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Damn dancehall music. A which tune dis now?

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  • Damn dancehall music. A which tune dis now?

    better yet ... can we blame the Steven Seagal movie?

    40 men, 20 women marked for death

    The Hunts Bay police have beefed up patrols in the tense Seivwright Gardens/Cockburn Gardens area of Kingston 11, after reports began circulating that both sides have marked for death 40 men and 20 women from each community.
    The community is divided into two warring factions. The top section of the community includes Finch Crescent, Canary Avenue, Woodpecker Avenue, lower Cockburn Gardens and some sections of Henderson Avenue. These communities are said to be in friction with lower Woodpecker Avenue, Guava Road, Solitaire Road and lower Mahoe Road.

    Public concern
    Residents of Woodpecker Avenue publicly stated recently that men from the neighbouring communities were planning to kill 40 men and 20 women in their community.
    Superintendent in charge of the St Andrew South Division, Derrick Knight, told THE STAR that he was aware of the reports by the residents. "I've heard some concerns from them. What is happening in that area is straight criminality. People want to take over in terms of donmanship."
    He said the section of the community which is complaining about the alleged 'contracts' is the top section, but added that the other section was also making similar claims.

    "There are charges and counter-charges," he said. The officer said the police had a meeting with members of the community last Thursday and police presence has since increased. "There is an increased presence in the area - mobile and foot patrols. We are putting a buffer between them, to prevent people from going on either side, until we can put a lid on the problem."
    Superintendent Knight said the police were seeking several men from both sides of the community for questioning in relation to the violence. At the top of the list is Ricardo 'Bully' Thomas, who is believed to be the leader of the Bully gang which, reportedly, controls the upper section. A warrant for his arrest was issued after he was implicated in a recent murder. Also wanted are men known only as 'Pie' and 'Wayne Marshall'. They are wanted in connection with several murders which have taken place in the community over the last six weeks.
    The men wanted from the bottom section are Dwight Sproul, and men known only as 'Waldy', 'Mackerel', and 'Honeyboy'. The police say this section is controlled by the 'Raymond Barrett' gang.
    The first signs of trouble in the community came on May 7, when THE STAR reported that residents of Solitaire Road had been chased from their homes by thugs from neighbouring communities.

    Reprisal killings On May 21, two men were killed along Woodpecker Avenue. Another was shot at the intersection of Woodpecker Avenue and Mahoe Drive. Another man was also injured. On May 27, two sisters were shot dead at their home along Henderson Avenue. The killing was thought to be a reprisal for the murder of the three men, but residents from Finch and Woodpecker Avenue, quickly denied this.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    We have to approach crime fighting with carrots to go along with the sticks. The first step to solving any problem is understanding and that means that we meet with everyone and seek to understand the nature of the problem so that we know how to tackle it.

    While dealing with the criminals we have to seek to head off the next generation from the programming effects of the television, day to day violence and music.

    Libraries, books, educational documentaries etc. can go along way to starting the process.

    Just sending in police over the years to deal with a long seated problem is not cutting it. Time for new approaches and a humility in accepting that we don't have the answers so lets set out in search of it.

    Knowledge of self is key as if a man doesn't love himself how can he love another. Our elders, scholars and heroes words and works need to be a requiste material in all our schools and libraries.

    Until we come to that realisation we will only be spinning our wheel on this crime issue.

    Our children are crying out to us as elders to save them.

    Blame game and politics time over. We have to unite around saving our children as there is nothing more important than them.

    Next time we look at our own, we have to visualize them in the poor conditions of inner city kingston and ask ourselves.

    What would we want an outsider to do? Ignore or help us?

    Its time to take back our country

    Lazie mi ManU friend how life?



    • #3
      1962.. wrong step
      1972.. wrong turn
      1989.. wrong road

      Are we too far down the road to perdition to ever find the way back ?

      First order is to quiet the voices that have been urging us along since the wrong turn.. don't see how the people inside the box going to solve the problem, but the voices will try hard.. latest is dual-citizenship is a threat to 'national security'...

      God Help wi.


      • #4
        Shatta! What's up man? Long time no see. Hope all is well. How is fatherhood treating you breds? You know everytime I pop in some I-Wayne tunes my thoughts go to you. Keep fighting the good fight man. Even though we disagree on some subjects your energy, enthusiasm, and resourcefulness is something I have to give nuff respect to. Keep the fire burning. - T.K.
        No need to thank me forumites.


        • #5
          Originally posted by T.K. View Post
          Shatta! What's up man? Long time no see. Hope all is well. How is fatherhood treating you breds? You know everytime I pop in some I-Wayne tunes my thoughts go to you. Keep fighting the good fight man. Even though we disagree on some subjects your energy, enthusiasm, and resourcefulness is something I have to give nuff respect to. Keep the fire burning. - T.K.

          Bwoy I tell you, Its an adjustment and mi not even talking bout the baby as right now mi still deh a LA while she in South Carolina. About fi go see her shortly and move to that side of the country but in the end it was the wisdom of the elders that say mi through.

          You no notice say mi stop war? I learnt a new word...SURRENDER. A no every war you can fight and a no every war you ago win so now mi learn how fi pick mi battles.

          If FAtherhood no grow you up then you are beyond hope trust mi pon dat. The little one she just come in and already she believe say the world revolves around her and we are just here to entertain her, feed her, and answer to her every whim and call and if we don't then she just raise her voice higher(never see a rhatid pickney so stubborn and voice loud)

          Nuff time mi tempted fi run out pon her but mi hold it down, memba mi tell you say in days to come she will know who is boss.

          How things with you big man? Life cool on your side? Deh yah still a research the thing and a read fi find the way.

          Nobody have more ideas than a broke man but now I need to learn how to implement them so mi have fi hit the books



          • #6
            blessings king son...
            'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'

