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Wanted - a national anthem (interesting)

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  • Wanted - a national anthem (interesting)

    Wanted - a national anthem
    Franklin Johnston
    Monday, May 12, 2008

    What is an anthem? What makes an anthem national? Is our anthem national?
    I believe that a nation rises on the spirit of its people and an anthem should feed the spirit. Our anthem is not easy to understand; it has inaccuracies, bad vibes and in 46 years it has not inspired us to unity, peace or development. The authors of the anthem were good men, but not perfect. Here are some comments on the words of the anthem.

    . Eternal Father bless our land: We ask the Father of all people, all faiths (and those with no faith); who was from the beginning and will be for ever, to care for our nation and each of us - gay, sinner, disabled, criminal, black, white and the righteous.

    . Guard us with Thy Mighty Hand: Security is the focus of the anthem. In 1962 we had no security industry but time has proved the authors right. Today, we look into the barrel of a gun - poverty, murders, get-rich-quick scams and economic ruin face us.

    . Keep us free from evil powers: This phrase is menacing, has sinister undertones - the occult, obeah and a threat more spooky than a gunman. The anthem was not written by philosophers or holy men, and they imply that terrifying "stuff" is out there. We have a mandate to subdue the earth and should not be put off by these lyrics. Our purpose-built bodies, the micro supercomputer in our skulls and faith are powerful weapons and tools. We are equipped to win! On the other hand, the anthem provides a ready-made excuse for the wicked things we do to each other. Gunmen are barefaced; not remorseful or penitent. They say, "don't blame me, the fault is society's, or slavery's or these evil powers". Trust me.we need an anthem!

    . Be our light through countless hours: Hands up if you understand this! I believe all Jamaicans should be able to understand our anthem, without an interpreter.

    . To our Leaders, Great Defender, Grant true wisdom from above: This phrase is misleading and elitist. Security is again its focus, but what about wisdom? The Bible says, "get wisdom, get knowledge"; we are to get up, to do and to seek! Wisdom is not a grant, it is a quest. Why does the anthem request wisdom for the "Leaders" only? Why can't we all have wisdom.is it rationed, is there some sinister motive? Whatever the reason we know the result. Today, few are wise and the majority are "otherwise". From now on, ask of God wisdom for ourselves; after all, we choose the leaders.

    . Justice, Truth be ours forever: Their choice of justice and truth, tell us that the authors were not poor or otherwise disadvantaged. Justice and truth cannot create a new nation from the detritus of a redundant colony. We must not confuse cause and effect. Let us instead pray for energy, initiative, creativity and above all, love! As a result, "justice would roll down like water and truth like a mighty stream".

    . Jamaica land we love.Jamaica land we love: If repeating this phrase created the reality we would be a caring, law-abiding and developed country. If you think rice is scarce, try finding love in Kingston. The rip-off of the greedy and needy, by the rapacious - rich and poor, is taking place at warp speed and the tears of lost mothers, children, fathers, brothers and visitors bathe our shores.

    . Teach us true respect for all: Respect is not a growth industry in Jamaica! In 1962 the authors tried to give a "heads up". We didn't take the hint and disrespect is now at industrial strength. But, why does the anthem place the onus on God to teach us respect? What about self-respect and responsibility? Once, I attended court and watched a bus driver telling about his fatal accident. He was driving slowly and with care but then, "di bus jus mount di bankin and lick up all di people dem". He was like a spectator; he took no responsibility; the bus was the villain, he was a victim.

    *Stir response to duty's call: Do you understand this phrase? To "stir" is to perform a circular motion in which we move forward, only to return to where we started and then we start over again. Every 10 years Jamaicans tighten belts, get a glimpse of the promised land, then with no warning, we are back in the wilderness again. A nation moves forward on its spirit, not its belly. New leaders are not enough, we must change some other things in order to develop our Nation.

    . Strengthen us the weak to cherish: A weak person wants to be strong. To cherish is to keep the weak, the poor, the illiterate and the disadvantaged exactly where they are. Do not cherish your weaknesses, my friend, play to your strengths!

    . Give us vision lest we perish: The murder rate in Jamaica merits a gold medal of dishonour. Some of our most visionary people perish; the "dissee" kills the "disser"; gays perish, workers, the enterprising and visitors. The criminal enterprises and the purveyors of fear do not perish, they flourish! A nation aroused can change this. Jamaica must engage its brains to fix its problems. We have the capability here.

    . Knowledge send us Heavenly Father: These words defy God and man! The Father gave each of us a brain. Does He need to send us a user manual? The brain is the most exquisite and powerful computer that money can't buy. It is a gift, yet we do not use it. The notion is false that children need a computer to be well educated. Computers are an aid to schooling, as vitamins may supplement nutrition. But, vitamins are not food and computers cannot educate children. Many Nobel Prize winners used no computer and none used one before age 13.

    . Grant true wisdom from above. Justice, Truth be ours forever: We do not teach justice and truth. However, if the state provided us with high-quality basic and primary education, we would be able to take a job, make a job, get further education or start a business; poverty and inequality would disappear; justice and truth would flourish like weeds and Jamaica would develop.

    The anthem is a laid-back, self-indulgent mantra. It asks everything for us and demands nothing of us. Every stanza implies a slur on Jamaicans. we are weak, unwise, unjust and timid. This anthem is for the lazy, "give us. strengthen us. grant us. guard us. teach us. send us". We commit to nothing and we do not even say thanks.

    To succeed, we must commit to government's development plans, work as one and expect a miracle. A miracle happens when preparation meets opportunity. Are you prepared - trained, skilled, creative, working, expectant? In 2008, we know all about motivation, incentivising people; marketing, advertising, positioning and branding. Let us create an anthem to feed the spirit of the Nation and build a prosperous Jamaica!

    Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape-Johnston Limited in the UK.

