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Its a damn shame!! Of all that was said in that

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  • Its a damn shame!! Of all that was said in that

    23 minutes interview all people is talking about is the gay part of it? Some even start talk bout God now.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    All mi waan know is if Karl or Jawge woulda have di heart fi sen Portia pon Hard Talk.

    All yuh woulda hear is.. "I love poor people"

    LOL !!


    • #3
      All mi know seh is nuff bredda mi si get dismankle pon Hard Talk.

      Bruce show seh him is a masterclass batsman !

      Bruce ask di breddah if him duh proper research !

      I hope Obama was watching.

      Maximum Rispec to DRIVAH !!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Maudib View Post
        All mi waan know is if Karl or Jawge woulda have di heart fi sen Portia pon Hard Talk.

        All yuh woulda hear is.. "I love poor people"

        LOL !!
        No .. be fair .. if the host should push with his questions as he did with Bruce, she would pull the famous, "Don't draw my tongue!"
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          "My Tongue" ???

          Yuh too genarous.


          • #6
            Yes, he said much more than that.

            Here are my findings from what I can recall -
            Orett was a little disingenuous when he said the minister of national security was ill, and that's why he was removed. If that is true, why send him to another ministry? Is he the demolition guy?

            Orett mentioned the respect for human rights early in the interview and then the lickout against gays. Jamaicans might not have a problem with that but the EU and most of the western world do! Interesting to note that a gay from Iran was yesterday granted asylum in Britain. His lover in Iran was hanged for sodomy, so we are not amongst the worst when it comes to homophobia. I don’t hear the gay lobby banning dancehall artistes from Iran!

            Orett said, with some amount of aplomb, that Tivoli had the lowest crime rate in Jamaica. That might be true as it relates to JCF statistics, but the fact is, because it truly is the Mother of All Garrisons, crime statistics in that constituency never get to the JCF. He talks about a transformation in West Kingston going back the last 5 years. I heard about a similar transformation in Grants Pen. It’s now coming to light that that was a myth.

            He said there is legislation to impeach members of parliament if they breach the code of conduct as it relates to garrisons. Then why is Babsy Grange in parliament? Why is Sharon Hay-Webster in parliament?

            Regarding the prime minister’s reluctance to consider homosexuals for his cabinet on their ability and merit, I recall some Forumites saying we should get rid of the law as it relates to dual citizenship because little Jamaica can’t afford to lose some of its brightest minds who might be ineligible for certain offices.

            Overall, I think he came across as a strong, if a bit deceptive, leader. I would rather listen to Orett talk than Portia and PJ combined.



            • #7
              Why would you do such a thing as combine PJ and Portia.

              This little controversy will keep Jamaica in the headlines for a while without any Killing subject.

              Many parlimentarian in Britian and US feel same way as Bruce so mek them gwaan. Don't you think Jawge Bush feel same way?

              Them only a try use them high handedness fi pressure the man.
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #8
                When yuh tun yuhself into a Mendicant.. that is what yuh get.

                Try sail a Gay Cruiseship into Cayman.

                Duppy know who to frighten... mendicants get no respect.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                  When yuh tun yuhself into a Mendicant.. that is what yuh get.

                  Try sail a Gay Cruiseship into Cayman.

                  Duppy know who to frighten... mendicants get no respect.

                  Same thing in Nassau. They are even more anti-Gay than Jamaica. Believe that!


                  • #10
                    Its a damm shame it was even brought up ! But hey he handled it smooth didnt he ?

                    Its time we deal with these so called gay rights hypocrytes.Why are they forcing this crap on Jamaica , obviously thier threat of sanctions is a joke.I doubt anyone of them is going to stop any Multi Billion dollar tourist investment from pouring into Jamaica. Like Bruce said we can sell our Island as the destination of good moral values .I believe the heterosexual dollar is spent more in the tourist industry than the homosexual one.

                    You think these Multi nationals dont have these hypocrytes on thier board ? if they have an issue with investing in Jamaica tell them invest in IRAN.

                    Most homophobic nation in the world ?.....Please!!!

                    Gay Iranian granted asylum in UK

                    Iran has regularly executed people convicted of homosexual acts

                    A gay Iranian teenager who said he could be executed if he was sent home has been given asylum in Britain.
                    Mehdi Kazemi, 19, came to London to study English in 2005, but later discovered his boyfriend had been charged with sodomy in Iran and hanged.
                    A 38-year-old Iranian soldier who deserted rather than lay anti-personnel landmines also won the right to stay.
                    The soldier, identified only as BE, fled to Britain after refusing to plant mines in roads.
                    In March 2001 the home secretary refused the man's claim for asylum, saying he had not only undertaken military service but had signed up as a regular soldier "without any apparent qualms".
                    'Individual merits'
                    The conclusion drawn was that civilian deaths were an unfortunate consequence of war which did not justify desertion.
                    But this was overturned by judges who ruled the soldier was entitled to succeed in his claim for international protection.
                    Where Mr Kazemi's case is concerned, in March the home secretary agreed to reconsider his situation after his first asylum bid failed.
                    The UK Border Agency now says it will allow him asylum after reviewing his case.
                    A spokesman said: "The UK Border Agency considers each case on its individual merits and will continue to provide refuge for those asylum seekers with a genuine need for protection.
                    "We keep cases under review where circumstances have changed and it has been decided that Mr Kazemi should be granted leave to remain in the UK based on the particular facts of this case."
                    The Home Office should not send gay and lesbian people back to countries where they will be at risk of persecution, torture or death

                    Simon Hughes MP

                    Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes, who led the campaign to get Mr Kazemi granted asylum, said: "Like Mehdi and his family in Britain, I am delighted to hear of the Home Office decision to let him stay in this country. This is great news for a very decent man.
                    "As I have argued over the last 18 months, the Home Office should not send gay and lesbian people back to countries where they will be at risk of persecution, torture or death."
                    Iranian human rights campaigners believe more than 4,000 gay men and lesbians have been executed since 1979. Mr Kazemi fled to the Netherlands after the Home Office rejected his case late last year, but a Dutch court ruled he could not claim asylum in the Netherlands. Jacqui Smith said his case would be reviewed after he was sent back to the UK.
                    THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

