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  • What friends & ex-employees are for

    A quick call to Allan and......... voila!
    Suggested slogan for The Sandals Newsletter/The Daily Tampon
    "In the spirit of self reliance... we make our own news"

    Carib tourism interests urged to market own hotel brands
    Encourage Sandals to open up in Dubai, says CTO head
    INGRID BROWN , Sunday Observer staff reporter browni@jamaicaobserver.com
    Sunday, May 18, 2008

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - The Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) has urged tourism interests in the region to market home-grown hotel brands, such as Sandals, as their earnings would always remain in the Caribbean.

    The call came ahead of a meeting of Caribbean tourism ministers, later this month, to fine-tune a proposal for their respective governments to fund a US$30 million tourism marketing campaign to sell the region as one destination.

    St Lucia's tourism and civil aviation minister, Senator Allen Chastanet, who is also chairman of the CTO, told the 12th Caribbean Media Exchange (CMEx) on Sustainable Tourism conference here that: "If we can't understand the power of the Caribbean brand and if we can't put money to make that happen then we have a problem."

    Chastenet said the Caribbean must focus on marketing the region's brands such as Sandals hotel chain as the earnings would always remain in the Caribbean.

    He urged his listeners not to take his remarks as criticism of foreign brands, but noted that hotels like the Spanish chain "are exploiting the region's markets as the earnings are taken out of the region".

    "Sandals is a Caribbean brand and we should be encouraging them to open up in Dubai and the rest of the world because the money they make will come back to the region because this is where their headquarters are," he said.

    Chastanet said this month's tourism ministers meeting would formulate recommendations for the Caricom Heads of Government summit which would devote one day to discussing the industry in July.

    "We are hoping that coming out of the Caricom heads of government meeting, that they will endorse the recommendations, and that it would be implementable right away," he said.

    He noted that the ministers of tourism and aviation had also been formally invited to attend a meeting on May 29 in Antigua to discuss the issue. In addition, the matter was to be further resolved during the Caucus administration tourism meeting in Washington on June 21.

    But saying he was tired of all the talk, Chastanet vowed not to attend any further regional meetings if a format could not be worked out to fund the proposed marketing campaign.

    "The time to talk is done.If we leave that meeting July without a formula to raise money for the regional marketing campaign then I have attended my last regional meeting," he declared, suggesting that in an industry which earned billions of dollars of foreign exchange, it should not be such a difficult task to raise US$30 million.

    He added that the Washington meeting would seek to lobby the United States government to review the issue of exempting the Caribbean from the US$40 departure tax persons travelling outside of the US are required to pay.

    "We lost the passport issue which is taking away the advantage that we had, but we will be bringing this up in Washington to see if the Caribbean can be exempted from that, recognising the sensitivity we have towards tourism," Chastenet said.
    Last edited by Don1; May 18, 2008, 04:18 PM.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    You have an issue with what is being said in the article?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Me View Post
      You have an issue with what is being said in the article?
      I have an issue with media manipulation.... ie corruption of a public resource.

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        You have an issue with this article being in the Observer?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Me View Post
          You have an issue with this article being in the Observer?
          I'm beginning to have an issue with you. Where is this going?

          This article I see as being part of a public campaign to defend the corporate interests and private opinions of the owner of the Observer/Sandals Newsletter/Daily Tampon.

          I dislike media being so obscenely manipulated for narrow private interests as in what I perceive at the Sandals Newsletter/Daily Tampon ... especially in a situation where we have only 2 dailies... the other being similarly controlled by narrow corporate interests but being MUCH more professionally operated.

          I believe at a minimum it is unprofessional and more probably a form of corruption. I have posted extensively on this subject.... this being one of my pet peeves.... as a fan of newspapers particularly and generally intrigued by the media and how it works... or doesn't.

          That's my take.... and why I pursue the subject.
          Last edited by Don1; May 18, 2008, 04:56 PM.

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            Originally posted by Don1 View Post
            The Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) has urged tourism interests in the region to market home-grown hotel brands, such as Sandals, as their earnings would always remain in the Caribbean.

            Chastenet said the Caribbean must focus on marketing the region's brands such as Sandals hotel chain as the earnings would always remain in the Caribbean.

            "Sandals is a Caribbean brand and we should be encouraging them to open up in Dubai and the rest of the world because the money they make will come back to the region because this is where their headquarters are," he said.
            Sorry, Don1, but none of our names really fit the gutter-scraping level to which the "newspaper" has sunk. Maybe the tampon one can work.

            How does the chairman of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation single out a hotel chain in an address such as this?! Doesn't SuperClubs deserve a mention? What about the many others? Is it merely a coincidence that Chastenet was an Air Jamaica executive?

            Then observe the abject hypocrisy or plain idiocy - Chastenet chastises the Spanish hotels for taking their money back home, yet he wants Sandals to open a hotel in Dubai because they would bring the money back to the region.

            HUH?!? Sounds like a case of too many pina coladas.

            The only reason to continue reading that daily is to see how low they can possible scrape.
            Last edited by Mosiah; May 19, 2008, 07:12 AM.



            • #7
              Public Resource ???

              LOL !!

              Is only one 'public resource' yuh see being manipulated ??


              • #8
                Soooo.. once again the Observer should not report on any activities which happen to involve Tourism or Hotels.

                Conflict of Interest ?

                LOL ! WHOOEEE !!

                Wheh yuh seh.. guh back to the days when the media was Government owned...

                Heh, heh... wi smell yuh from a mile away...

                My advise to you is tuh form yuh own media house.. the argument is tyad.

                Good luck with your crusade !

                LOL !

                Accusations of media bias have a long history:

                In 1728 Benjamin Franklin, writing under the pseudonym "Busy-Body", wrote an article for the American Weekly Mercury advocating the printing of more paper money. He did not mention that his own printing company hoped to get the job of printing the money. It is an indication of the complexity of the issue of bias when it is noted that, even though he stood to profit by printing the money, Franklin also seems to have genuinely believed that printing more money would stimulate trade. As his biographer Walter Isaacson points out, Franklin was never averse to "doing well by doing good".[5]

                In 1798, the Congress of the United States passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which prohibited the publication of "false, scandalous, or malicious writing" against the government, and made it a crime to voice any public opposition to any law or presidential act. This act was in effect until 1801.

                In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln accused newspapers in the border states of bias in favor of the Southern cause, and ordered many newspapers closed.

                In the 19th century, many American newspapers made no pretense to lack of bias, openly advocating one or another political party. Big cities would often have competing newspapers supporting various political parties. To some extent this was mitigated by a separation between news and editorial. News reporting was expected to be relatively neutral or at least factual, whereas editorial was openly the opinion of the publisher. Editorials might also be accompanied by an editorial cartoon, which would frequently lampoon the publisher's opponents.[6]

                At the start of the 20th century many American newspapers engaged in yellow journalism to increase sales. William Randolph Hearst, publisher of several major-market newspapers, deliberately falsified stories of incidents, which may have contributed to the Spanish-American War.

                In the years leading up to World War II, politicians who favored the United States entering the war on the German side accused the international media of pro-Jewish bias, and often asserted that newspapers opposing entry of the United States on the German side were controlled by Jews. They claimed that reports of German mistreatment of Jews were biased and without foundation. Hollywood was said to be a hotbed of Jewish bias, and pro-German politicians in the United States called for Charlie Chaplin’s film The Great Dictator to be banned, as an insult to a respected leader.[7]

                During the civil rights movement in the 1960s, some White Southerners stated that television was biased against White Southerners and in favor of mixing of the races. In some cases, Southern television stations refused to air programs such as I Spy and Star Trek, because of their racially mixed casts.[8]

                During the labor union movement and the civil rights movement, newspapers supporting liberal social reform were accused by conservative newspapers of communist bias.[9][10]

                In November 1969, Spiro Agnew, then Vice President under Richard Nixon, made a landmark speech denouncing what he saw as media bias against the Vietnam War. He called those opposed to the war the "nattering nabobs of negativism."[11]


                • #9
                  How does one single out a #1 World Ranked Caribbean Brand ?

                  Heh, heh.. ha hah ho ho !

                  Super Clubs ?

                  WHOEEEE !! STAP PLEASE !

                  World Travel Awards

                  2006 Caribbean's Leading Hotel Group Sandals Resorts 13 years in a row
                  2006 World's Leading All-Inclusive Sandals Resorts 11 years in a row
                  2006 World's Leading Family All-Inclusive Beaches Resorts 9 years in a row
                  2006 Bahamas Leading Spa Resort Sandals Royal Bahamian 3 years in a row
                  2006 World's Most Romantic Resort Sandals Grande Antigua 10 years in a row
                  2006 Antigua Leading Spa Resort Sandals Grande Antigua 3 years in a row
                  2006 Caribbean's Leading Famliy Resort Beaches Turks & Caicos 2 years in a row
                  2006 St. Lucia Leading Resort Sandals Grande St. Lucian 2 years in a row
                  2006 Turks & Caicos Leading Resorts Beaches Turks & Caicos 2 years in a row
                  2006 Caribbean's Leading Spa Resort Sandals Regency St. Lucia 2 years in a row
                  2006 Bahamas Leading Resort Sandals Royal Bahamian 2 years in a row
                  2006 St. Lucia Leading Resort Sandals Regency St. Lucia 2 years in a row

                  Whenever yuh si Butch Stewart tip yuh hat and bow..


                  • #10
                    I see yuh can't address the hypocrisy part. Didn't think you could.

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      Cannot address what I don't see.

                      Where is the hypocrisy ?


                      • #12
                        This campaign by Stewart is really going much too far... even by his low and corrupt media standards.

                        If Chastenet's comments are accurately reported by The Daily Tampon and are really the position of the CTO and not just his personal views.... this is an issue that has wide implications for the tourism investment climate.
                        Wouldn't be surprised if he's forced to backtrack and do some damage control himself ala the GOJ with the Spanish hotel groups.

                        Just a pity that so many see Stewart as a demi God and are too blinded by his halo to be objective or constructively critical.... rather they act as his PR reps... reciting awards won by Sandals.
                        Last edited by Don1; May 19, 2008, 02:02 PM.

                        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                        • #13
                          Worse is so many see Stewart as a demon and are too blinded by his 'color' to be objective or constructively critical.. rather they act as his nemesis ignoring awards won by Sandals...

                          What backtracking is Bruce doing by the way ?

                          Dem get di additional floor ?

                          "Yow RIU, don't tek it personal.. wi nuh catah tuh rank slackness.. wi change course..."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                            Worse is so many see Stewart as a demon and are too blinded by his 'color' to be objective or constructively critical.. rather they act as his nemesis ignoring awards won by Sandals...

                            What backtracking is Bruce doing by the way ?

                            Dem get di additional floor ?

                            "Yow RIU, don't tek it personal.. wi nuh catah tuh rank slackness.. wi change course..."
                            Since I'm not running an awards show.. awards won by Sandals are not my interest right now.

                            GOJ is backtracking... see frantic statements made by Bartlett praising Spanish investment and trying to coddle them.
                            See that reformed crimin@l Vaz despatched by Golding immediately to hold the hands of the Spanish reps.
                            Watch and see that no Spanish person will be held responsible for corrupt acts... Tubal Brown will be the fall guy.

                            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                              Since I'm not running an awards show.. awards won by Sandals are not my interest right now.

                              GOJ is backtracking... see frantic statements made by Bartlett praising Spanish investment and trying to coddle them.
                              See that reformed crimin@l Vaz despatched by Golding immediately to hold the hands of the Spanish reps.
                              Watch and see that no Spanish person will be held responsible for corrupt acts... Tubal Brown will be the fall guy.
                              Rushing to judgement!

                              See it there...in the haste to score points, you did not see the Jakan being thrown under the Bus.

                              Now do you see where I was coming from?? Why must the Spanish be above the laws when even MPs are not allowed ( dual citizen)?

                              What a tangled weave.

