 percent of Democrats who wanted Kennedy to be the party's nominee said they would vote for Reagan if Carter were to get the nod; that is nearly twice the proportion who ended up doing so.

    McCain's challenge in converting disappointed Clinton supporters into GOP voters this year hinges on his ability to overcome policy differences and improve his image with those voters. In the Pew poll, most of those who hold favorable views of Clinton view Obama positively and McCain negatively. And it is the anti-McCain view that may ultimately prove a stronger motivator.
    Nearly 6 in 10 of those backing Clinton over Obama in the primary said they would support Obama in the fall, with about half of those voters saying they are motivated to do so primarily to vote "against McCain" rather than "for Obama."
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Baddaz, Gamma, Xtatic .. would love to get your views on this. Now unuh see why there are those who call for Clinton as VP? Yes, Obama may well win them over anyway .. but ..... there is always a but ....
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      I visited Hillarys website yesterday to see what the mood was. Bwoy them ****************ed! Most of the posters say they will NEVER, EVER vote for Obama.

      Of course those are the hard-core Hillary female voters who feel that they stole it from her (yes, they really do) so maybe not representative of a typical Hillary voter. Most of them say the Rev Wright/church issue is the reason they could never vote for him.

      I am sure his team will do the necessary research and polling to see the extent of the damage and how permanent it is in the next few weeks. As the articles says, Reagan won over those voters in the 80s so don't think its not possible for McCain to do so.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        if there is ALWAYS a "but" what difference does it make? if it's not this it will be something else.

        obama has other choices that would help in other demographics, i'm championing sam nunn to bring in that demographic.

        my point is that he does not need her to be on the ticket for him to be successful. her endorsement of him should help, no doubt about that.

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          that group will SAY anything, it is an emotional issue for them and his victory without more would be the reason, ...btw did you see a post on there from karl?

          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


          • #6
            Originally posted by Islandman View Post
            I visited Hillarys website yesterday to see what the mood was. Bwoy them ****************ed! Most of the posters say they will NEVER, EVER vote for Obama.

            Of course those are the hard-core Hillary female voters who feel that they stole it from her (yes, they really do) so maybe not representative of a typical Hillary voter. Most of them say the Rev Wright/church issue is the reason they could never vote for him.

            I am sure his team will do the necessary research and polling to see the extent of the damage and how permanent it is in the next few weeks. As the articles says, Reagan won over those voters in the 80s so don't think its not possible for McCain to do so.
            There are group who will vote against Obama and I think mor often than not they'll use 'things' to cover there true reasons...e.g. race...but they say Rev Wright!

            ...disappointment in Hillary having loss...but they say his postion on removal of troops without accounting for possible change on the ground and in political reality in Iraq on the day he takes office...

            ...point is although reasons that affect the making of decisions are usually complex (many inputs - conscious and sub-conscious)...the decision maker usually 'clings' to one or two or a few 'things' they think will be accepted as rational by their audience.
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              Maybe Karl was one of the few men who said they would hold thier noses and vote Obama. The real anti-war types seem to have that view.

              Honestly though, I think a sizeable number of them won't vote Obama. Most probably just won't vote at all, similar to the neo-conservatives who won't vote McCain but could never sleep at night if they voted for a Democrat.

              If Obamas strategy of bringing out the groups (blacks,young voters, etc) that usually don't vote in large numbers works, he might be able to pull it off without them. I am pretty sure that blacks will turn out in unprecedented numbers, young people I am not so sure because they have disapointed many candidates in the past.
              "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


              • #8
                There is the factor of Clinton running as in Independent. I'm still curious why it is being said that she will suspend her campaign. If she should go the Independent route, McCain would be smiling.
                "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                • #9
                  I agree completely. But the less "things" you give them to use as an excuse, the better your chances.

                  I think there were more than a few whites who were borderline about voting for Obama (due to race) and the Rev Wright issue sealed the deal in deciding not to vote for him.

                  Prejudice is not a "all or nothing" thing, there are extremists and there are moderates.
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    smiling??!!!.....he would finally be able to raise his hands above his head!!!!!

                    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                    • #11
                      I don't think she would ever do that.

                      First of all, she couldn't win, second of all, it would ensure that Obama would lose and she couldn't come back as a Democrat and run in 4 years.

                      Apparently the suspension lets her keep her delegates until the convention, I suspect that its insurance against the "surprise" that her team says might hit the Obama campaign.
                      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                      • #12
                        the election is a long way off... the hillary backers wounds are still fresh... give them time to heal... reality will set in and they will come to their senses... those who will not vote for obama would not have voted for him even if it was someone other than hillary obama had defeated... he will lose them and he will gain some moderate republicans and independents...

                        there are many republicans who will not vote for mccain... the article fails to mention those people... i see a zero sum game... while an interesting article, it relies too heavily on the historical and not enough consideration given to the existing socio-political climate that faces the voters...
                        'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'

