10 things every woman should know how to do
Monday, May 26, 2008
THERE'S a reason your mother insisted that you learn the right way to cook rice and peas; the way to remove ink stains from a garment and the way to mend a broken hem on a skirt - she knew that there are things every woman should be able to do; there are essentials to ensuring her survival, her independence with or without the help of others. Here are 10 of the many things every woman should be able to do. Read, and brush up on the ones you aren't so good at!
1. Perform CPR, or at least be able to effectively dislodge a foreign object from someone's airway. This comes in really handy especially when she becomes a mother.
2. Drive both a stick shift and an automatic. There's no excuse for not learning how, even if you plan to drive an automatic all your life. Emergencies happen, be prepared.
3. Sew on a button and fix broken hem on a skirt.
4. Change a tyre and jump start a car; check oil and radiator fluid levels and now when to fill them. She should know the basic workings of her car and should be able to tell when a mechanic is playing her for a fool.
5. Read a map (and not only a shopping mall directional one).
6. Swim well enough to save herself if she falls in water and there's no one around to help.
7. Iron male trousers and iron linen.
8. Speak at least one foreign language well enough to ask for directions, say please and thanks and order a meal.
9. Do basic repairs around the house - like changing a tap washer, fixing a door hinge and installing a washing machine.
10. Cook an entire (edible) meal from scratch - from appetiser to dessert, and not including instant mashed potatoes.
Three, seven and ten shoould be a priority; the rest is really irrelevant
