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Hot for Bev!

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  • Hot for Bev!

    Hot for Bev!
    published: Tuesday | May 13, 2008

    Howard Campbell, Gleaner Writer

    Beverley Anderson Manley. - Ian Allen/Staff Photographer
    WITH INTEREST in Beverley Manley's book The Manley Memoirs growing, distributor Ian Randle Publishers (IRP) is contemplating advancing its release date.

    "We are considering releasing it before May 26 because the demand has been so great. It's unprecedented for any book we've done," said Christine Randle, IRP's managing director.

    Randle said demand has grown since excerpts of the book have been published in The Gleaner, and Manley's appearance on Television Jamaica's Profile with Ian Boyne.

    The book's initial print run is 2,000 copies.

    Tumultuous relationship
    Manley writes openly of her tumultuous relationship with her mother and the infidelities that rocked her marriage to former prime minister Michael Manley.

    She will read from The Manley Memoirs at next week's Calabash International Literary Festival in St Elizabeth.

    IRP has big plans for the book, Randall told The Gleaner.
    "We have launches planned for key areas where the (Jamaican) diaspora is well represented, such as Miami, Washington (D.C.) and Toronto. We also have something planned for the United Kingdom," Randle said.

    Randle said Manley presented the final draft of The Manley Memoirs in early 2007, one year after leaving the Breakfast Club. She was co-host of that radio talk show with Anthony Abrahams for 13 years.
    She currently hosts the Early Show on Hot 102 FM.

    Differing backgrounds

    Beverley Anderson says she first met Michael Manley in the late 1960s. Their backgrounds were worlds apart. She was a model and broadcaster raised by a railway worker father and a housewife mother in the east Kingston community of Rollington Town.

    He was the erudite son of Jamaica's first premier Norman Washington Manley, who had attended the London School of Economics.
    Manley was a rising star on the national scene. He was an island supervisor with the National Workers Union and was elected to succeed his father as People's National Party (PNP) president in late 1969.

    Class prejudices
    They married six months after Manley led the PNP to a resounding victory in general elections. It was his fourth marriage. Their vastly different social origins was a talking point throughout the 1970s when Jamaica's class prejudices played out.
    Beverley Manley said her colour and natural look did not endear her to the Drumblair elite, a group of intellects who met regularly at Norman Manley's St Andrew home.
    [me think this only happened in the JLP circle ]

    She bore Michael Manley two children. Natasha was born in 1974 while David was born in 1980, the year Manley and the PNP were trounced by the Jamaica Labour Party in general elections.

    Long-term with DK
    The marriage ended in divorce in 1993. Manley went on to marry Glynne Ewart, former wife of his close friend Barclay Ewart. He died of prostrate cancer in 1997.

    Beverley Manley has been in a long-term relationship with D K Duncan, minister of mobilisation in the Manley cabinet of the 1970s. She gives a detailed description of that relationship in the book.
    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
    - Langston Hughes

  • #2
    "They married six months after Manley led the PNP to a resounding victory in general elections. It was his fourth marriage"

    "Manley went on to marry Glynne Ewart, former wife of his close friend Barclay Ewart"

    Unnuh nevah si sumting did wrong wid di man ?


    • #3
      Wha did wrong wid him?

      (Maybe I should have allowed baddaz to ask this question.)



      • #4
        How to Recognize a Womanizer: The Inner Workings of a Don Juan
        Some psychologists believe womanizers or lotharios struggle with low self-esteem, and their sexual conquests make them feel better about themselves. It’s a temporary high, though. Womanizers may have unstable or nonexistent relationships with father figures – especially in early childhood – which makes them insecure about who they are. Knowing this will help you recognize a womanizer.

        “Casanovas tend to exhibit some traits associated with psychopathy,” says Robert Hare, author of "Without Conscience" in Psychology Today (“The Lady Killer Files”, November December 2007). Womanizers may have to manipulate and deceive women to get what they want, and they may ignore guilty feelings – or they may not feel any guilt at all. This, too, will help you recognize a womanizer.

        Womanizers tend to sleep with inappropriate partners, flirt with their friends’ wives, and have secrets about their romantic lives. Many lady killers are addicted to sleeping around with different women, but don’t find their sexual conquests fulfilling in the long term.


        • #5
          You had that in your top pocket?



          • #6
            Suh is who nuh know what Manley was about ?


            • #7
              Now tell me about Coporate Agenda.

              Don't tell me the gleaner don't have an agenda with this book. They had pieces in the gleaner every day and boosting it up.

              While I read it and enjoy it but as I said they all have their agendas. Just pointing it out.
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #8
                Assasin, please don't tell mi yuh trying to make some parallel between this and the Newsletter's RUI campaign. Please, mi a beg yuh.

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Oliver Clarke does not have an 'agenda bone' in his body.

                  Mi juss laugh when DonUno and Mosiah show who dem have strength fah..


                  • #10
                    you wouldn't see any agenda here.

                    I bet someone at the gleaner have something to do with publishing this book.
                    Last edited by Assasin; May 13, 2008, 09:29 AM.
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                    • #11
                      Yuh Nuh !

                      Why would a newspaper have any issue with the RIU ?

                      St. Ann: Members of the board of Mammee Bay Beach Club, representing owners of properties in the Mammee Bay Estate, in St. Ann, say they will be taking court action against the operators of the Riu Hotel for breaches of the Environmental Act.

                      The decision to take the operators of the hotel to court stems from a long-standing dispute over the frequent pollution of the Mammee Bay Beach by sewage and other waste waters allegedly coming from the hotel.

                      Chairman of the board of the Mammee Bay Beach Club, Ken Thompson, said the club had utilised all amicable means of getting the hotel to discontinue the alleged pollution of the beach without any success, and that the only other option was to take the matter to court.

                      He claimed that the latest incident took place on Thursday morning when residents of the community were prevented from having their regular early-morning swim because the entire beach was flooded with discoloured waste water, believed to be coming from the hotel.

                      Thompson said several of the residents have been complaining of skin rashes after bathing in the sea. He is questioning why the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) has not taken any action with regard to this problem the agency has been aware of the situation for many months.

                      Dem lucky is nuh me own di Observer.... dem kill off di Tainos, now dem ah come fi deal wid wi..

                      Course Change.. dem bettah re-evaluate..


                      • #12
                        Is where you was?

                        Didn't you hear the story how ewart was sent away so that someone else could fool around his wife?

                        Didn't you hear the story how a certain PNP man was sent to speak to the boss about fooling around his friensd wife and the boss said to the other man, at least it is a woman I am fooling around?
                        The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


                        • #13
                          Mi not saying a word, just yet. I have my people on the ground in MoBay who know what a gwaan.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            a who a "di other man"?
                            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                            • #15
                              Who said Oliver doan have an agenda bone? But dis one being pointed out by Sass is a stretch!

                              BLACK LIVES MATTER

